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Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten — Chapter 61 11. Super Saiyan 5

Since Vegeta learned the transformation to Super Saiyan 4, he now spends every day in the training room practicing madly to improve his normal combat power. He doesn’t care even if a certain angel sneaks to the earth to eat delicious food. It’s still Sun Wukong who makes a quick decision to follow Whis to destroy the sacred training, just to have a transformation beyond Super Saiyan 3.

There is no way, Sun Wukong is desperate. It seems simple to want to transform into Super Saiyan 4, but it blocks the way for him who is born with low blood. If he is afraid of the pain of the tail, he can ask Shenlong to make a wish, but it is difficult to eliminate the difference in blood. Someone is too strong for Shenlong to help, so Sun Wukong can only find another way out.

And our protagonist Sun Wutian is still living a boring student life in school and hiding from a certain girl, but Sun Wutian still hasn’t fallen behind in practice. If he becomes like his brother, he will probably cry to death and go to the back mountain to practice hard from time to time.

“Hey, Elena, can you please not be so close to me, it’s hot,” Summer is approaching, Sun Wutian’s eyebrows jumped wildly, looking helplessly at Elena who was hugging his arms tightly.

“Don’t do it, Senior Xiaotian,” Elena coquettishly hugged Sun Wutian’s hand tighter.

There was no other way, he could only plan in advance. Sun Wutian made up his mind and asked for leave immediately the next day.

“Dad, when you are going to destroy the sacred land, can you take me to the King Kai’s sacred land?” After dinner, Sun Wukong was preparing to go to Bulma’s house to find Whis as usual, and Sun Wukong said.

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“Xiaotian, what’s wrong?” Sun Wukong asked puzzledly.

“Hehe,” Sun Wutian grinned and showed a row of white teeth, “I want to try to break through Super Saiyan 4.”

“What!” Sun Wukong was shocked, “You don’t have a transformation method that surpasses Super Saiyan 4!”

Not long ago, by chance, Sun Wutian was able to transform into Super Saiyan 3, but was soon abandoned by Sun Wutian. Sun Wutian would not transform into this transformation that doubled his physical strength and did not increase his combat power very much. However, Super Saiyan 4 was achieved with the power of four Super Saiyans, Sun Wukong, Sun Gohan, Little Goten, and Trunks.

“Yeah,” Sun Wutian nodded.

“Okay then! Little Goten, hold me,” Sun Wukong said with two fingers on his forehead.

Sun Wutian smiled slightly, grabbed Sun Wukong’s shoulder with one hand, and with a “whoosh”, the two disappeared.

“Hey! Mr. Goku, how did you find time to come here?” Goten and Goku suddenly appeared in the Kaisho Land, startling Old Kai and God Jebit. God Jebit chuckled and said.

“Hey, Kaisho, it’s Xiaotian looking for you,” Goku said hello, revealing Goten behind him.

“Hey, hello,” Goten raised his eyebrows and said hello.

“Mr. Xiaotian, what’s the matter?” God Jebit looked at Goten in a daze and said, he had seen everything on Earth, and he also knew that the current Goten changed his name to Sun Xiaotian in order not to mix with the original Xiaowutian.

To be honest, the battle on Earth almost scared him to death. Damn, even the God of Destruction Beerus was not his opponent, which made God Jebit look at Goten with some respect.

“Well, I want to ask Old Kaisho to help me surpass Super Saiyan 4,” Goten looked at Old Kaisho and asked.

“How do you want me to help you,” Old Kaisho asked slowly.

At this point, Sun Wukong looked at Sun Wutian with a hint of eagerness. Although he couldn’t transform into Super Saiyan 4, he was still itching to do it, maybe it could give him some inspiration.

“I want you to help me find four emotions,” Sun Wutian sat down cross-legged and talked freely, “The opportunity for Super Saiyan transformation is due to anger, and the transformation of Super Saiyan 2 is a higher level of anger, Super Saiyan 3 is a feeling of happiness, and Super Saiyan 4 is sadness. I want to find these four emotions and then merge them.”

Sun Wutian said with a serious expression, and the old Kai nodded, “Calm down, I will help you.”

“Then please,” Sun Wutian said solemnly, and then closed his eyes. The old Kai opened his hands to Sun Wutian, and an invisible force wrapped Sun Wutian.

Sun Wukong did not leave, but just waited by the side. He was very curious about how strong the power beyond Super Saiyan 4 was.

The first Super Saiyan was nothing, this Sun Wutian had known it since he was a child, so he skipped it.

As soon as Goten opened his eyes, he saw himself as a child, fighting Broly. Trunks and Gohan were knocked down one after another, and Gohan was stepped on by Broly. Broly’s feet jumped on Gohan as if he had springs. Every time he stepped on him, the cracks on the ground would spread further.

“Broly, you deserve to die,” Goten’s eyes widened as if they were about to pop out, and he roared like thunder.

The scene changed, and it was the happiest time he had spent with Xiaotong in his previous life.

“Xiaotong,” Goten looked at the beautiful figure that he often met in his dreams, which was indeed the happiest time in his life, even in Dragon Ball.

The scene changed again, this time in the ward, Goten looked at the body that had lost its life, his eyes were dull, a sense of desolation arose spontaneously, and he cried out, “Xiaotong!!”

Goten’s eyes left two lines of tears, and he cried to the sky.

Suddenly, a strange energy suddenly appeared in Sun Wutian’s abdomen, full of mysterious but endlessly majestic terror. This was the energy that flowed into Sun Wutian’s body when drifting outside the world. This energy flowed into Sun Wutian’s brain and merged with his brain.

The picture jumped again, and Sun Wutian came to his own spiritual world. In front of Sun Wutian, a little light formed a girl’s figure. Sun Wutian embraced the girl in his arms, “Xiaotong.”

In a beautiful and extraordinary city, a girl opened her eyes lightly, her beautiful eyes looked into the distance, and her cherry-like mouth opened slightly and muttered, “Brother Xiaotian.”


In reality, Sun Wutian opened his eyes and roared like thunder, and the terrifying energy in his body was released like a spring.

“Get away from Xiaotian quickly,” Sun Wukong shouted.


Sun Wutian entered the state of Super Saiyan 4, and his energy was still rising crazily. The energy was boiling like boiling water, and the terrifying power greatly exceeded Sun Wutian’s original limit.

“What a terrible aura,” Sun Wukong tried his best to resist the strong wind that swept around Sun Wutian.

Sun Wutian’s body was alternately red and white, and exploded with a “boom”, and waves of black smoke and dust covered the world.

“Xiaotian!” Sun Wukong shouted anxiously.

The smoke and dust gradually dispersed, and Sun Wutian’s figure reappeared in front of the three people. At the same time, a terrifying and boundless force swept the entire universe, and even Vegeta, who was far away on Earth, and Beerus, who destroyed the sacred land, could clearly perceive it.

“This aura…” Vegeta opened his eyes wide in horror, and his body kept shaking, “It’s… It’s Sun Xiaotian.”

“Interesting, the power of Saiyans can be so strong,” Beerus’ eyes flashed with a bright color, and this world is no longer as boring as before.

“Ah, it’s the Saiyan who defeated Lord Beerus,” Whis, who was eating the earth food prepared by Bulma, chuckled.

Sun Wutian’s appearance has changed greatly. His silver-white hair has grown to his waist. Under his silver-white eyebrows are silver-white eye sockets. His sky-blue eyes are surrounded by dark blue pupils, revealing a coldness. His red hair has been replaced by white hair.

Sun Wutian chuckled in the surprised eyes of the three people, “This is the power beyond Super Saiyan 4, Super Saiyan 115.”

“This is… beyond… beyond… Super Saiyan… 4… “God Jepitel said incoherently.

“So… so strong,” Sun Wukong looked horrified. He could not detect Sun Wutian’s current power at all.


Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten

Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten

Status: Completed Author:


Reborn Son Goten, knowing the dangers of Dragon Ball, began to take a different path from Nobita in the original work. Super Saiyan is definitely not the end, Super Saiyan 2? Super Saiyan 3? Super Saiyan...


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