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Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten — Chapter 77 27. Despicable Frost

“Hello everyone from Universe 7,” the first thing Frost did when he came on the stage was to politely say hello to the audience, making people feel impressed by him.

69 Book Bar→69𝓈𝒽𝓊𝓍.𝓃ℯ𝓉

“He is Frieza from Universe 6?”

“It looks similar.”

“But Frieza and I are two different extremes.”

The viewers of Universe 7 couldn’t help but rub their eyes to make sure they saw it correctly, and they all commented that it was completely different from Frieza, the mentally retarded…er, no, the emperor of the universe, and it refreshed their world view.

“This guy is so polite! Who is he?”

Xiangpa asked Bados doubtfully.

“His name is Frost. He is a famous charity ambassador in our sixth universe. He specializes in targeting planets that have lost their loved ones due to war…” The words moved many people. “So I told him that if he wins, Lord Xiangpa will help him.”

Keya curled her lips disdainfully, looking at Frost who was still acting to win people’s hearts on the field with undisguised disdain. Others didn’t know what this guy was so shameless about, but she, a time traveler, knew it all. She almost smashed her computer during this episode of Dragon Ball Super.

What she despises the most is this kind of guy who does one thing before and another behind his back.

“Although we are opponents, I hope there will still be a wonderful game,” Frost said with a fake smile, but few people saw it.

“Hey, come on!” Sun Wukong made a gesture.


A cold light flashed across Frost’s eyes, and his figure suddenly flew towards Sun Wukong like a cannonball, punching out hard.

Sun Wukong easily received Frost’s punch, kicked Frost away with a sweep, and accelerated his body to hit Frost with another punch.

“Hey! How long are you going to keep hiding your power?” Sun Wukong frowned. This Frost only used the first level of transformation to deal with him. It was clear that he looked down on him, so Sun Wukong was a little unhappy.

“Huh?” Frost glanced at Sun Wukong in surprise, “Why do you…”

“Okay! I understand,” Frost looked at Sun Wukong’s resolute eyes, and there was a hint of cruelty in his eyes. This idiot thought that Sun Wukong wanted to die, so he decided to transform.

“Hey yeah!”

Frost looked ferocious and directly transformed into the ugliest third form. His head was super long and ugly.

There was a hint of surprise in Sun Wukong’s eyes. It seemed that Frieza had a higher-level transformation than this. Could it be that he couldn’t? Sun Wukong’s mind was full of questions.


Frost shouted and shot a red energy wave towards Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong once again used his strength to explain what a beating is, and completely pinned Frost to the ground and brutally tortured him.

“Hey! You should have another transformation! Although I don’t know why you want to hide your strength, you should transform!” Sun Wukong looked at Frost coldly and said.

“No, the last layer of my transformation is not what you call hidden strength,” Frost denied. “Even I can’t control my last strength. Once I accidentally killed a bad guy who didn’t deserve to die. , so I don’t want to use the last layer of transformation.

Hearing this, the contempt on Keya’s face grew even stronger, and she killed him by mistake. It was probably because your men threatened you that they would reveal the bad things you had done that you killed him!

Frost’s body once again erupted with astonishing energy, and blue-purple flames enveloped him. When his figure emerged, Frost revealed a figure similar to Frieza’s, and his strength also became stronger.

“But how did you know about my hidden power,” Frost asked confused.

“Because…” The corner of Sun Wukong’s mouth raised a strange arc.


“I hid it too!” Sun Wukong turned directly into a Super Saiyan with a confident smile on his face.

Gak looked at Sun Wukong in surprise, “Saiyans… can also transform?”

“What’s wrong? Haven’t you seen him before? You’re a bumpkin,” Keya smiled sarcastically, the ridicule and disgust on his face showing without any concealment.

Gabe blushed.

Xiangpa didn’t scream like the original, just like he had seen this transformation many times.

Frost smiled, “That’s okay, I believe you can resist my power.”

“bring it on!”

Well, it’s still a beating, a more complete beating than before.







Frost attacked Sun Wukong countless times, but was knocked down with one punch, which made some viewers unable to bear to continue watching.

“Just give up! You are no match for me,” Sun Wukong sighed, looking at Frost with pity as he stood up and walked towards him, shaking his fist.

“No,” Frost looked directly at Sun Wukong with firm eyes, slowly raised his weak fist, and walked step by step towards Sun Wukong, “As long as I win, I can get the help of Lord Xiangpa, and let more people people receive better care.”


Sun Wukong casually caught Frost’s weak punch, but did not see the sneer on the corner of Frost’s mouth. Suddenly, Sun Wukong seemed to be drunk, standing unsteadily and swaying, and his vision was blurry.

“Good opportunity!” Frost took advantage of Sun Wukong’s flaw and knocked Sun Wukong out of the game.

“Off the field, Frost won,” this magical turn made many people confused, and the referee shouted loudly when he confirmed that Sun Wukong was going to play.

Everyone looked unbelievable. How could Sun Wukong be knocked out by such a weak fist.

“Hahaha, Beerus, you finally lost,” seeing that Frost won a game, Xiangpa taunted without mercy.

“Damn it!” Beerus glared at Xiangpa fiercely, looked at Sun Wutian who was still sleeping, and gradually calmed down. Although Sun Wukong was eliminated, he still had Sun Wutian as his trump card.

“The third game, Piccolo vs. Frost.”

Piccolo came on the field, looked at Frost with a serious face, and locked Frost’s actions with his IQ.

Seeing that both of his hands were tied by Piccolo’s Luffy hands, Frost smiled sinisterly and secretly put his hands into the place where Piccolo was tied.

“Uh, what’s going on? I can’t see clearly,” Piccolo was also tricked by Frost like his own Sun Wukong, but fortunately, Jak saw Frost’s weapon.

“I declare that Frost has used a weapon and is eliminated,” the referee found the poison needle embedded in Frost’s wrist.

At this time, Vegeta stood up.

“No need to eliminate him.”


Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten

Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten

Status: Completed Author:


Reborn Son Goten, knowing the dangers of Dragon Ball, began to take a different path from Nobita in the original work. Super Saiyan is definitely not the end, Super Saiyan 2? Super Saiyan 3? Super Saiyan...


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