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Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten — Chapter 40 40. The Strong and Invincible New Son Goten


Buu was enraged by Goten’s mocking look. The holes on his head and arms kept spewing out hot smoke. He turned into a purple streamer and rushed towards Goten with all his strength. Now he decided not to hold back and must kill this hateful kid.

“Boom boom boom.”

Goten still had that mocking expression. The moment Buu approached him, continuous roars continued to sound. The ripples in the air were not even as fast as his attack speed. Buu flew out again.

This time everyone only saw Goten throw a punch, but Buu was left with countless fist marks.



Goten’s fist made Buu hit the ground without even the strength to resist, and smashed a huge hole in the ground.

Everyone looked like they were doubting their lives. This guy only got hundreds of punches after Goten threw one punch. Buu must be about to cry!

“Hey, hey, Buu, you have absorbed Vegeta, why are you still so weak? Uncle Vegeta, who was absorbed by you, will cry if he knows,” Sun Wutian said sarcastically to the pit.



Purple rays of light appeared from the cracks in the rocks underground, and then a purple column of air rose up to destroy the rocks. Buu broke out of the ground, and this man was in a very bad state.


Looking at Buu’s current appearance, he pursed his lips and tried hard to hold back his laughter, which made Buu even more angry.

“Hey,” Buu, in a rage, crazily increased his energy. The terrible air wave made the whole sky restless. In order to avoid being injured by mistake, Sun Wuhan and Trunks jumped away and pulled away the confused Kaioshin.

Goten still had that confident smile on his face, his long hair fluttering in the wind, not caring at all about Buu’s energy increase.


The dazzling light from Buu made Goten and others cover their eyes subconsciously. When the light faded, everyone opened their eyes. Gohan and Trunks looked up at the sky with fear on their faces.

Buu held a huge purple energy ball in one hand. The energy emitted by the energy ball was enough to destroy the earth completely. The energy ball created ripples in the air. Gohan and Trunks looked livid. If this energy ball fell, the earth would definitely not be saved.

“Well, what do you mean by that?” Goten’s lips curled up with a hint of ridicule, “Do you want to destroy the earth?”

“That’s right,” Buu proudly held up the energy ball, “This energy ball has enough weight to blow up a planet. What are you going to do now? If you are afraid of death, just get out of the way, but the earth will not be saved, and Saiyans cannot survive in the universe for a long time, but I can’t die, hahaha.”

Speaking of this, Buu excitedly wanted to stand up from the wheelchair… Oh, no, it was excited laughter, but he didn’t see Goten’s caring eyes for the mentally retarded. Young man, a few years ago there was also a person who wanted to be as awesome as you, and had the same idea as you, but unfortunately he is dead now, and the grass on his grave is ten meters high.

Well, that person is Frieza, that idiot, who thought he could survive in the universe and wanted to destroy Namek, but was beaten into a dog by his father Goku.

“Okay, if you don’t throw it down, you will be my grandson,” Goten smiled lightly, making Buu so angry that his nose was almost crooked.

“Then you will be buried with the Earth,” Buu shouted angrily, throwing the energy ball at Goten with all his strength. The energy ball mixed with strong wind broke through the air, and before the energy ball arrived, the terrible energy wind swept the whole field.

Goten raised his hand lightly and spread his palm to catch the incoming energy ball, preventing the energy ball from scoring any more points.

“No way.”

“Goten caught it.”

Gohan and Trunks, who had already become able to only shout 666, looked at Goten in shock, as if Goten had no pressure at all, and even picked his nose with his other hand. Damn, this is a battle, you should be serious, bastard!

“Give it back to you, Buu,” Goten said lightly, and with a strong wave of his big hand, the energy ball rushed towards Buu in the opposite direction at a faster speed than before.

The energy ball passed by Buu, broke through the earth’s atmosphere unstoppably, and exploded in the universe…

The blast from the energy ball even returned to Earth. The Earthlings who didn’t know the truth were confused. WTF, what the hell is this? Aurora… Damn, this isn’t the North Pole.


Goten’s figure appeared in front of Buu like teleportation, and his indifferent expression never left his handsome face.

“You, bastard.” Goten pointed at Buu, his eyes full of contempt and disdain, “Uncle Vegeta would probably come out and strangle you to death if he knew you had used his power!”

“Asshole, go to hell!” Buu was angered by Goten again, and he shouted and rushed towards Goten.

Son Goten glanced at Buu indifferently, and slapped Buu into the ground like a mosquito, “Don’t move, Dad is talking, try to move again.”

Buu, who was slapped into the ground by Son Goten, was confused, Dad is so scary… Where the hell is my dad, thinking of this, Buu wanted to get up and fight Son Goten, but was slapped again by Son Goten without mercy.

“Alas, I didn’t expect you to be stupid, it doesn’t matter, although you are stupid, Dad still loves you,” Son Goten said with a “regrettable” look.

Buu’s anus tightened, and he ran away quickly without caring about the injuries on his body. He looked at Son Goten with a vigilant face, as if he was watching a hentai, “Nonsense, I didn’t feel any love.”

“That’s right, after all, fatherly love is silent,” Son Goten stepped on Buu into the soil, “How is it, is it heavy?”

It was like a thousand-pound weight pressing on Buu, making Buu unable to get up all of a sudden, “It’s heavy.”

“It’s right to be heavy, after all, fatherly love is like a mountain,” Son Goten said again in anger.


Buu’s face turned red, and he was almost fainted by Son Goten’s anger.


Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten

Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten

Status: Completed Author:


Reborn Son Goten, knowing the dangers of Dragon Ball, began to take a different path from Nobita in the original work. Super Saiyan is definitely not the end, Super Saiyan 2? Super Saiyan 3? Super Saiyan...


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