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Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten — Chapter 43 43. Resurrection is useless

Frieza’s eyes were fixed on Trunks, and the hatred in his eyes was not so easy to eliminate. It was this guy who sent me to fall in love with King Yama.

Trunks had a weird look on his face, “I don’t know you, why are you looking at me like this? This guy can’t be a gay pedophile… I’m kidding, I’m overthinking this.”

Trunks’ little face kept changing, and he looked distorted. He didn’t know what he was thinking.

“Let me tell you, you are the mentally retarded Emperor Frieza who wanted to die on Namek and was beaten into a dog by his father. You wanted to come to Earth to take revenge, but was killed by Trunks!”

Frieza’s brows were twitching wildly. What is this damn kid talking about? Doesn’t he know what it means to scold someone without exposing their shortcomings? asshole. Frieza glared.

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“Then you are the one who wanted to die and made my brother angry and then got beaten to a pulp.” Sun Wutian’s tone seemed to be talking about what the weather was like today, which made Shahru’s face become distorted.

“Asshole, who the hell are you? I never saw you seven years ago,” Shahru said angrily, glaring at Sun Wutian.

“Me?” A frivolous smile appeared on Sun Wutian’s lips, “My name is Sun Wutian. I am the posthumous son of Sun Wukong and the younger brother of Sun Wufan. Before I was born, you were beaten to death by my brother.”

The…posthumous child of that year? Damn it, you can figure it out even if my math teacher dies early, okay? You are only seven years old this year and you are almost taller than your dad. You are so numb! ! !

Cell exploded instantly, and he could no longer control the ancient power in his body. He roared, “You are fucking kidding me. A seven-year-old kid is only 1.8 meters tall. No matter how fast a Saiyan develops, he cannot become like this. You are telling lies.” Can you find a more reliable reason? mmp.”

Looking at Cellulite who was spitting wildly, everyone looked confused. Sun Wuhan was even more confused. I’m sorry, you are really Cellulite. It’s impossible. You must be fake.

Sun Wuhan walked towards Shalu in a daze, and under everyone’s puzzled looks, he made a move that made everyone stunned.

“Well, Son Wuhan, what are you doing here…I’m going to choke you, hold my claws, damn, let go!”

Sun Wuhan pinched Cell’s face with both hands and pulled it wildly, scaring Kaiojin to the point of peeing. Damn it, he was such a great god!

“It’s actually true.” The real touch on Cellul’s face made Sun Wuhan hesitate. “It’s impossible. Cellulite shouldn’t be too funny!”

Seeing Sun Wuhan let go, Shalu quickly jumped away from Sun Wuhan. He covered his swollen face with a sad expression and looked at Sun Wuhan with resentful eyes, fearing that he would get addicted to it.


Everyone covered their lips tightly to prevent themselves from laughing. Even Frieza pursed his lips as if I was leaving and couldn’t help but be amused by you.


Shalu’s face turned red and he coughed awkwardly.

Sun Wutian chuckled and clenched his fists, “It doesn’t matter, I just got tired of torturing Buu, so I might as well torture you first!”

“Huh?” Frieza was stunned for a moment, then covered his face and chuckled, “Hey, the kid is really arrogant now. Let me tell you, back then…”


“Don’t interfere when dad is pretending, you know?” Sun Wutian said scornfully, looking at Frieza with disdain as he slapped him into the ground. This slap seemed to be very satisfying.



Cell looked at Sun Wutian with a solemn expression. He didn’t realize how fast Sun Wutian was moving just now. Frieza was even more confused. Damn it, why am I eating dirt!

Sun Wuhan and Trunks looked at Sun Wutian with strange expressions, feeling that their brother (friend) had changed a bit.

“What the hell, I’m Fuli… Sha.”


Frieza was so excited that he wanted to stand up and fight Sun Wutian, but Sun Wutian just glanced at Frieza indifferently and kicked him into the stone wall with no expression on his face.

“It’s your turn!” Sun Wutian looked at Shalu with a smile on his face, which looked like a devil’s smile in Shalu’s eyes, and he used the air dance technique to escape into the distance.


Sun Wutian did not catch up, but quietly watched Shalu flee in panic. He raised his hand and pointed it at Shalu’s back. With a bang, a yellow energy wave erupted from his palm, like a cannonball. It shot out and flew towards Shalu.


Cell watched in despair as the energy wave approached, and was swallowed up mercilessly by the energy wave. The screams that resounded throughout the world were as continuous as the bells of hanging beams.

“Hey, look, this is what you get for pretending to be bad in front of me,” Sun Wuten said to Frieza in a lecturing tone.

Frieza had the words “mmp” in his mind and he was about to blurt it out and throw it in Son Wutian’s face, “mmp, Sarut didn’t even say a word and was pretending to be a b.” You didn’t pretend to be a b and I was beaten to death by you. Are you embarrassed?

“So, next time you are resurrected, don’t pretend to be bad in front of me, you know,” Son Wuten said meaningfully, the murderous intent in his eyes unreservedly released, scaring Frieza to the point of peeing.

Putting one hand in front of Frischahun, Sun Wutian also waved with a smile with the other hand, as if saying goodbye to an old friend, “Bye!”


The energy wave blasted out, submerging Frieza’s figure, and after that, no one was left.


Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten

Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten

Status: Completed Author:


Reborn Son Goten, knowing the dangers of Dragon Ball, began to take a different path from Nobita in the original work. Super Saiyan is definitely not the end, Super Saiyan 2? Super Saiyan 3? Super Saiyan...


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