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Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten — Chapter 188 17. Mutation


“What happened…”

Dendi and Popo, who were splashed with Super Divine Water by Son Goten, looked around in confusion.

“Xiaofang, why are you here? Have you already collected all the Dragon Balls, and Mr. Goten…”Dendi looked at Xiaofang in surprise.

“What? I clearly gave all seven Dragon Balls to Popo, you won’t forget them!”

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Xiaofang looked at the two people in shock.

“Did you give them to me? Why don’t I remember?” Popo said I don’t remember anything.

Son Goten laughed, “Useless Xiaofang, they are controlled by Baby’s living eggs and have no memory of being controlled at all.”

“Is that so.”

“Who are you?” It was not until Son Goten spoke that Dandy realized that there was another person next to him. Looking at Son Goten in Super Saiyan 4, Dandy couldn’t recognize who he was.

“Mr. Goku…?” Dandy asked cautiously.

“No, I’m Son Goten,” Son Goten replied indifferently.


Dendi and Popo were shocked at the time. It’s not like they haven’t seen Sun Wutian before, but they haven’t seen him like this before. Moreover, his Qi alone far surpasses Sun Wukong.

“Don’t confuse me with that weak chicken.” Even if you don’t look at Sun Wutian, you know that the two of them completely regard themselves as that GT Goten.

“As for why I look like this, it’s because this is Super Saiyan 4, which is above Super Saiyan 3. That Sun Wutian probably can’t even become Super Saiyan 2.”

Sun Wutian smiled contemptuously. As for this GT Gotian, he was only seven years old at the time and could completely beat GT Gotian.

Dendi looked at Sun Wutian in shock. Super Saiyan 4 was the realm that Sun Wukong had always dreamed of breaking through.

“Let’s go, Xiaofang, take the Super God Water with you. Dad’s situation is a bit bad now,” Sun Wutian, who had been paying attention to the battle below, suddenly twitched his mouth and looked at Xiaofang helplessly and said.

“What happened to Grandpa?”

Xiao Fang opened her senses with some doubts and probed downwards. Soon she showed a look of horror.

“What’s going on! Why did Baby’s Qi increase so much? Why can’t I feel Grandpa’s Qi!”

Xiao Fang grabbed Sun Wutian’s arm in panic, and there was even a glimmer in the corner of her eyes.

“Let’s go first, take the super holy water with you.”

After leaving this sentence, Sun Wutian jumped off the temple, and his body turned into a stream of light and flew towards Baozi Mountain.

“Uncle Wutian, wait for me,” Xiao Fang anxiously hugged the bottle and followed Sun Wutian to jump off the temple.

On the other side, Baby is now very happy. Thinking back to a few minutes ago, she was beaten like a dog by Sun Wukong. Who knew that in less than a minute, the god teammate came.

It turned out that Bulma was transporting an enhanced version of the Blue Light instrument to support. Sun Wukong didn’t take action when he saw that it was Bulma. This also led to the original work, where Baby was irradiated with super strong Blue Light by Bulma and forcibly transformed into a big ape.

Originally, this was nothing, after all, the power of the big ape was not as strong as that of Super Saiyan 4, but who knew that at the critical moment, the Qi in Sun Wukong’s body was gone.

That’s right, it was gone.

Sun Wukong’s strength was greatly reduced without Qi, and he was even worse than the child he used to be.

He was also killed by Baby and was chased by Baby all the time.

“Hahaha, Sun Wukong, aren’t you very strong? Aren’t you Super Saiyan 4? Why are you running so badly?” Baby chased Sun Wukong like a cat playing with a mouse, and mocked him.

“Damn it!”

Sun Wukong fled in a panic, and glanced at Baby behind him with hatred. His strength was suddenly consumed for some reason. Although he still maintained the adult form of Super Saiyan 4, he had no strength at all.

It was as if it was consumed.


Xiaofang, who had already arrived, saw Sun Wukong being chased and beaten by Baby, and subconsciously wanted to rush out, but the quick-handed Sun Wutian stopped her first.

“You idiot, with your current strength, you have to distract your father to protect you when you go out. Are you helping him or harming him?” Sun Wutian said with some regret.

“Then…then what should I do…” Xiaofang looked at Sun Wutian at a loss.

“You go and use the super divine water to untie your mentally retarded father and those two idiots. I have my own way,” Sun Wutian raised a mysterious smile at the corner of his mouth.




Baby dragged his heavy body and smashed the boulders thrown by Sun Wukong with one punch after another, having a lot of fun.




A sudden energy wave hit Baby’s face. Baby screamed in pain and lost his balance and fell to the ground.

“Who is it!”

Who interrupted me when I was pretending to be cool? Come out, I promise not to kill you.

Baby’s fierce eyes immediately swept towards the direction where the energy wave came from, and there came a voice that made him angry.

“It’s your uncle Goten,” Sun Wutian floated above Sun Wukong’s head and looked at Baby with the contempt of a king.

“It’s you again, Sun Wutian,” Baby stared at Sun Wutian with resentment, as if he could kill Sun Wutian with this stare.


Baby opened his mouth and spit out an energy bomb flying towards Sun Wutian.

Sun Wutian casually raised his foot and directly bounced off the attacking energy bomb.

“Goten,” Sun Wukong looked at Sun Wutian with joy.

“Don’t worry, Dad, you will be able to recover your strength soon,” Sun Wutian smiled slightly, and then appeared in front of Baby in an instant, scaring him.

“Hey, Baby, I don’t know if you want to hear something,” Sun Wutian stared coldly at Baby’s blue eyes and grinned.

“What…what are you talking about…” Baby took a step back tremblingly.

“Uncle Vegeta’s body can only be controlled by a proud person like him. For a little jerk like you, Uncle Vegeta’s body is just borrowed. You can’t bring it to its true level.”

This sentence was said by Vegeta when he was beating Black Goku and rubbing him on the ground.


Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten

Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten

Status: Completed Author:


Reborn Son Goten, knowing the dangers of Dragon Ball, began to take a different path from Nobita in the original work. Super Saiyan is definitely not the end, Super Saiyan 2? Super Saiyan 3? Super Saiyan...


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