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Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten — Chapter 194 23. Shocking, Super Popular

“call out!”

Just when Xiaofang and others were attracted by Sun Wutian, Sun Wukong fired an energy wave cleanly and blasted it at Baby, who had more air coming out and less air coming in.

Sun Wukong’s attack directly blew away Baby’s tail.

Baby, who lost his tail, began to shrink from his great ape state.

Gu Gu.

Gu Gu.

With the disappearance of its tail, Baby’s huge ape’s figure continued to shrink.

Once a Saiyan loses his tail, he loses the ability to transform into a great ape.

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And now that Sun Wutian has returned, Bulma has recovered, and Sun Wukong doesn’t have to worry about when Baby will transform into Super Saiyan IV like him.

Baby, who transformed from a great ape back into human form, was also forced to run out of Vegeta’s body due to body rejection.

Of course, when this guy left, he didn’t forget to take the power he had absorbed with him.

However, after Baby ran out of Vegeta’s body, instead of running away, he turned into a pool of gray-brown liquid and flew towards Sun Wukong.

“Hahaha, Sun Wukong, I will accept your body!!!”

Baby looked at Sun Wukong who was very close and let out a triumphant laugh.

Baby has lost her mind under the temptation of Sun Wukong’s Super Saiyan 4 power. If he gets the power of Super Saiyan 4, Baby feels that even Sun Wutian is not his opponent.

Of course, he thought too wonderfully, not to mention whether he could get Sun Wukong’s body, even if he did get Sun Wukong’s physical strength, he would really surpass Sun Wutian.

But it is only Son Wuten in the Super 4 state. He still has Super Saiyan 5 that has not yet been opened. Even if Super Saiyan 5 is not opened, Sun Wuten still has a mysterious form that combines Qi, divine power and dimensional power.

If Baby wants to surpass him, that basically doesn’t exist.

Baby ran away so fast that even Sun Wukong almost didn’t react.


“I’m talking about Baby, do you think I don’t exist?” Seeing Baby ignoring him and jumping on Sun Wukong, Sun Wutian’s face darkened.

The red energy rushed, Sun Wutian instantly turned on the super red mode, transformed into a red stream of light and came to Sun Wukong, and punched the liquid with his fist wrapped in divine power.


As if hitting a real object, Sun Wutian’s punch directly knocked Baby away.

“How…how is it possible…”

After being beaten by Sun Wutian, Baby turned into a human form and looked at Sun Wutian with horror and disbelief.

He was very familiar with this form, the transformation into Super Saiyan Red that also claimed to have surpassed Super Saiyan III.

“You, you, you… aren’t you no longer able to use this form?”

Damn it, coach, this person lied so damn much and deceived my true feelings.

Sun Wutian looked back at Baby with a caring look, “It seems that the punch I just hit broke your head. When did I say I couldn’t use it?”

“I’m just too lazy to use this form because this world suppresses the power of God too much. At worst, I will let this world create the legend of the Super Saiyan God. It’s not difficult.”

The people below, except Xiaofang, all looked dumbfounded, looking at Sun Wutian’s appearance with shock on their faces.

Now Sun Wutian does not exude any aura, but there is some substantial sense of oppression.

“I can’t feel it, I can’t feel that Goten’s energy.”

Sun Wuhan said with dull eyes.

“I didn’t feel a breath at all,” gt Wutian also had a dull look on his face.

“But he looks like an ordinary Super Saiyan, but the color is wrong,” Trunks was also puzzled.

“Humph,” Xiaofang felt a sense of pride as she looked at everyone’s ignorance.

They didn’t know it, but she knew it very well.

“What, Xiaofang, do you know?” As Xiaofang’s best friend, Bra knew that she must know something when she saw Xiaofang’s proud smile.

“Of course,” Xiaofang smiled triumphantly.

“Then… what is Goten’s transformation?” Sun Wufan asked blankly. If he hadn’t seen Sun Wutian still alive and kicking, he would have thought there was only air there.

Xiaofang hummed and smiled, “I heard from Uncle Goten that his form is called Super Saiyan God, and it is said to be a form that surpasses Super Saiyan III.”

“Super Saiyan God!”

The four people looked at Sun Wutian with shock on their faces. Although they could not feel Sun Wutian’s aura, they had a feeling that he was very awesome.

Sun Wufan and others were shocked. Sun Wutian didn’t know, but now he was looking at Baby, who was gnashing his teeth, with a playful expression on his face.

He raised his fingers at Baby contemptuously, “What’s up, Baby, don’t you want to destroy the Saiyans? Come on, come on, I’ll be here to see how you eliminate them. Come over here and you’re welcome, I’ll make a move.” If you can handle it, I’ll let you go.”

Sun Wutian’s taunting speed is MAX, and he can draw a lot of hatred.

Baby glared at Sun Wutian angrily, he said, “You’re a super red guy, but I’m a super red guy, and you barely managed to hit a super super red one, and I died so early.”

And who knows what your move is? One energy wave counts as one move, and one full-strength turtle style Qigong wave counts as one move.

I’m so crazy that I don’t believe you.

“Don’t disbelieve me, come on, I promise it won’t hurt, if you don’t I’ll take it as your consent.”

Gotian didn’t give Baby a chance to refute, he condensed a dark purple energy ball in his palm and pushed it towards Baby.

Damn, this is the choice you said, you shot it at me before I made a choice.

And the color is still dark purple.


Baby made a prompt decision and flew towards the universe with all his strength.

He didn’t believe that Gotian just casually shot an energy ball.

Run as far as you can now, Saiyans don’t have the ability to survive in the universe.

As long as you run far enough, they won’t be able to find you.

With this thought in mind, Baby suddenly felt like he went from hell to heaven. He didn’t feel that Gotian or Sun Wukong was catching up, and the energy ball shot by Gotian was very slow, at least with Baby’s speed, he could still escape.


Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten

Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten

Status: Completed Author:


Reborn Son Goten, knowing the dangers of Dragon Ball, began to take a different path from Nobita in the original work. Super Saiyan is definitely not the end, Super Saiyan 2? Super Saiyan 3? Super Saiyan...


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