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Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten — Chapter 191 20. Angry

“What a terrible aura…”

“This… This is Super Saiyan 4… Really strong…”

“Son Gohan and the others who were overwhelmed by Son Goku’s aura were not angry, but said with a look of shock.

Even Son Goku himself did not expect that he not only recovered his strength, but also went a step further, even more terrifying than when he just transformed.

“In this case, Baby is left to you,”

Son Goten shrugged. He had no interest in fighting Baby at all, just like when he fought Vegeta Buu, he couldn’t muster up a single bit of fighting spirit.

Baby stared at Son Goku with a serious face. Maybe he still had a little confidence to deal with Son Goku who just transformed into Super Saiyan 4.

But now…

He has no confidence at all.

“Super Electric Cannon! ”

69 Book Bar

Baby’s eyes condensed, his hands clasped at his waist, and he shot out a blue energy ball to bombard Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong looked at the incoming energy ball, raised his foot calmly, and kicked the energy ball far away.


The energy ball drew a beautiful arc in the air, and then exploded in a desert. The roar that broke the sky could even be heard in Baozi Mountain thousands of miles away.

“Baby, that’s all you can do,” Sun Wukong smiled contemptuously. Although Baby’s breath was weakened by Sun Wutian’s beating, it was not that much power.

“Of course… it can’t be just this…”

Looking at Sun Wukong who was gradually floating up, Baby was immediately angry when he heard his disdainful voice. His hands instantly turned into afterimages and shot out countless blue energy balls.

“Continuous super electric light cannon! “

Boom boom boom!!!

Energy balls like meteors passed by Sun Wukong without touching him at all.

Baby’s operation showed us what god-like human body outlining is.

“If this guy plays PUBG, he must be a professional courier,” Sun Wutian looked at Sun Wukong who was not touched at all in the rain of energy balls, and his mouth twitched.

The distance between the two of them was no more than 50 meters. Even at this distance, a rookie could hit him several times, but the key point was that Baby’s operation made Sun Wutian, who had been killed countless times, feel the urge to worship the big guy.

The opponent stood in front of you without moving. How did you avoid him perfectly within 50 meters? Real human body outlining Master Bian.

Anyway, Baby had Sun Wukong to deal with, and Sun Wutian was too lazy to continue to consume his physical strength to maintain Super Saiyan 4. He returned to normal with a flash of golden light.

Sun Wutian in normal state also attracted the attention of Sun Wuhan and others. They were shocked to find that even Sun Wutian’s aura in normal state was far beyond theirs, even stronger than Sun Wukong.

What shocked them even more was Sun Wutian’s appearance. His familiar crab-shaped black hair and slightly raised smile made them look more and more like an adult Sun Wukong.

“You… are really Goten…”

Sun Wuhan looked at Sun Wutian with a strange face. If it weren’t for the difference in aura, he would have felt that his father had turned back into an adult.

“What? You can’t even see this. You are really going backwards as you grow older,” Sun Wutian glanced at Sun Wuhan and laughed sarcastically.

“You…” gt Goten was furious when he heard Sun Wutian’s sarcastic tone.

“What’s wrong? Want to fight? You? “

Goten looked at himself in this world, the sarcasm on his lips became stronger, and he said three consecutive contempts.

“With your current strength, you are not even qualified to let me transform into a Super Saiyan. Look at you now. Have you not continued to practice since the war 20 years ago?”

“If dad and Uncle Vegeta are gone one day, and the earth has another enemy like Majin Buu, I want to see what you losers will rely on to protect the earth.”

“Do you think that the earth will be peaceful with Goku? Haha, stupid, Goku is not omnipotent, he is also a human being, he will also grow old, get sick and die, Gohan, don’t forget the lesson of Future Trunks, you loser who has no progress. “

Sun Wutian looked at the three supporting roles and smiled coldly. He really didn’t know where these guys got the confidence and face to hide behind their fathers.

Look at the last battle of GT. In addition to adding puff to Sun Wukong, they could only hide aside and shout 666. If Sun Wukong hadn’t used the trick to gather the vitality of the aliens on Earth and those who had friendship with him in the universe to launch the vitality bomb, the Earth would have been destroyed by the evil dragon.

“Uncle Goten…”

Xiaofang looked at Sun Wutian with an ugly face, then looked at the three people with livid faces, and pulled Sun Wutian’s trouser legs with some concern.

“Xiaofang, don’t worry about it. Let these three pieces of trash think about it,” Sun Wutian glanced at the three people coldly.


Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten

Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten

Status: Completed Author:


Reborn Son Goten, knowing the dangers of Dragon Ball, began to take a different path from Nobita in the original work. Super Saiyan is definitely not the end, Super Saiyan 2? Super Saiyan 3? Super Saiyan...


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