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Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten — Chapter 75 25. Pre-war preparations

At night, Beerus had a gloomy face, squinting his eyes, and he didn’t know what he was thinking. After listening to what Bulma said, Beerus has been like this.

Are there all the sixth and seventh universes? Very good, Xiangpa, I didn’t want you to lose too badly, don’t blame me now, Beerus’ eyes, a fierce light flashed.

“So, Dad, you plan to go to the Spirit Time House to practice with Uncle Vegeta,” Sun Wutian looked back and forth between Sun Wukong and Vegeta with a weird face, which made the two of them feel scared.

Damn, Dad, you two are alone in a room for three days… three years, you are not going to… that, my God, Mom and Aunt Bulma will cry if they know.

Sun Wutian had some very rotten pictures in his mind, but fortunately he didn’t say it, otherwise he would definitely be killed by Vegeta.

“Who else will appear besides us,” Sun Wutian asked seriously, shaking off those unreliable pictures in his mind. Now that he has been disturbed, he doesn’t know who the players will appear.

“And Buu and Piccolo,” said Sun Wukong.

Sun Wutian raised his eyebrows. Well, it’s similar to the original, but he replaced Monaka. After all, in the original, Beerus made up a strong enemy Monaka just to stimulate Sun Wukong’s competitive spirit. At that time, Sun Wukong could be said to be the strongest person in the seventh universe. If he didn’t make a strong enemy for him, Beerus was afraid that he would slack off.

Now, Sun Wutian is like a mountain blocking everyone, giving Sun Wukong and Vegeta the motivation to move forward. He is a strong man who can even suppress the God of Destruction, and in terms of the amount of energy, he has even surpassed Whis. If it weren’t for the realm, Beerus would have won long ago.

“Xiaotian, why don’t you go in with us to practice,” Sun Wutian’s face was full of instigation, instigating Sun Wutian to follow him in.

“Forget it. Also, call me Goten during the competition. After all, I can’t play over there. Let me use this name first!” Sun Wutian chuckled. Although he still missed his previous life, he was now living as Sun Wutian. His name was also given by his mother. He might as well change it back temporarily!

“Okay!” Sun Wukong agreed without thinking much.

The sixth universe, destroying the sacred land.

“You are back, Sister Bardos, Lord Xiangpa,” a beautiful girl like a green lotus said with a cold face.

Bardos looked at the girl in front of him, and the corners of his lips couldn’t help but lift up and reveal a hint of smile, “Yes, Kaya.”

The girl called Kaya smiled faintly, “Sister Bardos, I can already skillfully use the power of God, plus the power of Saiyans, I can definitely catch up with Lord Xiangpa.”

“Hehe,” Bardos said nothing, looking at Kaya quietly, “Don’t be arrogant, Kaya, although you can use the power of God, it doesn’t mean that others can’t. For example, in the seventh universe we went to this time, there are people who also have the power of God, and they are Saiyans like you.”

Kaya’s cold face couldn’t help but change. The seventh universe, it seems that it’s time.

Bardos looked at Kaya with satisfaction, and felt that it was very much to his liking.

Saiyan Sun Wukong, and Saiyan Vegeta, I really want to know the gap with you. Kaya has a fighting spirit in her heart. If that guy knew that she could fight with his idol, she would be envious to death, but…

Kaya was a little depressed. I didn’t know if he would forgive me for what I did at the time. Maybe he didn’t know that he had died a long time ago. Yes, I hurt him so deeply at the time, maybe he would never forgive me in his life! Kaya smiled self-deprecatingly.

“What’s wrong, Kaya, are you thinking about the past again?” Bardos looked at Kaya worriedly.

“It’s okay,” Kaya wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and smiled reluctantly.

The next day, early in the morning, Sun Wukong and Vegeta rushed into the Spirit Time House to practice.

After waiting for three days, Bulma’s small garden.

A lavender cube that can accommodate at least twenty people is parked here, and everyone looks at the cube with confusion.

“Haven’t Goku and Vegeta come yet?” Beerus looked at the people gathered in surprise, and was a little confused when he didn’t see the two idiots.

After waiting for a while, Goku and Vegeta, who looked like Spartan warriors, finally appeared.

“The beard is so long, let’s go cut it after we take a shower!” Goku said while looking at his beard.

Gotian smiled darkly, “Dad, try to become a Super Saiyan.”

“Why?” Goku asked in confusion.

“Just change it,” Gotian’s face became even darker.


“Wow! Why can’t I see it?” Goku, who turned into a Super Saiyan, screamed because his beard turned golden and covered his eyes.

Gotian had laughed so hard that his stomach hurt, and he couldn’t take it anymore. Dad is so funny, please forgive me for laughing like a pig.

“What are you playing for? Go take a shower quickly,” Beerus roared, unable to bear it any longer.

The neat and tidy Sun Wukong and Vegeta followed everyone into the cube. Whis tapped the cube with his cane, and the cube immediately jumped into the passage as if in space.

In the happy cube, everyone was extremely relaxed and even had a barbecue.

Arrived at the destination, which was the venue for this competition, an unknown planet between two universes.

Goten looked at the planet deeply. Only he knew that this planet was the unknown seventh dragon ball. The idiot Xiangpa didn’t notice it at all, and Bulma didn’t turn on the dragon ball radar in advance.


“This is the Super Dragon Ball!”

“It’s so big!”

Everyone looked at the six huge dragon balls surrounding the nameless planet in shock. The Namek Dragon Ball is nothing compared to this. No wonder Xiangpa vowed that the Super Dragon Ball can fulfill any wish. It seems to be true.

Even Goten was shocked and speechless for a while. It’s really fucking big. This Dragon God is really awesome. In the Super, even Goku’s body can be exchanged with Zamasu, a weak chicken. You know, even Porunga dare not exchange Goku’s power.

Beerus was even more upset. Damn, at least half of this is in my universe. Damn Xiangpa, he really deserves a beating.


Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten

Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten

Status: Completed Author:


Reborn Son Goten, knowing the dangers of Dragon Ball, began to take a different path from Nobita in the original work. Super Saiyan is definitely not the end, Super Saiyan 2? Super Saiyan 3? Super Saiyan...


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