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Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten — Chapter 38 38. Soul Fusion, Super Goten

Sun Wutian fell into a daze. It turned out that it was because Xiaotong had leukemia, so she… I was so stupid at that time. If I had noticed something strange at that time, maybe I could at least see Xiaotong for the last time…

Yes, the last time. Although I can’t do anything now, I can at least see Xiaotong for the last time…

This book is first published on 𝟼𝟿Book Bar to provide you with a reading experience without wrong chapters and out-of-order chapters

Thinking of this, Sun Wutian no longer cares about anything and runs forward in a hurry, at least he can see Xiaotong for the last time.

A leukemia ward in the city hospital.

Xia Yutong, who has not much time left, lies alone on the bed. There is no relative around her. She lies alone like this, holding a small photo in her hand. Xia Yutong’s eyes are full of tenderness.

“Brother Xiaotian, I’m sorry, I really don’t want to die like this, I haven’t married you yet, I haven’t had a child with you yet, I really don’t want to die like this…”

Xia Yutong burst into tears, crying with tears in her eyes, and Sun Wutian, who was like air around her, gritted his teeth and tried not to cry out.

A tear mark was left in the corner of Sun Wutian’s eyes, with love and hate in his heart. The misunderstanding of Xia Yutong by his predecessor was also cleared up at once, and the predecessor in his heart, Sun Xiaotian, was hit too hard, so he locked himself in the room and was crazy about the second dimension, trying to make himself forget Xia Yutong. Although the result was very successful, if it weren’t for the memories this time, maybe I would have forgotten Xia Yutong.

“Brother Xiaotian, I… love… love you,” Xia Yutong passed away after taking her last breath.

“Xiaotong ah ah ah!” Sun Wutian could no longer hold back the grief and hatred in his heart, and tears could not stop flowing out, and the sadness in his heart was all released at that moment.

The scene changed and turned back to that dark space again.

“Hey, are you just giving up?”

Just as Sun Wutian was crying sadly, a very familiar voice came from behind. Sun Wutian subconsciously turned around and saw a child wearing an orange training suit with a blue long sleeve and a crab head, looking at Sun Wutian with a smile on his face.

“You are…Sun Wutian!” Sun Wutian’s eyes widened. He didn’t expect that there was another Sun Wutian. “Sun Wutian” looked at his current self, who had returned to his original childish appearance.

Sun Xiaotian (now using the name of his predecessor) looked at the Sun Wutian in front of him with a puzzled look, “You are Sun Wutian, didn’t I travel through time and space to become you, why are you still here?”

Sun Wutian chuckled, “I don’t know either, I just know that I saw you crying as soon as I appeared.”

“Sun Wutian, are you still in that body?” Sun Xiaotian asked a little unnaturally. After all, the Sun Wutian in front of him was the original owner of that body, and he could only be regarded as an intruder.

“I don’t know either. I only know that you haven’t completely obtained all my power. Only when we merge can we be the real Sun Wutian,” Sun Wutian said indifferently.

“But won’t you hate me? After all, I stole your body,” Sun Xiaotian said.

“It doesn’t matter, and you will be better than me to be Sun Wutian, and you will be me after the fusion,” Sun Wutian said with a serious face.

“But, I feel that I owe Xiaotong too much. If I die, maybe I can still see Xiaotong,” Sun Xiaotian chuckled, having lost the will to live.

Sun Wutian put his hands on Sun Xiaotian’s shoulders with regret, “Don’t forget, if you can travel through time, why can’t Xiaotong, and dad and the others are still waiting for you!”

Sun Wutian’s words awakened the dreamer, and made Sun Xiaotian suddenly enlightened. Yes, he could travel through time, maybe Xiaotong also traveled through time, and he now has a family to protect, not the weak chicken Sun Xiaotian.

“If you have figured it out, just extend your fist. From now on, you are Goten,” Goten extended his fist to Sun Xiaotian.

“Yes,” Sun Xiaotian also extended his fist to collide with Goten’s fist.

Instantly, a golden light flashed from the middle of their fists, and the light gradually enveloped the two of them. The whole space seemed to be shrouded in a piece of light, and the souls of Sun Xiaotian and Goten merged together.


The big monkey outside suddenly stagnated, giving Gohan, who was waiting for death, time to escape.

Most of the scars on Goku, Gohan, and Trunks were left by fighting with the big monkey. Goku also returned to normal due to excessive physical exhaustion. At this time, he had been in the world for less than half an hour.

“Strange, what happened to Goten,” Trunks said blankly as he looked at the stopped big monkey.

Where is Majin Buu? Uh, he was scared by the big monkey and now he dared not show his head.


The golden ape suddenly roared to the sky, and golden light burst out from its body. The energy surged again, which frightened everyone and made them nervous again. The power just now almost killed them and it was still increasing. How could they continue to play like this?

The golden light enveloped the ape. Sun Xiaotian in the soul space had perfectly merged with Sun Wutian, and they would never be separated again.

“From now on, I am both Sun Xiaotian, an earthling, and Sun-Wu-Tian, ​​a Super Saiyan.”

From the depths of the soul, Sun Wutian’s heroic shout came. In the golden light, the terrifying power seemed to be a huge stone pressing on everyone’s hearts, making them almost breathless.

The golden light continued to compress, and finally formed a tall figure. The golden light faded, and a tall man appeared out of thin air.

The man had black shoulder-length hair, a layer of red eye sockets under his black eyebrows, and a pair of golden eyes with black pupils staring at the moon in the sky. In addition to his chest muscles and four abdominal muscles, his body was covered with a layer of red body hair, and a red tail was swinging. Although the man did not move, the energy in his body was indeed amazing. Even the Super Three Son Goku was far inferior to the man.

“Hey, who are you, Goten?” Trunks pointed at the man and asked.

“Who am I?” The man raised a smirk at the corner of his lips, and his eyes moved to Trunks, and then to Son Goku, Son Gohan and King Kai who were on guard. He opened his mouth and his voice exploded in everyone’s ears like thunder.

“I am, Son Goten.”


Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten

Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten

Status: Completed Author:


Reborn Son Goten, knowing the dangers of Dragon Ball, began to take a different path from Nobita in the original work. Super Saiyan is definitely not the end, Super Saiyan 2? Super Saiyan 3? Super Saiyan...


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