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Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten — Chapter 47 47. The Ultimate Evil Thought Wave


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Xie Nianbo, who was silently watching the battle, suddenly roared. Sun Wukong looked back in surprise. Xie Nianbo roared in pain, and black energy from hell continued to surge towards Xie Nianbo.

“What’s going on!” Sun Wukong looked at Xie Nianbo with wide eyes and horror. The black energy flowed into Xie Nianbo’s body like a spring, and Xie Nianbo’s violent energy began to surge.

Sun Wukong carefully observed these black energies, and there were many auras that he was very familiar with.

“Raditz, Ginyu, Dales, Slug…”

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Sun Wukong saw many familiar figures formed by black mist, and he murmured the names of these people in surprise.





“And Broly…what’s going on?” Sun Wukong returned to his normal state and looked at his face. He could feel that the waves of evil thoughts had absorbed the power of these people, and their aura had far exceeded that of the one that absorbed Vegeta before. Majin Buu.

“Oops, if he escapes to the human world, don’t you know what Wutian will deal with?” Suddenly thought of something, Sun Wukong’s expression became even more ugly. Although he knew that Sun Wutian’s power was now astonishingly powerful, he did not have an accurate judgment. , and I don’t know what kind of power Wutian can exert.

No, it must be stopped, Sun Wukong said firmly in his heart.

Devouring the power of those strong men in the past, the power of the evil wave is unprecedentedly powerful. The bright purple armor and red skin have all darkened. The dark purple armor and dark red skin make it even more evil, and the whites of the yellow eyes are covered with scarlet. Instead, the figure is a bit bigger than before.


Sun Wukong instantly transformed into Super Three and stared solemnly at the wave of evil thoughts.


Sun Wukong shouted loudly, and rushed out towards Xie Nianbo. Xie Nianbo grinned evilly, and casually grabbed Sun Wukong’s fist.


Xie Nianbo punched suddenly, an air explosion sounded, and Sun Wukong tilted his head and flew out.


Xie Nianbo’s powerful fist caused Sun Wukong to fly backwards and crash into the needle mountain without any ability to parry.


With a smile, Xie Nianbo picked up a small bottle from the ground, squeezed it casually, and the bottle turned into a red long sword, slashing at Zhenshan vertically, and a sword wave of energy slashed Zhenshan down. Cut a huge crack.


In the Needle Mountain, Sun Wukong did not react, and his arm was cut open by this sword. Fortunately, he was a dead man. For a normal person, his arm would definitely be separated by this sword, but Sun Wukong only injured his arm and blood burst out.


Seeing the evil thought wave, he waved the red sword again, and energy chop waves struck again. Sun Wukong secretly thought that something was wrong, and quickly dodged the sword waves that avoided the evil thought wave.




Sun Wutian punched Little Buu mercilessly in the face, deforming it, and then kicked it to bend its body. In short, now Little Buu was being pressed to the ground and rubbed by Sun Wutian.


After Little Buu recovered, he screamed strangely, smoke erupted from the top of his head, and flew out angrily towards Sun Wutian, vowing to regain his dignity as Majin Buu, but it was of no use.


Sun Wutian casually punched Little Buu away. He was a little tired of it. This guy was as stubborn as a donkey and wanted to die.

“Now that I’m tired of playing around, it’s time for you to report to the King of Hell,” Sun Wutian’s eyes flashed coldly, and he stared at Little Buu with murderous eyes, making him secretly swallow his saliva, “Damn it, it’s going to be cold.”

Little Buu was so nervous that his heart was about to jump out of his chest. What should I do? Wait online. I’m so urgent. It’s really going to be cold this time. Someone come and save the baby. The baby is about to be beaten to death by this bad guy! ! !

Sun Wutian put his hands together at his waist in the shape of a calyx, and a blue energy ball condensed in his hands.




The blue energy ball condensed by Sun Wutian rendered the surrounding world blue, but no one noticed that a crack appeared in the sky.


“Crack, click, click.”

The cracks spread in all directions, getting bigger and bigger.


Sun Wutian’s word “qi” echoed in the world, making Little Buu extremely nervous. He would definitely feel cold when he shouted the word “qi”.

“Crack, click, click, click.”

The cracks spread more and more, almost covering half of the sky.


It’s over. Little Buu closed his eyes in despair, saying goodbye to this beautiful world, ohno~


The sky suddenly exploded, causing Sun Wutian’s movements to freeze, and the turtle Qigong wave was withdrawn.

Damn it, who is disturbing me for pretending to be B? Come out, I promise not to beat you to death!


Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten

Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten

Status: Completed Author:


Reborn Son Goten, knowing the dangers of Dragon Ball, began to take a different path from Nobita in the original work. Super Saiyan is definitely not the end, Super Saiyan 2? Super Saiyan 3? Super Saiyan...


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