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Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten — Chapter 74 24. Ask Zuma

Before leaving, Xiangpa took a deep look at Sun Wukong. Seeing his clumsy movements, he couldn’t help but sneer at the corner of his mouth, and then followed Bardos away.


A deafening scream rang out from the Universal Capsule Company, scaring passers-by.

“Nani! If we lose, the Earth will be transferred to the sixth universe. What the hell are you doing?” Bulma roared at Beerus in front of him, making Beerus stunned.

“Well, Bulma-san, please don’t worry,” Whis smiled and glanced at Sun Wutian who was playing with Trunks and Little Goten outside. “We don’t necessarily lose to the sixth universe with Little Goten here, don’t worry.”

Bulma raised her eyebrows and looked at Sun Wutian outside. Yes, she seemed to be too nervous and forgot that there was a guy who could even suppress the God of Destruction. She was old… Wait, I’m only 38 years old. What’s old? (The original book is 37 years old, it seems).

69 Book Bar → 69𝔰𝔥𝔲𝔵.𝔫𝔢𝔱

“But what is this Super Dragon Ball? Even the God of Destruction cares about it,” Vegeta frowned, thinking about the bet that Xiangpa and Beerus had made in the Holy Land of Destruction.

Everyone was also confused. They had Dragon Balls on Earth, and there were also Dragon Balls stronger than Earth on Namek, but they were completely in the dark about what this Super Dragon Ball was.

“Why not ask Lord Zuma!” Jak, who came out of nowhere, said.

“Lord Zuma?”

Everyone looked at Jak with a puzzled look, giving him a star-like experience.

“Lord Zuma is known for knowing everything. There is nothing in the world that he doesn’t know, so it’s right to ask him,” Jak felt that everyone’s eyes were a little uncomfortable, and explained quickly.

“Is that so? Then I’ll go and take a look,” said Bulma.

“Then I’ll go and take a look too,” at this time, Son Goten, who was outside, walked in and said with a smile.

Everyone had no objection and flew towards the galaxy where Zuma was on Gak’s spaceship.

Zuma, whose head was bigger than his entire body, reminded Sun Wutian of a grudge from the Pirate King. He could not be the Pirate King, but Momonosuke must die. This guy’s hairstyle was exactly the same as Momonosuke’s, and this guy was more upright than Momonosuke. If you want to know the information, come and kiss him and you will know.

When Zuma proposed this condition, especially that women could kiss three times, this kind of upright and upright behavior, I believe that most people who saw it at the time were envious and jealous, and they wanted to kill Zuma first.

Bulma was a little embarrassed, and Sun Wutian’s smile on his face was very “bright”, and he sneered in his heart. Did this guy know that the person who came was not Vegeta? According to Vegeta’s current temper, Zuma would definitely be humanely destroyed by Vegeta as soon as he made this request.

“There is no need for that,” Sun Wutian glanced at Zuma coldly, with a cold light flashing in his eyes, and an energy bomb flew in front of Zuma.


A stone pit was formed, and Zuma’s mouth twitched.


Another stone pit was formed, and everyone couldn’t help swallowing their saliva. Damn, it’s too cruel!

“You just need to tell us about the Super Dragon Balls, and I’ll hit you in the face if you beep.beep,” Sun Wutian smiled, and in his hand, an energy ball containing terrifying energy was condensed. Zuma was sweating all over, and he didn’t doubt the power of the energy ball that could destroy the world.

“Okay, okay, I’ll tell you,” Zuma’s cold image was immediately broken, and he spoke anxiously about the information of the Super Dragon Balls.

“The Super Dragon Balls are wishing balls created by the Dragon God, scattered in the sixth and seventh universes…blah blah.”

“That’s…that’s all,” Zuma looked at the energy ball in Sun Wutian’s hand with a panicked look. Ancestor, I’ve already said it, can you please put down the energy ball in your hand, I’m panicking.

Sun Wutian disbanded the energy ball with satisfaction. According to the plot in his mind, this part was almost the same, so he did not embarrass Zuma again, although he looked at Zuma and had the urge to kill him.

Zuma glanced at Gak with resentful eyes. Damn, who told you to bring this little ancestor who should not be provoked? Gak said that he was wronged.

“Since you know what you want to know, let’s go first!” Bulma said with a smile.

Sun Wutian nodded and followed Bulma out, and Gak hurriedly chased after him.

Zuma looked deeply at Goten’s back and said, “That… sir, what’s your name?”

“Goten,” Goten turned his head and glanced at Zuma, saying lazily, “Of course, you can also call me Sun Xiaotian.”

“Goten,” Zuma muttered, looking at Goten’s back and secretly using his superpowers to peek at Goten’s everything, suddenly…


“Sir Zuma!”

Zuma spurted out a mouthful of blood, staining the nearby floor red, frightening several servants to come close and support Zuma worriedly.

“I can’t…see through that person, that…Saiyan.”

Zuma looked at the door with a face full of fear, his eyes squinting at the boss. In this world, even if he is the God of Destruction, he can at least see a little bit, for example, the Universe United Competition three days later, he can see the future very clearly, but now, the future is completely a fog, with no direction.

Several servants looked at each other in bewilderment. In their eyes, the all-knowing Zuma-sama could not see through a mortal, and the fear in their hearts continued to grow.

“Let’s go here!” On a planet at the junction of two universes, Xiangpa looked at this nameless planet with great satisfaction.

As Bardos waved his cane, the barren planet finally had something other than stones. It was covered with a light green gas mask, and inside was a huge arena, and there were huge photos of two gods of destruction.

“Sir Xiangpa, do you want to let that child appear in this conference?” Bardos thought of a beautiful figure and asked with a smile.

“Are you talking about her?” Xiangpa also thought of that person and smiled evilly, “Whatever, as long as we can defeat the seventh universe and make Beerus lose.”


Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten

Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten

Status: Completed Author:


Reborn Son Goten, knowing the dangers of Dragon Ball, began to take a different path from Nobita in the original work. Super Saiyan is definitely not the end, Super Saiyan 2? Super Saiyan 3? Super Saiyan...


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