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Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten — Chapter 41 41. Chaos in Hell, the Birth of Evil Thought Waves

“Clang, clang, clang.”

“Ding Ding Ding Ding.”

In Hell, soul cleaning machine, Red Ghost was wearing headphones and entertaining himself, completely unaware that the pointer of the soul cleaning machine behind him had reached the critical point and was issuing a warning.

BOOM Sakalaka.

No one changed it, the black and purple energy cleaned out by the soul cleaning machine exploded, and then the cans filled with evil hearts that were put together exploded like a chain reaction.

For a moment, the entire bottom of the soul cleaning machine was filled with black and purple gas. Red Ghost was holding something like a fire extinguisher and was confused, “What should I do. How could this happen.”


This book was first published on 69 Book Bar→69𝔰𝔥𝔲𝔵.𝔫𝔢𝔱, providing you with a reading experience without wrong chapters and out-of-order chapters

Another can exploded, and the black and purple gas was washed onto Red Ghost. The gas attached to Red Ghost’s body and mutated it. His body began to develop into yellow, and it also expanded and became bigger and bigger.

“Oh my god, how could this happen!” The green ghost hurried down the stairs and saw the mutated red ghost in a panic, “We have to report to Lord Yama.”

“What happened?” The vibration caused by the explosion reached Lord Yama’s Yama Palace. The tall and fat Lord Yama was confused. I was just taking a nap, how could it explode? Don’t let me catch you, or I’ll let you taste the one-stop service of the Eighteen Layers of Hell.

“Lord Yama, the soul cleaning machine is damaged, and a red ghost has mutated,” the green ghost who hurried over shouted loudly, but the crystal coming from the corridor quickly sealed him like ice.

Lord Yama looked at the changes around him in surprise. In the image fed back by the crystal, there was a cute big fat man in yellow sitting on the crystallized Yama Palace, shouting “evil thoughts, evil thoughts”.

“Damn it, it seems that this place has been occupied by the guy above,” King Yama said with cold sweat on his head, with an ugly face, “Yama Palace is blocked, we will not be able to play the righteous power to correct this world, the world will be in chaos, and the dead will be resurrected.”

Yellow Springs Martial Arts Competition, the bored kings gathered together to hold this martial arts competition. Anyway, everyone is dead and has nothing to do all day, so they can have some activities to entertain themselves. Everyone is dead and can’t kill each other even if they use all their strength, so they can let go.

Now, it is the duel between Sun Wukong of the North Galaxy and the top master of the East Galaxy, Pork Chop Rice.

(Pork Chop Rice, Tianjin Rice, Dumplings, the old bird is very good at being a human being. Why doesn’t anyone feel strange that Chinese dish names can be used as names of people)




In the ring match, Sun Wukong and Pork Chop Rice are fighting fiercely, punching each other mercilessly, and they can’t kill each other anyway.


A crystal popped out from the ground and scared the two people who were fighting. What the hell is this thing that suddenly appeared.

“Wukong, Pork Chop Rice, don’t fight for now. Something happened at King Yama’s place. Go check it out first,” said the Great King Kai who was sitting on the highest platform.

“Oh, OK.”

Sun Wukong accepted the task from the Great King Kai and said to Pork Chop Rice, “Pork Chop Rice, catch me.”

Pork Chop Rice’s mouth twitched, and he reluctantly grabbed Sun Wukong’s shoulders. Sun Wukong put his two fingers on his forehead and concentrated his mind.

Strangely, Uncle Yama’s aura became so weak. Sun Wukong searched for King Yama’s aura, and his expression was a little surprised. He thought to himself, never mind, let’s go check it out first!


Sun Wukong used instant teleportation to teleport himself and Pork Chop Rice to Yama Hall. When they saw the current Yama Hall for the first time, they were confused. Damn, where is Yama Hall? And, how did the aura of Uncle Yama that I just found run outside?

“Is it Wukong?” The face of King Yama with anxiety and expectation appeared on the crystal.

“It’s me, uncle,” Sun Wukong greeted.

“Wukong, the main villain is up there, you can only save us if you drive him away,” King Yama said anxiously.

“Up there?” x2.

Sun Wukong and Pai Gu Fan looked confused, and gradually floated up to the top of the Yama Palace with the Wukong technique.

“Woo wow!” x2.

The fat face that suddenly appeared scared the two of them. What the hell is this? It scared the baby to death. Pay the money!

“Evil Thought Wave Evil Thought Wave,” the yellow fat man Xie Nianbo muttered the three words Xie Nianbo with a cute face.

“Hey, are you the main murderer who caused all this?” Pai Gu Fan pointed at Xie Nianbo and questioned.

“Evil Thought Wave Evil Thought Wave,” However, Xie Nianbo ignored him.

“Evil thoughts,” Pai Gu Fan was stunned at first, then he put on a weird uncle’s expression with a bit of vulgarity, “Good boy, open the barrier, okay?”

Fuck, there is a weird uncle here who wants to seduce this baby. The clever evil thoughts did not move, still looking the same “Evil thoughts, evil thoughts.”

“Fuck, forcing me to do it,” Pai Gu Fan was angry after the negotiation failed.

“Evil thoughts, evil thoughts,” Evil thoughts pointed at Sun Wukong, I want to fight him.

“I,” Sun Wukong’s eyes showed a gleam of light, “So he wants to fight me! Hey, Pai Gu Fan, you come to save Uncle Yan Mo, I will fight him!”

It is obvious that Sun Wukong’s fighting spirit was aroused by the evil thoughts. He was having trouble finding a reason to fight, so he chose me. It was so smart.


Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten

Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten

Status: Completed Author:


Reborn Son Goten, knowing the dangers of Dragon Ball, began to take a different path from Nobita in the original work. Super Saiyan is definitely not the end, Super Saiyan 2? Super Saiyan 3? Super Saiyan...


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