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Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten — Chapter 186 15. Super Saiyan 4 appears

Who am I?

Where am I?

What happened?

In a chaotic space, a boy with a tail on his butt had a dull expression and dull eyes.

Suddenly, a touch of color appeared in the dark world. The light was as small as a firefly, but it emitted a soft light.

Sun Wukong subconsciously stretched out his hand to catch the light, but the light seemed to have life and escaped from Sun Wukong’s palm, then turned into a stream of light and shot into his brow.


When the light entered his consciousness, Sun Wukong’s face suddenly changed, and his memories were revived.


He is the Saiyan Kakarot.

He is also the Earthling Sun Wukong.

He wants to defeat Baby and free those controlled by Baby.

He wanted to become stronger, surpass himself now, surpass the Sun Wutian in the other world, and didn’t want to feel powerless again.

“Hah ah ah!!!”

The sudden surge of power made Sun Wukong roar to the sky with pleasure. The black space seemed to be afraid of Sun Wukong’s power, and it shattered into tiny cracks like glass.

The cracks continued to expand, and the space continued to collapse. The cracking sound became clearer and clearer.



The extremely terrifying aura emanated from the big ape’s body. With a long roar from the big ape, golden light shot out, rendering the whole world. The dazzling golden light forced everyone to cover their eyes.



Dense lightning flashed around the golden light, and the golden light surrounded by lightning began to shrink, but the aura was even more terrifying.

When the golden light completely faded, the huge golden ape was no longer there. Instead, a tall young man stood on the top of the mountain, staring at Baby expressionlessly.

The young man was about 1.8 meters tall, with black shoulder-length hair that reached his back. Under his thick black eyebrows were a pair of black pupils wrapped in gold, surrounded by red eye sockets. Except for his mouth, his body was covered with bright red hair, and a bright red tail danced playfully on his body.

Super Saiyan 4 Sun Wukong, 3 up.

“Same as Uncle Wutian…”

Xiaofang looked at Sun Wukong in the Super Saiyan 4 form and murmured absentmindedly.

“Super… Super Saiyan 4…”

Baby looked at Sun Wukong who had completed Super Saiyan 4, with a somewhat horrified expression, but more of anger and hatred.

Just now, he was pressed to the ground by Sun Wutian in Super Saiyan 4, and he would never forget this hatred.

What’s more, Sun Wutian and Sun Wukong look exactly the same, which directly made Baby’s anger bar MAX, and the hatred was fully filled.

“Dad, it’s already Super Saiyan 4, is it okay?” Sun Wutian said with a smile.

“Of course,” Sun Wukong smiled coldly at Baby without turning his head.

“Then I’ll leave this to you,” Sun Wutian said to Xiaofang with a big mouth: “Let’s go, Xiaofang, put Bula down, we have to do something.”

“Ah? Oh oh oh,” Xiaofang came back to her senses from her daze and asked with some confusion, “But what are we going to do?”

“Look for the super divine water,” Sun Wutian smiled mysteriously.

“Super divine water?”

Xiaofang was a little confused.

“That thing can turn your father back to his previous appearance,” Sun Wutian said lightly.

To be honest, he didn’t like the Son Gohan and Son Goten in this world. They had talent but were unwilling to work hard. When it came to a crisis, they could only rely on Sun Wukong. This was basically no different from those dandy boys.

There was no way there was any safety in a place like the Earth. The longer the peace time was, the more it was just to hold back.

He is now thinking, will Son Gohan, GT Goten and Trunks be unable to defeat even the Perfect Cell? Forget about Lightning Cell, just ask if they can survive from the Perfect Cell.

Future Trunks knows how to be prepared for danger and works hard to practice and open Super 2, but they are getting worse and worse.

The mysterious Gohan who used to be cool and awesome is now a nerd, and his fighting power can’t even support Super 2.

And GT Goten and Trunks, these two unlucky kids used to be able to merge into Gotenks and open Super 3, but now they probably don’t have the tacit understanding they used to have, and the fused one is probably just a fat man or a skinny skeleton.

“Really! Uncle Goten, Dad and the others can really change back to their previous appearance,” Xiaofang was so excited when she heard that her parents could change back to their original appearance.

“Of course,” Son Goten nodded, and the only function of the Super Divine Water now is probably this.

“Then let’s go!”

As soon as he finished speaking, Sun Wutian found that he seemed to be dragged away by Xiaofang, which made Sun Wutian’s face look confused.

Damn, why didn’t I know that this little ancestor was so strong before? I am still in Super Saiyan 4 now, and this girl dragged me away just like that. I am afraid that I have become a fake Super Saiyan 4.

As for Bra, he was thrown to the ground and ignored by Xiaofang who was overjoyed.

Bra: T﹏T

Sensing the departure of Xiaofang and Sun Wutian, Sun Wukong focused his attention on Baby.

“Baby, now I only need one finger to kill you easily,” Sun Wukong raised a finger very confidently, indicating that I only need this to kill you in seconds.

This scene made Baby’s face flushed with anger.

“Damn Sun Wukong, that is as damnable as Sun Wutian!”

Baby roared, his body turned into lightning and flew towards Sun Wukong, and a sharp punch hit Sun Wukong’s face fiercely.

Sun Wukong smiled contemptuously. Baby’s punch might be very fast, but in his eyes it was like a turtle’s speed.

This is Super Saiyan 4, it’s really outrageous.

With such a thought flashing through his mind, Sun Wukong tilted his head slightly and just dodged Baby’s punch.

“How is it possible!”

Baby’s eyes bulged. If it was Sun Wukong before the transformation, he would definitely not be able to dodge his punch just now, but now Sun Wukong just moved casually, and then his attack fell.

“Damn it, I don’t believe it, I don’t believe it!”

Baby’s face showed a crazy look, his body turned into a residual shadow and madly launched his most fierce attack towards Sun Wukong, but Sun Wukong dodged it casually as if he was strolling in his own garden, which made Baby even more angry.

Damn it, damn it, damn it!


This is impossible! ! !

How could a mere Sun Wukong surpass me? The Vegeta I possessed was the prince of the Saiyans. How could he not even touch the corner of Sun Wukong’s clothes?

Baby’s face was grim, and there was a look of unwillingness in his eyes. His plan for the entire universe, Ziffl, was about to succeed on Earth, so how could it fail here?

“You’ve been attacking for so long, it’s time to change people!” Sun Wukong looked at the angry Baby with a playful smile on his face.



Before Baby could react, he felt a heavy blow on his cheek, and his body flew backwards uncontrollably, like a kite with a broken string, flying backwards for hundreds of meters, piercing through a mountain and crashing into the river.


Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten

Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten

Status: Completed Author:


Reborn Son Goten, knowing the dangers of Dragon Ball, began to take a different path from Nobita in the original work. Super Saiyan is definitely not the end, Super Saiyan 2? Super Saiyan 3? Super Saiyan...


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