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Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten — Chapter 44 44. Sun Wutian was absorbed

“Okay, the scene is cleared,” Son Goten exhaled, and turned his gaze to Buu who had become a spectator. His indifferent smile was quickly replaced by murderous intent.

“Next, it’s your turn! Buu.” Son Goten came to Buu as if teleporting, staring at Buu with cold eyes.

Buu panicked immediately. What the hell is going to kill me? Damn Babidi, why did you insist on resurrecting me on Earth? I have to deal with such an awesome guy. I will die on any planet! Buu cursed Babidi in his heart.

Babidi in hell said that I don’t take the blame. How the hell did I know that there would be such an awesome person on Earth? If I knew, I would not die!

“Wait, wait,” Buu waved his hands anxiously, his face full of fear, “You can’t kill me, if you kill me Vegeta in my body will die too, you shouldn’t want to do that! And Trunks over there will hate you to death.”

Buu’s threatening words made Goten’s eyes more murderous, and his sneer was full of caring eyes for the mentally retarded, “You mentally retarded, don’t you know there are Dragon Balls on Earth? The Dragon Balls I collected with Trunks last time haven’t made a wish yet!”

“Drip drip drip.”

Buu’s head was covered with cold sweat, damn, I remembered that Vegeta’s memory did have memories of Dragon Balls.

“Kameha~” Goten put his hands together at his waist in a calyx shape, and a blue energy ball emitted a sky blue light, and Goten’s surroundings were also rendered blue.



Buu closed his eyes in despair. As for escaping, he had thought about it, but Goten’s momentum made him dare not move at all. It’s just that this sound is so strange, something seems to touch him, and it’s light.

When he opened his eyes, he saw ribbons all over his body, and Goten was rolling around with his hands on his stomach, laughing like a barbell. If he didn’t understand that he was fooled, Buu could go buy some medicine to treat mental retardation.

“Ha ha ha ha, I didn’t expect you to be so frightened Buu, you must be scared to shit, ha ha ha ha,” Goten laughed until his stomach hurt, and he pounded the ground while laughing.

The few people watching the game were also confused. I don’t know what you mean. By the way, where did you get these ribbon buckets?

“Okay, stop laughing. It’s time to let you rest now,” Goten turned serious in a second, and instantly changed from the funny look just now, as if the funny person just now was not him, looking at Buu and said coldly.

Buu looked at Goten with a wary look on his face. Goten folded his arms, as if everything was under control. “How about this, I’ll give you ten seconds.” Goten spread his palms confidently, and continued to say in the puzzled eyes of everyone, “I’ll count to ten. In these ten seconds, you can try your best to escape, or of course you can attack me. After ten seconds, I will take action to finish you off and beat you to the point where there is nothing left, and you will completely disappear.” At the end, Goten’s eyes flashed with cold light, indicating that he was not joking this time, but serious. “One.” “Two.” “Three.” What should I do? Waiting online, so urgent! Buu looked at Goten nervously, constantly thinking of ways in his heart. Seeing Goten calling out four or five, he was powerless to attack Goten. Don’t be funny, the scene of being pressed to the ground and rubbed is still vivid in my mind! Escape, damn, I can’t teleport, how can I run away? “Six.”



Buu’s eyes darted around, and suddenly he caught a glimpse of a pink-purple unknown object in a hidden corner.

It was the part I just split off. Buu looked at Son Goten. Good, he didn’t notice it. Buu used his mind to control that part of the pink-purple object.

When the pink-purple object sneaked up to Son Goten like a venomous snake, Son Goten’s mouth quietly raised a faint smile of success, which was quickly hidden again.

“Nine,” the pink-purple liquid began to expand in Son Goten, of course no one saw it.



When Son Goten shouted “Ten,” Buu also shouted, and the pink-purple liquid quickly rose and covered Son Goten.

“Oh no,” everyone was stagnant, this was bad.

“Protective barrier,” just before the pink-purple liquid wrapped himself, Son Goten used his luck to form a protective film on his body surface.

“Gurgle gurgle.”

The pink-purple liquid flew into Buu’s body and merged with Buu.

“Hahaha, he’s still a brat, and he can’t even see through this trick,” Buu laughed wildly and raised his middle finger to show his contempt for Goten. “Now that annoying brat is still absorbed by me, and I am still the number one in the universe, Majin Buu.”

“How could it be that Goten was actually absorbed,” Trunks stared blankly at the place where Goten disappeared, with an unbelievable look on his face.

“Goten is too proud and gave Buu an opportunity,” King Kai said in hatred.

Gohan observed Buu for a while, but found that Buu had not changed at all, his aura had not become stronger, and his appearance had not changed. Thinking of the weird smile that Goten had shown before, Gohan probably understood about 70% of it.

“Goten, this kid, is probably going to save Uncle Vegeta,” Gohan muttered to himself.


Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten

Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten

Status: Completed Author:


Reborn Son Goten, knowing the dangers of Dragon Ball, began to take a different path from Nobita in the original work. Super Saiyan is definitely not the end, Super Saiyan 2? Super Saiyan 3? Super Saiyan...


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