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Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten — Chapter 183 12. Sun Wukong's transformation into a giant ape


Why do you expect me to use Vegeta’s power to this extent? You bastard, you are on the verge of death and testing like crazy…

Baby cursed at Sun Wutian angrily in his heart, but he did not dare to say it out.


If you want to die, you can try it.

Sun Wutian will definitely push you to the ground and beat you until you call daddy, or cry and scream at the same time.

You can’t afford to offend, big boss, big boss.

“call out!”

A subtle sound broke through the air suddenly, and next to Xiaofang, there was an extra… child.

In Kaiohshin Realm, Sun Wukong finally pulled out his tail and naturally rushed back impatiently.

Compared to Sun Wutian, Sun Wukong still wants to save the earth from Baby.

“Hey, Wutian, I pulled out the tail, and what next?” Sun Wukong asked impatiently as soon as he came back and saw Sun Wutian.

“Oh, it’s done?”

Sun Wutian chuckled, glanced at the tail behind Sun Wukong with interest, and flashed in front of the two of them.


Baby looked at the tail behind Sun Wukong with some confusion.

“Wutian, what should we do next?” Sun Wukong asked anxiously.

Sun Wutian chuckled and grinned, “Dad, it’s very simple, you just need to transform into a giant ape.”


As soon as Sun Wukong heard that he had transformed into a giant ape, he immediately panicked.

“No, Goten, I will lose my mind if I transform into a giant ape. Didn’t I tell you that in your world?”

Sun Wutian smiled slightly. He would lose his mind when he transformed into a giant ape. Of course he knew that he succeeded because of his desperate attempt.

He couldn’t believe that as the protagonist of this world, his father would actually be stuck in the form of a giant ape.

Even if you can’t change, the will of the world will make you change.

This is true.

“Don’t worry, Dad, you see, I’m your son. I’ve survived, can’t you? And…”

Sun Wutian said with a sly smile on his lips, “You in my world have successfully transformed into Super Saiyan IV. You really want to lose to yourself.”

“I’m coming, don’t stop me Goten.”

When Sun Wukong heard that Z Wukong in Sun Wutian’s time and space could become Super Saiyan IV, he immediately panicked.

Damn it, labor and management can’t lose, even if that person is myself, I can’t lose at all.

Sun Wutian chuckled, looked at the sky, and in his palm, a pure white energy condensed, and he threw it angrily towards the sky.

“Explode, artificial moon!”

Sun Wutian shouted loudly, and the energy flying into the sky suddenly exploded, blooming with pure light.

The dazzling light illuminated the world, as if receiving some kind of guidance. Sun Wukong subconsciously raised his head to look at the sky. He was immediately attracted by the blue light emitted by the artificial moon, and could no longer look away.

At the moment when he faced the moon, Sun Wukong was stunned, staring at the artificial moon in the sky.

Through the blue light received by the eyes, the tail behind it begins to play its role.

A violent force surged out from the tail and flowed into Sun Wukong’s limbs and bones.

That violent emotion quickly eroded Sun Wukong’s thinking.

Sun Wukong’s mind went blank, except for the desire to destroy everything.


Suddenly, Sun Wukong opened his mouth and roared like a wild beast.

Sun Wukong’s eyes glowed white, his little face continued to twist and deform, thick ape hair began to grow on his body, and his body began to expand.


Xiaofang’s beautiful eyes widened in vain, watching Sun Wukong’s changes in disbelief.

“Don’t worry, he’ll be fine.”

Sun Wutian rubbed Xiaofang’s hair and picked her up away from Sun Wukong.

After all, Sun Wukong’s sanity has been replaced by the giant ape. Now Sun Wukong basically disowns all his relatives, and his own father is probably a violent hammer in front of him.

“But grandpa…”

Xiaofang didn’t care that she was in Sun Wutian’s arms now, she just watched worriedly as Sun Wukong continued to expand in size and eventually transformed into a giant ape.

“I told you it’s okay, don’t worry,” Sun Wutian smiled extremely confidently.

“No, Dad will lose his mind after transforming into a giant ape,” Sun Wuhan said with an ugly face as he looked at the big ape.

“Damn it, we have to stop him,” Trunks suddenly looked at the sky and sent an energy wave towards the artificial moon that was still shining.

“call out!”


Trunks’ energy wave was exploded by an energy ray in the air before it even got close to the artificial moon.

Looking towards the direction of the ray, Sun Wutian’s finger was still pointing there, with wisps of green smoke rising from his fingertips.



The big ape roared loudly, and ignited golden flames like a Super Saiyan. The brown-black ape hair changed into golden ape hair, and the aura was extremely terrifying.


Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten

Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten

Status: Completed Author:


Reborn Son Goten, knowing the dangers of Dragon Ball, began to take a different path from Nobita in the original work. Super Saiyan is definitely not the end, Super Saiyan 2? Super Saiyan 3? Super Saiyan...


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