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Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten — Chapter 180 9. Beating

“Why, are you curious about why I have such powerful power at the age of seven, completely different from that Sun Wutian over there?”

As if he heard the complaints in everyone’s hearts, Sun Wutian pointed at GT Wutian who had low combat effectiveness over there somewhat playfully.

Everyone nodded subconsciously.

Sun Wutian smiled slightly. Anyway, he did not need to expend any energy to maintain this transformation. Sun Wutian was also willing to explain it to them.


Of course, it needs to be changed.

“When I was a child, I kept listening to my father’s stories and my brother’s stories, and I summed up a truth.”

“There can be no peace on earth.”

“Starting from the first enemy my dad encountered, the former Demon King Piccolo, to the attack of the Saiyans, the first time my dad from Namek turned into a Super Saiyan, and then to the artificial human sand Lu, the enemies of the earth are stronger than each other. I have been practicing since I was a child. “

“The instinct of a Saiyan, or the threat to future enemies, I must become stronger, strong enough to destroy all enemies.”

“When fighting Majin Buu, Uncle Vegeta’s combat power increased to the Super Saiyan Level 3. However, due to being accidentally absorbed by Buu, I took the risk and successfully transformed into Super Saiyan Four.”

Little by little, Sun Wutian told the story of his views on the Dragon Balls in his previous life, as well as the story of when he was still fighting Majin Buu.

Wutian, listening to Sun Wutian’s story, Sun Wukong clenched his fists subconsciously.

Even though this was not Sun Wutian over there, he still felt heartbroken.

“Baby, speaking of which, the original owner of your body is still half of my master,” Sun Wutian changed the subject and pointed at Baby.

“What do you mean?” Baby was confused.

“Do not believe?”

A sly smile appeared on Sun Wutian’s lips, and his arms spread out in a straight line, making his whole body look like a big Chinese character.

“This is…” Looking at the familiar action, Baby’s eyes widened in shock.

“You should be familiar with this move!”

Sun Wutian smiled slightly and shouted loudly in vain.

“The ultimate flash!”

As Sun Wutian put his hands together in front of his body, the golden electrical energy turned into a golden energy beam and flew towards Baby.

will die!

If you take it, you will definitely die!

Baby thought in horror, and then discovered that the ultimate flash came very slowly, as if the speed was deliberately suppressed.

Seeing this, Baby didn’t care whether it was a conspiracy or not, his body turned into lightning and quickly left the attack range of the golden beam.


The golden beam pierced the sky, broke out of the atmosphere, and exploded Mars.

Mars: I provoked whoever, and I was directly destroyed by an invincible wave.

Baby looked at Sun Wutian in horror, keeping his hands in a calyx shape in front of him. Those moves were only those of the original owner of his current body, Vegeta.

It’s like, another Vegeta.

They just don’t look alike.

“How about it, little Yakuza,” Sun Wutian raised his lips slightly and looked at Baby playfully, “Can you achieve such an ultimate flash?”


Baby cursed in his heart, how the hell did I get such a powerful ultimate flash? You are clearly making things difficult for me, Baby.

No matter how much Baby complained about him in his heart, Sun Wutian appeared in front of Baby as if teleporting.

“Ah da da da!!!”

Sun Wutian’s fists were like shooting stars, hitting Baby crazily. His fists were almost invisible at such a speed. It could only be seen clearly from the movement of Baby being beaten.

“Lord Baby!”

Sun Wuhan stared angrily, but unfortunately, he had given all his energy to Baby, and now he had only just regained a little energy.

Even so, the protector was eager to clasp his hands together, and the energy wave like a horse flew towards Sun Wutian.

Sun Wutian sensed the energy wave shot by Sun Wuhan, raised a strange smile on his lips, and directly pulled Baby over to block him.



Not having the slightest idea of ​​the energy wave emitted by his idiot, Baby looked confused when he was hit by the energy wave.

“Hug… I’m sorry, Master Baby…” Sun Wuhan also looked confused. I went and hit the wrong person.

Baby glared at Sun Wuhan, such a pig teammate.

A battle of this level…

In other words, beating, is it possible for a scum like you, who can’t even transform into a Super Saiyan, to intervene?

Sun Wutian didn’t even look at Baby, he kicked him away and hit Sun Wuhan with a wave of energy. He was very vindictive.



Sun Wufan rushed to the street.

“Dad!” Xiaofang looked at Sun Wuhan who was throwing himself on the street, and was immediately frightened to death.

Without looking back, Sun Wutian glanced at Baby who was trying to get up, swayed, grabbed Baby’s head, grabbed his hair and threw him against the rock.

And he still took Baby’s face, or rather Vegeta’s face, and smashed it on the rock.

Vegeta: What a handsome face I have!

Dragging Baby all the way, Sun Wutian smashed his head against the rock, harder and harder.

As if he was bored, he threw Baby into the mountains.

After all, that is Vegeta’s body, what if Vegeta wakes up and wants revenge on him.

Sun Wukong looked at Sun Wutian who was beating Baby all the way without any pressure, and there was an inexplicable longing in his heart.

The realm that he had not broken through for twenty years turned out to have such terrible power, and it was completely different from the Super Saiyan 3.

As if he felt Sun Wukong’s fiery gaze, Sun Wutian looked back and met Sun Wukong’s eyes that were eager for power.

Sun Wutian’s eyes turned, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and he shouted to Sun Wukong: “Dad, do you want to transform into Super Saiyan 4 and protect this earth yourself?”

Hearing Sun Wutian’s voice, Sun Wukong was stunned, and then a touch of ecstasy surged.

“Goten, do you really have a way for me to transform into Super Saiyan 4?” Sun Wukong asked excitedly.

He had wanted to break through Super Saiyan 3 for a long time, but unfortunately he had not found a way.

And now, the opportunity is in front of him, how can he not be excited.

“Of course,” Sun Wutian smiled, “If you want to transform into Super Saiyan 4, Dad, you still lack something.”

Looking at Sun Wutian’s mysterious smile, Sun Wukong scratched the back of his head in confusion, “Missing something, what is missing?”


Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten

Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten

Status: Completed Author:


Reborn Son Goten, knowing the dangers of Dragon Ball, began to take a different path from Nobita in the original work. Super Saiyan is definitely not the end, Super Saiyan 2? Super Saiyan 3? Super Saiyan...


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