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Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten — Chapter 59 9. Vegeta is about to transform into Super Saiyan 4

“Nima, women are so scary.” After finally sending Elena home, Sun Wutian looked like his body had been hollowed out, and a touch of terror appeared on his face, “Oh no, if Xiaotong becomes like this, I will probably die.” Oh, women are so troublesome!”

With a look of helplessness, Sun Wutian used his Wu Kong Technique and flew slowly towards Baozi Mountain. Damn, he had just endured the cannibalistic gazes of many male beasts along the way. Sun Wutian felt that he had been penetrated by those gazes. Thousands of times, I am not good enough to destroy others with a single qigong wave.

“Alas,” Sun Wutian sighed, and glanced helplessly at his mobile phone. A certain girl had forcibly snatched it away and even saved her number. She said that she could call him at any time. The key is that this girl still kept her number. She looked like she would cry to you immediately if she deleted it, which made Sun Wutian reluctant to reject her.

This book was first published on 69 Book Bar → 69𝒔𝒉𝒖𝒙.𝒏𝒆𝒕, providing you with a reading experience with no wrong chapters and no chapters out of order.

“Hey! Sun Wutian.”

Sun Wutian raised his eyebrows lightly, Hey! Why did this voice sound so familiar? He slowly moved his eyes towards the source of the voice and saw the unique flame hairstyle, and he understood.

“Uncle Vegeta, what’s wrong?” Sun Wutian scratched his head and asked in confusion.

“Son Wuten, please tell me how to transform into Super Saiyan Four,” Vegeta asked eagerly with an excited look on his face.

“Huh?” Sun Wutian was a little confused. I said you won’t wait for me here for a day. Sun Wutian looked at Vegeta’s somewhat embarrassed appearance with strange eyes.

Vegeta was so angry that his nose was almost crooked. What a naughty kid, didn’t you see how anxious I am? Haaaaah, haaah, you are so big.

“I’m asking you how to transform into Super Saiyan 4 and you’re so quick to answer,” Vegeta roared angrily in Son Wuten’s ear.

“Ah ah ah, my head is about to explode,” Sun Wutian said with a confused look on his face. Thanks to the loud voice, I am not deaf yet.

“Okay, okay, I said.”

Seeing that Vegeta still wanted to continue, Sun Wutian quickly interrupted, loosened the tail wrapped around his waist and danced behind him. Sun Wuten grabbed the tail and waved it in front of Vegeta and said, “Uncle Vegeta, I can become a super The Saiyan Four mainly rely on the power of their tails.”

“Tail?” Vegeta looked at Tails in confusion.

“That’s right, after I transformed into a giant ape, the great ape mutated into a golden great ape for some unknown reason. Then I regained my sanity and became Super Saiyan Four.”

“Wait a minute.”

Sun Wuten explained to Vegeta the transformation process of Super Saiyan Four. Vegeta felt something was wrong at the end and said, then looked at Sun Wuten in surprise.

“You said you regained your sanity after transforming into a giant ape. This is impossible. As a low-level warrior, Kakarot’s bloodline should not allow him to regain his sanity after transforming into a giant ape. The same is true for Sun Wuhan. How could you…”

All Saiyans in the Dragon Ball world know that lower-level warriors lose their minds after transforming into a giant ape. At that time, Son Gohan was also trampled to death by Sun Wukong who lost his mind, and Vegeta experienced this personally. Pass.

Sun Wutian raised his brows lightly and looked at Vegeta with his dead eyes. What happened to the lower-level warriors? Do the lower-level warriors owe your family money? The lower-level warrior suppressed you, the Saiyan prince, so that you can only be a thousand-year old man for the rest of your life. Second, the lower-level warrior transformed into a Super Saiyan one step ahead of you. His son was the first to complete the transformation beyond the Super Saiyan. It was my brother who saved you.

“I don’t know, that’s how I changed,” Sun Wutian said, rolling his eyes.


Vegeta looked at Sun Wutian quietly and saw that he didn’t seem to be lying. He touched his back calmly and cursed in his heart, Damn it, I must get his tail out.

“Hey, Vegeta, come back…where are you?”

“Whoa! Dad, slow down, what are you going to do!”

As soon as Vegeta got home, he immediately went straight to the training room and grabbed Trunks in. He didn’t even hear Bulma calling him. In the corridor, only Trunks’ screams were left in tears. Voice.

“Wow! Dad, this is not a bathroom or a toilet. Why are you taking off your pants!”

Seeing Vegeta taking off his pants as soon as he entered the door, Trunks shouted with a weird look on his face, “My father is not a gay, right? He often has trouble with Uncle Goku, but that’s not right, I’m still a child.” , maybe my dad is still a shot control… I’m overthinking it.

Fortunately, Trunks didn’t say these words, otherwise…hey, the iron fist from Mr. Bei’s love will soon make him unable to get out of bed forever.

Vegeta took out a man-sized pliers from nowhere and threw it at Trunks. Under his blank gaze, he said sternly, “Trunks, come here and help dad get the tail out.”

“Ah, why,” Trunks asked blankly, phew, if his father hadn’t been Shotacon, he wouldn’t have been brutally murdered, oh yeah!

“You don’t have to worry about it,” Vegeta glared at Trunks, making him tremble in fear, and then said in a conspiratorial tone, “Trunks, if you can pull the tail that dad finally got out, Stop and train ten times more in the future.”

“Yes!” Trunks trembled, “Promise to complete the mission.”

“Come on then.”


Trunks opened the pliers and clamped tightly on the small thorn protruding from Vegeta’s back, and pulled it out hard while suppressing his blush.


In the training room, screams that seemed to be able to break the sky echoed continuously inside, but people outside could not hear any sound at all. This was the sound insulation effect specially designed by Bulma. As long as there was no explosion inside, the sound would never come out.

“Hahaha, the tail finally came out!” Vegeta looked at his tail being pulled out excitedly, and couldn’t wait to run out and find a place where no one was.

“Great, it’s a full moon tonight,” Vegeta looked at the full moon hanging high in the sky with satisfaction, stared at the moon, and then transformed into a big ape under the catalysis of his tail.

“Hahaha, Super Saiyan 4, I’m finally going to reach it, Kakarot, get ready to be defeated by me!”

Vegeta roared excitedly, ready to welcome the arrival of Super Saiyan 4.

An hour passed, no change…

Two hours passed, no change…

Five hours passed, still no change…

“Goten, you’re kidding me,” Vegeta cursed at Goten as soon as he arrived at Baozi Mountain, “I waited for five hours and nothing happened.”

“Hey,” Goten looked surprised, “It’s impossible, I did change like this at that time…

“Uncle Vegeta, maybe your tail just came out and you’re not used to it!” Goten fooled, but he was still confused in his heart. Could it be that people in this world can only take the divine route, and Super Saiyan 4 is not suitable for this world…


Vegeta looked confused, could it be true.

“Hey, Uncle Vegeta, why don’t you try it again!”


Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten

Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten

Status: Completed Author:


Reborn Son Goten, knowing the dangers of Dragon Ball, began to take a different path from Nobita in the original work. Super Saiyan is definitely not the end, Super Saiyan 2? Super Saiyan 3? Super Saiyan...


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