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Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten — Chapter 54 4. Fierce Battle with Beerus

“Who knows, I just need to beat you,” Sun Wutian smiled carelessly. Sun Wutian didn’t care much about whether gods were gods or not. As long as the power was strong enough, even gods could press and rub him on the ground.


Sun Wutian’s playful expression darkened, and he roared to the sky. The surge of power in his body was gradually released, and the terrifying energy swept the entire place like a storm.

For a moment, the whole world was not peaceful, the sky was filled with lightning and thunder, and waves of sea tremors shook the sea in all directions. The true power of Super Saiyan IV fully exploded at this moment.

“It’s going to capsize, it’s going to capsize,” the dog man in the trio yelled in horror.

“Uh uh uh…” Everyone on the cruise ship crossed their hands in front of themselves to resist the strong wind stirred up by Sun Wutian, desperately trying to stabilize their bodies.

“Okay…so powerful. This is the power of Super Saiyan Four,” Vegeta gritted his teeth, looking forward to it. If he could have such a transformation, he could defeat Kakarot and even challenge Beerus. …

“Hurry… gasp. I can’t breathe anymore,” Trunks said with difficulty as he protected Bulma behind him, looking at Sun Wutian with a hint of admiration.

“So scary…so strong,” Little Wutian struggled to protect Qiqi and said, looking at Sun Wutian with a hint of yearning in his eyes.

This is Super Saiyan Four… and Super Saiyan Three are simply… different from the same dimension. Sun Wukong, who was hiding in the corner, looked at Sun Wutian with passion.


what happened? Sun Wutian, who was in the Liberation Force, suddenly discovered that there seemed to be something wrong with his body, but he couldn’t explain it.

“This is your full strength. I didn’t expect humans to be so powerful,” Beerus said solemnly. He could feel that the current Sun Wutian’s power was not inferior to him at all, or even stronger than him. Beerus had a I have the illusion that Son Goten is the Super Saiyan God.

“Ara,” a strange light appeared on Weiss’s face, “Lord Beerus, this Saiyan has surpassed you. What are you going to do?”

“Hey, long wait Beerus.”

The golden qi flames on his body rose like a spring, and arcs of electricity were flying around. The energy reached unprecedented levels. Sun Wutian had a playful look on his face, and a confident smile appeared on his face.

“Let’s fight!” x2.

Beerus and Son Goten smiled at each other, let out a loud roar in unison, and disappeared on the spot like lightning.


The fists of the two collided in the void, sending out a shock that shook the earth, and ripples spread to the surroundings.

“Come again!” x2.

Beerus and Sun Wutian raised their lips at the same time and disappeared once again.




The two of them fought further and further away from everyone, and the vibrations in the air became more and more frequent. They almost collided on one side, and the next moment they collided on the other side. The terrifying speed made everyone panic, it was so fast. Even Vegeta, who was as powerful as Son Goku, didn’t fully see their fight, let alone others.

As for Son Gohan, after not practicing for several years, he has gone from being a godly fan who beats Super Buu and plays the same game to a Nobi fan who only knows about academics and can barely transform into a Super Saiyan.


Beerus roared, and a purple energy ball mixed with the destructive energy of the God of Destruction flew towards Sun Wuten.

“Holy shit! Iron Fist.”

Sun Wutian was shocked, yelled, attached his energy to his fist, punched out and hit the destructive energy ball hard. Suddenly, the energy ball rushed forward due to inertia, and then rebounded towards Beerus.

“All of this is fine!” Beerus said in surprise, why didn’t I know about this kind of operation?



Beerus dodges the returning energy ball in a flash, but is hit by the energy wave shot by Sun Wutian.


Beerus glared at Sun Wutian, transformed into a purple stream of light, and rushed towards Sun Wuten like a cannonball.

“Haha, come on! Let’s hurt each other!” Sun Wutian saw Beerus rushing towards him. Instead of being afraid, he laughed loudly and rushed towards Beerus.


The two started a new round of confrontation. Basically, if you punch me, I will kick you, and of course there will be a point and two.

“Damn it, why are you pulling my hair!”

“You are the one, what’s the point of catching my ears!”

“Fuck, let go of my nose if you can!”

“Songzui, your tail is about to break!”

Mom sells batches, fight more seriously, don’t you know that you are fighting like street gangsters now? Everyone felt like they were shouting in their hearts.

The two fought farther and farther, even reaching the outside of the atmosphere.

“Sun Wutian! If you have the ability, just take it and try it!”

Beerus closed his hands, and when he opened them again, a ball of destructive energy condensed, and became bigger and bigger. It was already larger than some large meteorites. He waved hard at Sun Wutian, and the huge energy ball flew towards Sun Wutian.

“If you want to fight a wave, who is afraid of whom?”

“Ten times the turtle style qigong wave!”

A wild smile appeared at the corner of Sun Wutian’s mouth. He put his hands together at his waist like calyxes and pushed them out. A scarlet energy wave shot out from Sun Wutian’s palm and collided with the energy ball.

“Yeah!” x2.

Goten and Beerus output their energy crazily, and the two energies went back and forth, neither giving in. Although Goten was stronger than Beerus or even Whis in terms of strength, he was still a human in theory, and his realm was not as good as Beerus, so there was such a stalemate.

“Don’t… underestimate… Saiyans!!!” Goten increased the output of energy, and the energy was pushed back little by little.

“Not good!” Beerus’ face changed, and he tried his best to move the energy pushed back a little. The energy ball mixed with the two strongest forces was pushed into the depths of the universe by Goten, and finally disappeared in front of everyone.

“Huha, how about Beerus,” Goten took a deep breath, with a playful face.

Beerus first looked at Goten quietly, and then showed a bitter smile as if relieved, “You beat the Saiyan… No, Goten.”

“Hu,” Goten let out a long breath, returned to his normal state and gradually fell down.


Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten

Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten

Status: Completed Author:


Reborn Son Goten, knowing the dangers of Dragon Ball, began to take a different path from Nobita in the original work. Super Saiyan is definitely not the end, Super Saiyan 2? Super Saiyan 3? Super Saiyan...


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