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Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten — Chapter 189 18. Awakening

“Uncle Vegeta’s body can only be brought into full play by someone as proud as him. You, a scumbag, can’t fully bring out his potential as the Saiyan prince.”

Goten looked at Baby coldly, with a scornful smile on his lips.

A rubbish like Baby, without the ability to possess, can’t even beat Frieza in combat.

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On the other side, Xiaofang, who successfully found Son Gohan and the other four, quickly fed them a drop of super divine water.

“Hey, Xiaofang, why are you…”

Son Gohan, who had released the control of Baby’s living egg, looked at the girl in front of him with a blank face. In his memory, Xiaofang clearly followed her father to the universe to find Dragon Balls, so why is she here.

However, Xiaofang didn’t give him an answer, but anxiously pulled Son Gohan, “Dad, don’t ask first, hurry up and help Grandpa.”

“Dad? What’s wrong with Dad?” gt Goten heard the words and asked in surprise.

“It’s hard to explain right now. Uncle Goten said he needs you to help grandpa,” Xiaofang said anxiously.

“Ah? Me? When did I say that?”

gt Goten was confused. When did I say that? How come I don’t know.

“It’s not you,” Xiaofang rolled her eyes at gt Goten and pointed at Goten who was beating Baby in the sky, “It’s that Uncle Goten.”

Following Xiaofang’s prompt, the four people finally reacted and looked up at the sky, with a look of disbelief on their faces.

“Why is this person’s aura exactly the same as mine?” gt Goten looked like he had seen a ghost.

“But his aura is ridiculously strong, and his form is something we haven’t seen before,” Trunks looked horrified. He had never seen such a strong aura.

“His aura is stronger than Dad’s,” Son Gohan was shocked.

“But he’s very handsome…” Bra stared at Son Goten blankly, then felt the strange eyes of several people and turned his head away in a hurry.

“Gohan, Goten, you are awake now,” Sun Wukong, who had come all the way, looked at the recovered Sun Wuhan and the others, and a smile appeared on his face.

“Dad,” Sun Wuhan turned his head instantly when he heard the familiar voice, but he could not recognize the image of Sun Wukong in the Super Saiyan 4 state for a while.

“Dad, you look like this now…” gt Goten looked at Sun Wukong’s current appearance in confusion.

“I am now a Super Saiyan 4,” Sun Wukong replied with a smile.

“But, Uncle Goku, how are you now…” Although Trunks was surprised how Sun Wukong broke through the Super Saiyan 4, he was rational and found out at once that Sun Wukong had no breath at all.

“I don’t really understand it either, but the breath suddenly disappeared,” Sun Wukong said with a wry smile.

“Uncle Goten, Dad and the others have already used the Super God Water to solve it, what should we do now!”

Xiaofang shouted at Sun Wutian. “

“Oh, all right,” Son Goten took Bey’s mountain-sized fist nonchalantly, and turned around with a relaxed look.

“Then let your dad, Trunks, and Son Goten over there, the four of you transfer all your energy to dad, so that dad can return to normal, and even further improve. “

“Of course, Bra can join, but dad may directly become Super Saiyan God next, but I have to say that when he first becomes Super Saiyan God, his combat power is basically not much stronger than Super Saiyan 3, and it takes a long time to adapt, and there is a time limit. Of course, I don’t recommend how to do it. “

“I have told you the method, you can choose what to do next. ”

After saying all the methods at once, Sun Wutian continued to play with Baby…?

That’s right, in Sun Wutian’s eyes, the duel with Baby was just playing. The fighting power was not equal at all, how could it be considered a duel.

“Damn Sun Wutian,” Baby gritted his teeth, so I just let you be the boss, (isn’t it? Sun Wutian asked) Do I still have any face?

“Baby, have you ever been kicked at the speed of light?” Facing Baby’s angry glare, Sun Wutian gave him a weird smile.

“What do you mean?” Baby was confused, but he still stared at Sun Wutian vigilantly.


“Light-speed kick! “

Sun Wutian lightly raised one foot, and the terrifying energy condensed into a golden light covering the entire calf, and kicked it hard at Baby.



Baby screamed in pain, and his entire upper body was submerged in the golden beam kicked by Sun Wutian.

The speed was so fast that Baby had no time to react before he was kicked hard.

Baby’s huge body kept flying backwards with the golden beam, blasting several mountains along the way.

“Yellow Monkey’s moves are pretty good. I am no different from the monkey now,” Sun Wutian was inexplicably silent when talking about the monkey.

“No, no, no, I am not that wretched uncle Kizaru. I just need to know his moves, and forget about the wretched expression. “

The people below stared at the gap kicked out by Sun Wutian in amazement.

“So… so scary…” Swallowing his saliva, Sun Wuhan looked horrified.

“Baby… won’t die, right? “gt Goten looked at Trunks and Bra with some concern. After all, Baby is now possessed by Vegeta. If Baby dies, Vegeta will not survive.

“No, feel it carefully, although Baby’s energy has weakened, he is still alive,” Sun Wukong said solemnly.

The speed of Sun Wutian’s light-speed kick just now was terrifyingly fast. Unless he used instant movement at the moment when Sun Wutian kicked, he would definitely not be able to dodge it.


Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten

Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten

Status: Completed Author:


Reborn Son Goten, knowing the dangers of Dragon Ball, began to take a different path from Nobita in the original work. Super Saiyan is definitely not the end, Super Saiyan 2? Super Saiyan 3? Super Saiyan...


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