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Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten — Chapter 185 14. I’m back

Looking at the struggling Bula, Sun Wutian had no other options but to knock her out with a single blow.

Baby’s parasitic egg control ability was too overbearing, and Sun Wutian was not sure if his dimensional power could wipe it out.

If things went wrong, Bula might die.

He could only wait for Sun Wukong to become a Super Saiyan 4 and then go to the temple to get the Super Divine Water to dissolve this wave of parasitic eggs.

Below, the irritable golden giant ape was still chasing Baby and his gang, and his violent fists made Baby lose his temper.

The giant ape’s power had surpassed him, and Sun Wukong had lost his mind, and he didn’t care whether the earth would be destroyed or not. He used all his strength to beat Baby and made her run away in a panic.

“Uncle Goten, when will grandpa wake up?” Xiaofang pulled Sun Wutian’s trouser legs, with a worried look in her beautiful eyes.

“It’s time,” Sun Wutian rubbed Xiaofang’s little head, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

The weakness of the great ape losing his mind can be said to be almost insurmountable, but this is not a problem for Sun Wutian, his mixed energy can completely eliminate this.

Sun Wutian stretched out a finger, and a faint light condensed on his fingertips, exuding a strange breath, which was similar to Qi, but countless times more terrifying than Qi.

“Uncle Wutian, this is…”

In the face of Xiaofang’s question, Sun Wutian just laughed and shot out the energy light on his fingertips. The energy light like light hit the great ape in the blink of an eye.

After the energy entered the brain of the great ape, the irritable mood seemed to calm down, and the originally violent breath gradually stabilized.

“Good opportunity,” Baby saw that the great ape did not continue to attack, and the light of hatred flashed in his eyes. He raised his hand and shot an energy bomb at the forehead of the great ape.

“Looking for death, Storm Kick!”

Sun Wutian’s eyes turned cold. The big ape was now in a state where it could not be disturbed. Baby’s action successfully ignited his anger. He kicked hard, and the green energy blade wave flew towards the energy bomb.


After deflecting the energy bomb, Sun Wutian handed Bula to Xiaofang’s arms, staring at Baby and laughing angrily, “Very good, Baby, have you forgotten me?”

It’s over.

Baby was stunned. He forgot that there was a Sun Wutian who was more terrifying than the big ape next to him.

Sun Wutian did not give Baby time to be stunned. His figure quickly swept out. When Baby came back to his senses, he found that he was locked by Sun Wutian’s throat.


Baby’s face was as pale as paper. He wanted to resist weakly, but Sun Wutian’s big hand was like an iron clamp, making him completely unable to break free.

“I think you need to wake up,” Sun Wutian stared coldly at Baby who was struggling in front of him. For a small character like Baby, he only needed to use a little more force to take his life.

Unfortunately, Baby is now possessed by Vegeta. If he dies, Vegeta will not survive.


A deafening roar broke the silence. Goten turned his head and looked at the big ape with golden light all over his body, looking at Baby with interest.

“It seems that Dad has also completed it. You can leave it to him. I hope you can hold on.”

Since Goku is about to complete Super Saiyan 4, Goten no longer needs to continue to attack.

Even if it is Goku who has just transformed, he can definitely beat Baby to death now.

Super Saiyan 4 and Super Saiyan 3 are completely different levels.

At this point, Goten also released the restrictions on Baby and returned to Xiaofang.

“Cough… cough… cough…”

Baby, who finally regained his freedom, greedily breathed in the fresh air. He never felt that being able to breathe freely was such a happy thing.

Damn it, damn it, damn Son Goten, damn Saiyans, how dare they humiliate me like this, I am a noble Tsiful, how dare I be humiliated like this, I will definitely destroy all Saiyans!


At this moment, Baby’s heart was filled with the flames of hatred, and he didn’t even feel the nails digging into his flesh.

Now he just wanted to kill Son Goten to calm the anger in his heart.


Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten

Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten

Status: Completed Author:


Reborn Son Goten, knowing the dangers of Dragon Ball, began to take a different path from Nobita in the original work. Super Saiyan is definitely not the end, Super Saiyan 2? Super Saiyan 3? Super Saiyan...


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