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Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten — Chapter 184 13. The Violent Giant Ape


“How can it be!”

“The great ape has mutated!”

Looking at the golden ape, a look of shock appeared on the faces of several people.


After transforming into a giant ape, Sun Wukong slammed his chest like a real big ape. His scarlet eyes turned to Sun Wutian and Xiaofang who were closest to him, opened his bloody mouth, and spit out a ball of fire.

“I’m hiding!”

Sun Wutian calmly picked up Xiaofang’s slim waist and flew into the air.

The fireball flew into the air, and the terrifying force exploded a hill not far away, blasting it into countless rubbles.

When the big ape saw that Sun Wutian was far away from his attack range, he became furious and cast his angry eyes at Baby and the others.

In its view, these little bugs are all in the same group, so it must deal with them first and then deal with Sun Wutian above.


The big ape roared at Baby, picked up a rock thicker than its arm, and threw it at Baby.


Baby looked at the rock coming from the sky, his expression ugly, his figure rose into the air, and the huge rock immediately passed by him.

Xiaofang was anxious as she looked at the big ape below that had completely lost its mind and was destroying everything.

“Uncle Wutian, grandpa…”

Sun Wutian chuckled and rubbed Xiaofang’s head.

“Don’t worry, Xiaofang, there will be no accidents as long as I’m here.”

Sun Wutian smiled confidently.

Seeing Baby and the others struggling to deal with the big ape, Sun Wutian didn’t want Sun Wukong to recover for a while.

Anyway, there are only a few of them here, so there is no need to worry about hurting other ordinary people.

It would be nice to just let the big ape make trouble and add trouble to Baby and the others.

Below, the great ape is still wreaking havoc.

Seeing that the big rock he threw didn’t hit anyone, the big ape became even more angry.

Moving his heavy body, the big ape ran towards Sun Wuhan, raised his wide soles, and stepped hard on Sun Wuhan.

“Damn it!”

Sun Wufan’s eyes were cracked, and he looked at the pressed foot with a ferocious expression. The golden aura burning all over his body was crazy, and he used all his strength to escape from the big ape’s foot.


The big ape stepped down, causing the entire Baozi Mountain to shake at that moment.


Trunks transformed into a Super Saiyan and launched a purple energy wave that hit the great ape.


The big ape howled, its scarlet eyes looking at Trunanks filled with murderous intent, and its fist as big as a mountain smashed at Trunks.

“Die Saiyan!”

gt Wutian put his hands together, and a purple energy wave shot out at the great ape like a cannonball.


Out of the perception of danger, the great ape subconsciously turned his head and avoided the energy wave of GT Goten’s attack.

The great ape’s fist hit Trunks hard like a meteorite falling from the sky.

After defeating Trunks’ Super Saiyan, the great ape turned his attention to the nearest Bulla, raised a ferocious smile on his lips, roared and grabbed Bulla.

“Uncle Wutian, can you save Bulla?” Xiaofang saw that Bulla was about to die in the hands of the big ape, and anxiously pulled Sun Wutian.


Sun Wutian looked at Bulla. If the big ape really caught Bulla, Miss Bulla’s delicate body would definitely not be able to withstand an attack from the big ape.

Putting Xiaofang down, Xiaofang herself knew how to perform air dance anyway, so Sun Wutian didn’t have to worry about her. He quickly grabbed the bra from the big ape’s hand.

Avoiding the fate of her death.

Seeing that he was out of danger, Bulla originally wanted to say thank you to the person who saved him, but when he saw Sun Wutian’s face, he suddenly became angry.

“Damn Saiyan, let me go!” Bra struggled in Sun Wutian’s arms and tried to escape. However, with her strength against the five scum, she didn’t even have the strength to move Sun Wutian.

“You damn girl, just calm down.”

Bang bang bang!

Sun Wutian twitched his eyebrows and slapped Bu La’s small butt with his big hands.

“Acridine ah~”

Bra felt the burning pain coming from her small buttocks and let out a scream that seemed to shatter her eardrums.

“It’s still skinny,” Sun Wutian looked at Bulla fiercely.

Bulla still wanted to break free, which made Sun Wutian strike harder.

Uncle Vegeta, I have no choice but to do this. Don’t come to me when you wake up.

Sun Wutian thought secretly in his heart.

Vegeta is also a daughter-in-law, and he absolutely dotes on Brana in every possible way. He is completely opposite to Trunks.

If Vegeta knew that Son Wu Tian was eating his own daughter unscrupulously, it wouldn’t be a problem to explode into Super 4 and Super 5 in anger.


Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten

Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten

Status: Completed Author:


Reborn Son Goten, knowing the dangers of Dragon Ball, began to take a different path from Nobita in the original work. Super Saiyan is definitely not the end, Super Saiyan 2? Super Saiyan 3? Super Saiyan...


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