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Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten — Chapter 167 117. Fierce Battle

On the only remaining stage, two colors were separated from the middle.

On one side, it was a deep red color like blood.

On the other side, it was a dark purple filled with destruction.

The two strongest forces had not made any moves yet, but their powers had already been faintly clashing in the air.

There was a constant crackling sound of electricity, and an endless sense of oppression filled the entire space, which was extremely depressing.

This book was first published on 69 Book Bar → 69𝒔𝒉𝒖𝒙.𝒏𝒆𝒕, providing you with a reading experience with no wrong chapters and no disordered chapters.

After a while, Sun Wutian took the lead, his figure flew out like a cannonball, and he swung a punch like a falling meteorite towards Ke Ya.

Seeing this, Ke Ya’s dark purple energy boiled, and her feet kicked the ground fiercely, leaping into the sky. A destructive energy ball condensed in her hand and threw it at Sun Wutian.


Sun Wutian saw the energy ball coming, knowing that the destructive energy was terrible, he kicked a rock.

The rock flew towards the destructive energy ball, collided with it in the void, and the destructive energy ball destroyed it into a purple light spot.


Sun Wutian shouted, his body shot out, and flew towards Ke Ya who kept falling in the air.


Ke Ya snorted, flicked her jade hand, and a destructive energy ball split into small destructive energy, shooting towards Sun Wutian like a meteor shower.


Sun Wutian’s face turned purple, it was like rain, it was impossible to avoid it.

“Ah da da da!”

Sun Wutian waved his hands, and countless energy bombs shot out from his palms, bombarding the destructive energy.

Boom boom boom.

The black fog produced by countless energy explosions immediately covered everyone’s sight.

“How is Goten…”

“Such a dense attack, he should be able to block it…”

“Huh? Goten’s aura seems to have weakened,” Sun Wukong was a little surprised when he sensed the change in Sun Wutian’s aura.

The people of the seventh universe looked anxiously at the place buried by the black fog.

Suddenly, a figure jumped out of the black fog and appeared in front of Kaya in an instant.

Sun Wutian was unharmed, his hands stretched to the position of his temples, and looked at Kaya jokingly.

“This move is…” Looking at Sun Wutian’s familiar starting gesture, Tien Shinhan said in surprise.

“It’s over!” Looking at Sun Wutian’s movements, Kaya’s eyes widened in horror, but she had no way to respond.

“Hundred times·Sun Fist!”

Sun Wutian shouted loudly, and a dazzling light burst out from behind Sun Wutian, instantly covering the entire arena and blocking everyone’s vision.

The dazzling light made Kaya close her eyes subconsciously, and Sun Wutian took this opportunity to launch his long-prepared attack.

The black mist completely dispersed, revealing Sun Wutian’s hidden backhand.

It was another Sun Wutian, and his hands were clasped at his waist in a calyx shape, with a blue ball condensing in his palms.


Sun Wutian roared and launched the Kamehameha wave that he had condensed for a long time. The blue energy wave flew towards the blind Kaya.

When the blind Kaya felt a wave of energy approaching, she subconsciously dodged the flying Kamehameha wave, but because it came too suddenly, Kaya was still hit by the energy wave and fell to the ground.

The dazzling light gradually disappeared, and the people who regained their vision were shocked to see that Kaya had been shot down, and two Sun Wutian appeared on the stage.

“So that’s it, I was wondering why Goten’s energy was weakened,” looking at Sun Wutian with a similar aura above, Sun Wukong seemed to understand something.

“It’s the Four-body Fist,” Tien Shinhan smiled with relief, then revealed a hint of confusion, “But why does Goten only have two?”

“Goten, this guy, has calculated everything,” Son Gohan looked at Son Goten seriously, with a look of joy on his face.

“Goten first used the dust to block a clone, and then when the clone jumped out to attract Kaya’s attention, he hid in the fog and prepared Kamehameha, using the Sun Fist to blind Kaya and then defeated Kaya with Kamehameha in one breath.”

“Hey, this is a foul,” Xiangpa said.

“Uh… Lord Xiangpa, it seems that there is no rule to use this move,” a drop of inexplicable sweat left on Bardos’s forehead.

Kaya bounced up from the ground in embarrassment, patted the dust on her body, and looked at Son Goten standing on the high platform, who had merged into one, with dissatisfaction.

“Brother Xiaotian, you are cheating,” Kaya protested with a puffed face.

Sun Wutian’s mouth twitched, “It seems that we are dueling, I am just using a trick, it seems that you have always played tricks on me like this before!”


Kaya’s eyes turned into small eyes, and she was a little speechless.

It seems…

It seems to be true.

Kaya looked at Sun Wutian silently, and at the same time, she seemed to have no burden to use that big move, and said solemnly.


Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten

Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten

Status: Completed Author:


Reborn Son Goten, knowing the dangers of Dragon Ball, began to take a different path from Nobita in the original work. Super Saiyan is definitely not the end, Super Saiyan 2? Super Saiyan 3? Super Saiyan...


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