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Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten — Chapter 168 118. Time has come

Kaya looked at Goten quietly, and at the same time, he seemed to have no burden when he used that big move. Keya said solemnly.

“Xiaotian brother, tell me honestly, did you not use your full strength?”

Goten bowed his head and said nothing when he heard it.

“No way, it’s like this, Goten hasn’t used his full strength yet…”

“But I clearly feel that Goten’s strength has reached its limit, could it be…”

The more they thought about it, the more surprised they became, and they looked at Goten in horror.

“Unless, Goten has surpassed the current crimson mode,” Vegeta said solemnly.

“I know, I will use my full strength to let you see it.”


Goten raised his head and said seriously.


Goten screamed, and the silver energy in the red in his body still gushed out, replacing the original red position.


Boom boom boom!

The red energy continued to expand, making the entire space extremely unstable. If the vibration caused by Kaya before was considered regional, then Sun Wutian’s current appearance was at least national.

Under the influence of Sun Wutian’s power, the whole world was rendered bright red, as if it were purgatory on earth.

The bright red color gradually transitioned to silver, and an extremely terrifying energy instantly permeated the entire space. The power was so strong that even the angels looked solemn, because this power had surpassed them.

“Sun Wutian-san has also begun to use his true power,” the high priest’s face changed slightly, and then changed to a light color.

“This, this, this… This is really Goten…”

“No way… This is the power that surpasses the red of Super Saiyan, it’s really terrible…”


The silver-white energy was accompanied by a little starlight, and a roar like an ancient god and demon resounded throughout the space. The deafening sound forced everyone to cover their ears.

“Oh my god… this is simply cheating…” Ke Ya was shocked, and her beautiful face was full of horror.

From Sun Wutian’s body, a silver-white energy beam shot up into the sky, turning the sky into a white ocean. It was so dense that it was pure, extremely pure, as if there was not a single impurity.

After a while, the silver-white beam gradually dispersed, revealing the appearance of Sun Wutian.

At this moment, Sun Wutian had a head of silver-white hedgehog hair and a tuft of silver hair on his forehead. He looked similar to Super Saiyan Three, but the difference was the color of his hair.

Under the silver eyebrows were a pair of pure gold eyes with blue, flashing with indifference.

The silver-white energy around him burned and rose like a flame, accompanied by a little starlight, and a wisp of golden lightning crackled in the air.

In an instant, the whole audience was silent, and everyone was shocked and speechless.

It was because Sun Wutian’s current strength was too terrifying, as if he was as deep and unfathomable as an abyss.

After a moment, Sun Wutian spoke indifferently to break the dead silence.

“How is it, this kind of power did not disappoint you.”

Sun Wutian had no expression on his face, perhaps because of the influence of this layer of transformation, the whole person seemed a little indifferent.

Just one sentence, there was no fluctuation at all, as if the person who just spoke was not him.

Obviously, Ke Ya also noticed this, and asked carefully: “Brother Xiaotian, are you okay like this?”

Sun Wutian was silent for a moment after hearing this, and then said: “It’s okay, maybe it’s just because I just transformed, I didn’t adapt to it all of a sudden, and it won’t happen in the future.”

“Is that so,” Ke Ya breathed a sigh of relief, she was really afraid that Sun Wutian really changed, and became someone who didn’t recognize her at all.

“How about it, do you still want to fight?” Sun Wutian said indifferently.

“Fighting, I’m almost scared to death,” Ke Ya burst into a foul language without a ladylike manner when she heard that Sun Wutian was still going to fight.

Speaking of female Saiyans… they probably don’t know what a lady is…

As a violent race in the universe, male Saiyans are the kind of people who fight whenever they meet, such as Son Goku and Vegeta.

Female Saiyans should not be much different, such as Caulifu. Although Kale looks very weak, once she gets excited and starts to spread super, who dares to say that they are more violent than her.

Stand up, the legendary super Saiyan wants to talk to you.

And I guess that Saiyans’ love probably depends on fighting.

It’s not the kind of fighting on the bed, it’s a real fight with fists.

After all, they are a fighting nation. They have to challenge everyone they meet. They must rely on fighting to make a living.

Even the expressionless Son Goten now couldn’t help but twitch his mouth when he saw Kaya swearing.

Damn, this is definitely not the cute and gentle little Tong back then.


A dull voice sounded, and the voice of the high priest also sounded.

“Time is up, the power conference is successfully concluded, and the winners are Son Goten of the seventh universe and Kaya of the sixth universe.”


Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten

Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten

Status: Completed Author:


Reborn Son Goten, knowing the dangers of Dragon Ball, began to take a different path from Nobita in the original work. Super Saiyan is definitely not the end, Super Saiyan 2? Super Saiyan 3? Super Saiyan...


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