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Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten — Chapter 174 3. Baby appears

“Are you Dales?” Sun Wukong looked at Sun Wutian solemnly, remembering in his mind the only boss who looked exactly like himself among his previous enemies.

Sun Wutian’s face darkened, and he slapped Sun Wukong into the ground.

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“How can I be that little loser from Dales when I’m so handsome? Can you please be a little more blind?”

“It’s you Masen.”

Sun Wukong apologized bitterly.

“By the way, who are you?” Sun Wutian looked at Sun Wukong, who was one size smaller than himself, with a mischievous light in his eyes.

“My name is Sun Wukong, and you look exactly like me!” Sun Wukong smiled heartlessly, completely forgetting that he had just been photographed into the soil.


Sun Wutian suddenly shouted with a ‘shocked’ look on his face, “You said you are dad, how could you be a kid? It is not good for children to lie.”

“I was originally an adult, but Pilaf and the others used the dragon balls to make me smaller.” Sun Wukong scratched his head in distress, then his face froze, and he said in horror: “You…you mean…Dad?”

“Yes,” Sun Wutian chuckled, “My name is Sun Wutian, but I am not the Sun Wutian of your world.”

“Ah?! You are Wutian!” Sun Wukong looked shocked.

“What’s so strange about this? Haven’t you seen Trunks from the future?” Sun Wutian said contemptuously.

“Another Saiyan comes, all Saiyans deserve to die.” Just as Sun Wutian and Sun Wukong were chatting, a golden stream of light hit Sun Wutian’s side.

“Be careful…” Sun Wukong was shocked.


A cold light flashed in Sun Wutian’s eyes, and he kicked the person in the face regardless of the situation.


The person who attacked didn’t survive for a second. He flew hundreds of meters upside down like a deflated rubber ball. He was knocked down on a stone wall and couldn’t be dug out, and he threw himself into the street.


Sun Wukong looked at GT Wutian who was knocked away and shouted in shock.

“Goten? Are you saying that the weak guy who can’t even beat Cell is the Sun Wutian of this world!”

Sun Wutian looked at Sun Wukong in surprise.


Sun Wukong nodded, still with shock on his face.

Maybe it was because Sun Wutian’s movements just now were a bit big, which made Xiaofang start to wake up.


Seeing herself lying in the arms of a man, Xiaofang screamed and quickly jumped out of Sun Wutian’s arms with a red face. She didn’t look confused until she saw Sun Wutian’s face clearly.

“Hey, why are there two grandpas…”

Sun Wutian’s face darkened, and he lightly struck Xiaofang on the head with a knife, “Little girl, I’m not even twenty years old, how could I have a granddaughter as old as you?”

Sun Wukong: Wait, you just slapped me into the ground. Why is Xiaofang so light here?

Sun Wutian: Haha, are you a woman?

Sun Wukong: No.

Sun Wutian: Then you are like a hammer.

“Then who are you?” Xiaofang stared at Sun Wutian warily.

“Me, my name is Sun Wutian. According to seniority, you should call me uncle, but I am still so young, so you can just call me brother Wutian,” Sun Wutian chuckled.

“You are really Uncle Wutian,” Xiaofang said in disbelief.

Sun Wutian smiled slightly and let out a breath of his own. That familiar breath dispelled Xiaofang’s suspicion.

“Hahaha, Sun Wukong, long time no see…wait, why are there two Sun Wukongs.”

An arrogant sound of laughter sounded from the sky, and the three of them looked over at the same time.

A white hedgehog with an evil smile on his face, a red line above his eyebrows and chin, and cross-shaped red lines on his eyes.

There was a purple-haired boy and a blue-haired girl beside him.

“Vegita!” Sun Wukong looked at Vegeta standing in the void in surprise.

“Lord Baby,” Son Gohan faced Vegeta with a respectful smile.

“Baby!” Sun Wukong was shocked.

“Baby, didn’t we solve it on the metal planet?” Xiaofang also looked shocked.

“Haha, I still shoulder the great dream of conquering the whole universe, how could I die,” Babe said with an arrogant smile.

“Baby, what did you do to Gohan and the others?” Sun Wukong shouted sharply.

“Trunks, what are you still doing there? He is not your father, he is Baby. Have you forgotten?” Xiaofang shouted to Trunks next to Baby.

Unexpectedly, Trunks looked at Xiaofang with a look of disgust, “Of course I know, I am proud to be a Zifur now, you Saiyans.”

“how come……”

Sun Wukong glared at Baby, and Baby smiled proudly, “Haha, people possessed by me will leave my living eggs in their bodies. On the metal planet, even though you seemingly removed me from Tenan “I forced it out of Kes’s body, but at that time I had already left a living egg in his body. This is my plan for the Zivr people in the universe.”


Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten

Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten

Status: Completed Author:


Reborn Son Goten, knowing the dangers of Dragon Ball, began to take a different path from Nobita in the original work. Super Saiyan is definitely not the end, Super Saiyan 2? Super Saiyan 3? Super Saiyan...


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