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Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten — Chapter 72 22. Teaching Elena the Aerial Dance

In the boundless space of the universe, a stream of light quickly passed by, until a planet stopped, and two figures appeared.

The two figures are very similar to Beerus and Whis. The fat cat similar to Beerus is several times fatter than Beerus, with a very short tail and a red God of Destruction costume; the angel similar to Whis is an angel. She is a royal lady, with a long ponytail reaching her waist, and her charming and sexy lips that make people’s hearts flutter.

“Bados, is this here?” The God of Destruction, who was similar to Beerus, said angrily towards the angel named Bados.

“Master Xiangpa, you will know if you try it,” Bados smiled charmingly.

“That’s right,” Xiangpa stretched out a hand towards the planet, and aimed his palm at the planet. A palm-sized energy ball filled with destructive energy condensed, and the energy ball came out of his hand and flew towards the planet.


The planet exploded, emitting bright light in the endless darkness, releasing its last beauty.

“What a pity, it’s not here,” Xiangpa sighed, “The last wishing ball can never be found.”

This book is first published on 𝟼𝟿Book Bar→𝟼𝟿sʜᴜx.ɴᴇᴛ, providing you with a reading experience with no wrong chapters and no chapters out of order.

Behind him, six behemoths followed, each the size of a planet, with one to seven red stars embedded in them. The appearance is a layer of orange. Anyone familiar with Dragon Ball can recognize them. They are all from this comic. The starting point is Dragon Ball.

“Forget it, Bados, let’s go to the next place,” Xiangpa put his hand on Bados’s back, and Bados’ cane tapped into the void. A ripple rippled in the space, and the two of them turned into each other again. The stream of light fled into the distance.


“My dear, can you teach me that move of yours that can shoot like cannonballs?” Elena shook Sun Wutian’s arm and said coquettishly, “and the one of yours that can fly around in the air.”

Sun Wutian smiled slightly, “You talk about Qi and Wu Kong skills, of course you can. If you want to learn, I can teach you.”

“Really! That’s great!” Elena shouted excitedly, throwing herself into Sun Wutian’s arms with a happy face, and kissed Sun Wutian hard on the mouth with her red lips.

Sun Wutian took Elena to a deserted place. The two sat cross-legged and began to explain to Elena.

“Qi is a kind of energy that we humans have. Everyone has it. It’s just a question of how to channel it.” Sun Wutian said to Elena seriously. He opened his palm and a light blue Qigong bomb came out. The palms condensed out, and blue light flashed around the two people.

Elena crawled up to Sun Wutian with a curious look on her face, looking at the energy bomb in Sun Wutian’s hand that was beating like an elf, and the blue light shone on her playful face.

“And Wu Kong can only be learned when you can use Qi and control it,” Sun Wutian chuckled. “Qi is very powerful. You saw it when I fought last time. As long as your Qi is strong enough, you can It doesn’t matter if the mountain is destroyed.


Sun Wutian flicked his hand, and the energy bomb that originally exuded a charming light came out of his hand, exploding a huge crater not far away, frightening Elena for a moment.

“Then how to learn?” Elena came back to her senses and asked with a puzzled look on her face.

“Well, like this,” Sun Wutian spread his hands and leaned together. Gradually, a new energy bomb condensed out. “Like this, with no distracting thoughts, he then pulled the energy in his body and condensed it into his hands. Release it.”

Sun Wutian dismissed the qigong bombs in his hands and looked at Elena with a smile on his face.

“I’ll try,” Elena began to do what Sun Wutian did just now, spreading her jade hands as white as suet and leaning together, frowning, trying to put away some boring thoughts in her heart.

It lasted like this for almost half an hour, and Dai’s eyebrows were almost twisted together, but Sun Wutian kept watching, but Elena’s anger still hadn’t gathered together.

“Huh,” Elena breathed out the fragrance again, “I can’t do it anymore!”

“Elena, don’t be nervous. Remember, don’t think about anything. Just focus on gathering strength.” Sun Wutian gently rubbed Elena’s little head with an encouraging look on his face.


It seemed that Sun Wutian’s encouragement had taken effect. This time, Elena was much more focused than before. The energy flowing in her body gathered towards Elena’s hands as if obeying some kind of call.

The energy that had been condensed to a certain amount was released, and a pale pink energy bomb appeared in Elena’s hand. Elena was dripping with sweat. She looked at the energy bomb that appeared in her hand with satisfaction. Her heart relaxed and the energy bomb dissipated. , ignoring the sweat on his body, hugged Sun Wutian’s waist and screamed excitedly, “I succeeded, I succeeded, my dear.”

“When you can master Qi, I will teach you the air dance technique!” Sun Wutian lovingly rubbed Elena’s silky hair.

I don’t know why, but Elena’s talent is even better than Dili’s. She can master the release and dispersion of Qi so quickly. Although the destructive power caused is limited, it is still enough to teach her the air dance technique.

“Elena, Wu Kong Technique is to spread Qi all over the body, and use it to break away from the gravity of the earth to achieve flying and levitating, like this,” Sun Wutian raised the corner of his mouth lightly, and his body was suspended in the air under the support of Qi.

“Don’t be anxious, just like you felt angry just now, yes, come on, that’s it.”

Watching Elena gradually master the trick of the air dance, Sun Wutian always had a smile on his face and kept cheering Elena on. Finally, Elena successfully floated off the ground. Although it was only for a few seconds, she still did it.

But what happened next made Sun Wutian stunned. Elena only took an hour to fly slowly in the air. Until the end, the speed was getting faster and faster, almost reaching the speed of an ordinary car, which made Sun Wutian call her a monster.

Sun Wutian just stared at Elena flying freely in the air. Although he also learned the air dance quickly and was able to fly quickly, it was mainly because he was a Saiyan. Elena, an ordinary girl who had not practiced any training, could master the air dance so quickly. How could the clumsy Sun Wutian in the original work survive!

“Not bad, Elena, you can fly freely now,” Sun Wutian said with a smile.


Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten

Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten

Status: Completed Author:


Reborn Son Goten, knowing the dangers of Dragon Ball, began to take a different path from Nobita in the original work. Super Saiyan is definitely not the end, Super Saiyan 2? Super Saiyan 3? Super Saiyan...


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