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Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten — Chapter 193 22. Bulma wakes up

The basement of the Universal Capsule Company in Xidu.

Bulma had a wicked smile on her lips, and an evil aura emanated from within.

“With this, Master Baby will definitely be able to destroy that hateful Saiyan!”

Bulma’s face showed madness. When she mentioned Baby, she had a kind of respect from the bottom of her heart, and when she looked at Son Goku, she no longer looked at him as a friend, but as an enemy.

Those who didn’t know would think that Son Goku had done something that angered the heavens and the people.

“I think you don’t have that chance,” just when Bulma was imagining that Baby would destroy the Saiyans and rule the universe, an inappropriate voice interrupted her YY.

“Who is it!”

Bulma was shocked, and when she turned her eyes to the person who came, her surprised expression was replaced by a resentment.


Bulma gritted her teeth and glared at Son Goten, as if she was looking at the enemy who killed her father.

Goten frowned slightly, and regardless of Bulma’s hateful eyes, he flashed behind Bulma and knocked her out with a quick knife.

Bulma, whose fighting power was almost zero, fainted instantly after receiving Goten’s blow. Fortunately, Goten caught Bulma who was about to touch the ground with her face.

He took out a drop of super divine water wrapped in his air from his pocket and fed it to Bulma.

Looking at the red gas pouring out of Bulma’s mouth and nose, Goten also knew that the living egg in Bulma’s body had been eliminated, so he simply ignored her and looked at the machine that Bulma had operated before, with a sneer on his lips.

“It’s really not easy. If I came a little slower, Bulma might have studied the technology that allowed Baby to advance to Super Saiyan 4.”

Goten smiled coldly. Although there were still a few points that he didn’t understand, he could still see that this was Bulma’s research on Super Saiyan 4.

And the only thing left was actual action.

Immediately, Goten raised his hand and aimed at the machine, and the energy gathered in his palm to form an energy bullet.

As long as he fired this one, Bulma’s research on Super Saiyan 4 would be wasted.

But after thinking about it, I decided to keep it for now. Bulma has recovered anyway, so why not let her continue her research! Maybe there will be some unexpected surprises.

Thinking of this, Goten stopped the operation of his Qi and took back the energy bullet in his palm.

Coincidentally, at the moment when Goten took back the energy bullet, Bulma woke up.


Who am I?

Where am I?

Why am I sleeping here?

Three confused questions from Bulma.

Bulma, who looked confused, was quickly replaced by surprise when she glanced at Goten.

“Hey, Goku, are you recovered?”

Looking at the Goten in front of her, who was 100% similar, Bulma directly mistook him for Goku.

“Although I’m very happy that you woke up, I’m not Goku, I’m Goten, Goten, Aunt Bulma,” Goten looked at Bulma’s surprised expression, his mouth twitched, and he explained helplessly.


Bulma looked Goten up and down, “You’re not Goten, that kid is not as strong as you.”

“Don’t compare me with that weakling, it will only make me feel embarrassed,” Goten said.

Whenever he saw GT Goten’s embarrassing appearance, Goten also had an illusion that he was the one who was embarrassed.

GT Goten’s strength is about the same as Trunks, not the future Trunks, but the current Trunks.

Except for adding a puff to Goku at a critical moment, it is useless.

“I am Goten from another world, almost like the future Trunks before.”

Goten added another sentence.


“Are you here to find Goku? He’s not on Earth now,” Bulma thought that Goten was also here to seek help like Future Trunks. Since her memory was still before she was controlled, she thought that Goku was still looking for Dragon Balls in the universe, and said with some regret.

“No, Dad…he’s already back. You can see for yourself…”

Goten pointed to the big screen showing the Baozi Mountain battlefield and said lightly.

“Hey! This is Goku!”

Bulma looked at the big screen and exclaimed.

Goku is now in the form of Super Saiyan 4, and his image is completely different from his usual appearance. No wonder Bulma was shocked for a while.

“Forget it, I’ll tell you about the current situation of the Earth first!”

Goten helplessly told Bulma everything that happened since Baby came to Earth.

Bulma was shocked. Twenty years had passed and she had adapted to a peaceful life. However, a big boss appeared now and fulfilled the unfulfilled dream of Piccolo, ruling the earth. Even Super Saiyan 3 Goku was beaten by him.

“Since Aunt Bulma has recovered, there is no need for me to stay any longer. I’ll go over there and take a look,” Goten said and left using teleportation.

In the Baozi Mountain battlefield, the battle was still in full swing, and everything was almost the same as the original.

Baby used his prince tactics to fill the entire battlefield with fog to limit Goku’s field of vision, and then gathered his revenge death bullets in the thick fog and blasted Goku.

But what Baby didn’t expect was that Sun Wukong cheated and absorbed the energy he had finally gathered, leaving nothing behind.

Baby jumped up and down in anger.

However, before Baby could make his next move, Sun Wukong simply and roughly suppressed Baby with a wave of ten times the Turtle Style Qigong.

Baby, get on the street.

“Grandpa, did that blow kill Baby?”

Looking at Babi who was lying on his body after receiving ten times the turtle Qigong wave from Sun Wukong, it seemed that he couldn’t feel a breath, Xiaofang shouted happily.

Bulla was also excited for a moment, and then she remembered that Baby’s body seemed to belong to her father, and her little face was as gloomy as water.

“Xiao Fang,” Sun Wufan glanced at Xiao Fang with some reproach.

Seemingly remembering the current owner of Baby’s body, Xiaofang looked at Trunks with a slightly apologetic look.

“Don’t worry! Dad’s actions are measured, and Baby is still alive.”

Just when Xiaofang was blaming herself, a reassuring voice came to everyone’s ears.

“Uncle Goten!”

The one who made the noise was of course not the weakling GT Wutian, but Sun Wutian who happened to teleport from the Western Capital.


Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten

Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten

Status: Completed Author:


Reborn Son Goten, knowing the dangers of Dragon Ball, began to take a different path from Nobita in the original work. Super Saiyan is definitely not the end, Super Saiyan 2? Super Saiyan 3? Super Saiyan...


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