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Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten — Chapter 172 Dragon Ball GT 1. Mysterious Man

In the void, Sun Wutian was burning with ethereal energy, looking like a banished immortal.

In this endless void, countless dimensional worlds float here like bubbles, and here, it is filled with countless void power.

“Fuck, there are so many,” Sun Wutian looked at this endless dimensional world and scratched his head in distress.

I don’t know where the way home is, how to go back.

“Hehe, little guy, do you need help?”

Suddenly, a chuckle came from behind Sun Wutian, which made Sun Wutian shudder.

Looking back, a man was standing less than ten steps behind him, which made Sun Wutian feel terrified instantly.

He didn’t know when this man came behind him. If this man had any ill intentions towards him, his life would have been taken away by now.

“Who are you?”

Sun Wutian jumped hundreds of steps away in an instant, staring at the other party vigilantly, secretly mobilizing energy, ready to fight at any time.


The man seemed to have seen Sun Wutian’s movements, and he didn’t show any abnormality, but kept smiling.

“Don’t be nervous, little guy, I don’t have any ill will towards you, not to mention, you can travel through time because of my help,” the man said with a smile.

Sun Wutian was surprised when he heard this, “You, you helped me travel through time.”

“Of course,” the man still kept smiling, “otherwise, you think you can travel through time by staying up for a few nights, you think it’s so easy to travel through time.”

Sun Wutian’s mouth twitched a few times, indeed, this was his biggest question in his heart.

At the beginning, he didn’t sleep for several days in a row in order to chase the anime + eat chicken, but when he woke up from the dream, he found that he had turned into a fetus, then all this made sense.

“That… Thank you for giving me the opportunity to live again,” Sun Wutian thanked the man gratefully.

“Hehe,” the man waved his hand, “Don’t worry about it. I was just doing it casually. Since you like Dragon Ball so much, I just threw your soul into the world of Dragon Ball. As for which Dragon Ball it was, I didn’t care.”


Brother, you’re talking so much, I’m embarrassed.

The man squinted and looked at Son Goten, then returned to his smiling expression.

“Yes, it seems that you have merged with the original owner of this body, and your growth rate is faster than I expected.”

This is also the result of Son Goten’s accidental hit. After all, Son Goten lost his mind when he was transforming into a giant ape. He accidentally returned to his previous life and happened to meet the original Son Goten. He was recognized by the original Son Goten and completed the transformation of Super Saiyan 4.

“Little guy, I see that you have initially mastered the power of the dimension. Let me see your full strength.”

The man took a look at the strange energy on Son Goten and chuckled.

“Okay,” Sun Wutian nodded first, then looked puzzled again, “By the way, what is that world power?”

“Use your full strength first, I’ll confirm whether I should tell you or not,” the smile on the man’s face was replaced by seriousness.

“Got it.”


Sun Wutian’s eyes condensed, and then he shouted in a low voice, frantically mobilizing the energy in his body. The void seemed to feel the rise of this breath and gradually dispersed to form a vacuum zone.

Along with Sun Wutian’s low shout, gorgeous colorful light shone throughout the void area, and golden energy stood out from the colorful light, dominating other eyes.

Sun Wutian’s body surface gradually grew golden hair, covering almost his entire upper body, with the exception of abdominal muscles and pectoral muscles. The black crab-like hairstyle also changed into golden shawl hair, and a golden tail swung playfully behind him, looking similar to Super Saiyan 4, but far superior to Super Saiyan.

This new form is the biggest gain of Sun Wutian when he was sleeping in the Power Conference. It is a more advanced form that takes the power of the void as the core and integrates the energy and divine power.

Sun Wutian’s eyes are as cold as the cold wind. The huge energy fills his whole body. His body is burning with a thick golden energy, and stars are shining around him.

The man nodded with satisfaction at first, and then shook his head.

“Senior, what’s wrong?” Sun Wutian was a little confused. He didn’t know what the man meant. He was afraid of his current power.

“Although your power exceeds my expectations, it is still too immature,” the man’s voice sounded a little regretful.

“Why?” Sun Wutian asked.

“Although your power is strong, it still can’t be restrained. This is not good for you,” the man shook his head solemnly.

“When one day you can restrain your breath and use power as you wish, I will meet you again.”

“And the dimensional power you asked about before is actually the power needed by all dimensional worlds. When you completely transform your mortal body with the dimensional power, you will know everything.”

The man spoke softer and softer, and his voice became more and more vague, until he finished his last word and there was no trace of him anymore.


Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten

Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten

Status: Completed Author:


Reborn Son Goten, knowing the dangers of Dragon Ball, began to take a different path from Nobita in the original work. Super Saiyan is definitely not the end, Super Saiyan 2? Super Saiyan 3? Super Saiyan...


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