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Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten — Chapter 85 35. Ke Ya's past

Sun Wutian became more and more excited as he spoke, and finally he roared directly, as if he wanted to vent all his years of resentment.

Although everyone didn’t know what was going on, they felt uncomfortable watching Sun Wutian lose his former demeanor and roar like crazy.

“Xiaotian… Brother, I… I… I’m sorry,” Ke Ya’s eyes were misty again. Sure enough, he still refused to forgive himself, so he found a girlfriend! Ke Ya glanced at Elena in the audience with a complicated look. If she hadn’t done that, it would probably be herself who stood next to Brother Xiaotian!

Ke Ya smiled self-deprecatingly, glanced at the referee who was hiding in the corner with a face full of fear, and said in a choked tone, “Referee, if I am killed by Sun Wutian later, please don’t call him a foul, okay?”


Everyone looked at Ke Ya who said this in disbelief. You don’t even want your life.

“Eh?” The referee was embarrassed. Although you brought it up, I still can’t make up my mind. I don’t know whether your opponent agrees or not.

“Hey! Kaya, don’t do anything stupid!” Xiangpa shouted anxiously.

Sun Wutian’s anger stabilized. He looked at Kaya calmly, sighed slightly in his heart, and slowly approached Kaya with heavy steps.

Kaya calmly closed her eyes, and a look of relief appeared on her face.

“Hey! That Saiyan, if you dare to attack me, I will never let you go!” Xiangpa stepped on the table with one foot, as if he was going to jump down and fight with Sun Wutian.

“Goten, calm down, don’t be impulsive.” Sun Wukong also wanted to jump down to stop Sun Wutian anxiously, but was held tightly by Vegeta.

“Da, da, da.”

Every step Sun Wutian took, a crisp and loud footsteps would be left on the floor, as if walking in everyone’s heart.

Is it coming? It’s not a pity to die in the hands of Brother Xiaotian, Ke Ya thought. As a result, suddenly a warm big hand rubbed her head back and forth.

Ke Ya opened her eyes and saw that it was Sun Wutian who was stroking her head with one hand, with a soft look in his eyes.

“Silly girl, how could I bear to kill you,” Sun Wutian smiled gently.

In fact, Sun Wutian just now was just venting his feelings that he had been deceived for so many years. He had been concealed for so many years. When Xiaotong died alone on the sickbed, he locked himself in the room because of his decadence and was obsessed with the second dimension, but he didn’t want to find out about Xiaotong.

“Brother Xiaotian!” Ke Ya looked at the gentle Sun Wutian with tears in her eyes. When she was a child, Sun Xiaotian also touched her like this.

The audience was stunned and looked at the two of them. What’s going on? Who am I? Where am I? What the hell is going on?

“Ahem, you two, the duel is still going on here!” Piccolo, who was ruining the mood, coughed twice to interrupt the two people who were flirting with each other, and said what everyone present wanted to say.

Sun Wutian raised his eyebrows, looked at the tens of thousands of watts of light bulbs around him, and let go of Ke Ya without a word, shouting, are we still competing now?

Damn it! ! Where did that woman come from? She is so close to dear. I have been pursuing dear for a long time before I got together with her. That woman is clearly the “first time” we met. On the surface, she has no expression, but in fact, she is biting her handkerchief and crying in her heart. Cynical Elena.

“Brother Xiaotian, that girl… is your girlfriend!” Ke Ya looked at Elena in the audience and said with some resentment.

“… Yes!” Sun Wutian was silent for a while, then nodded and admitted, looking at Elena with a soft look.

“Then… have you done that?” Ke Ya asked again faintly.

Sun Wutian’s eyes were a little vague, “You… what are you talking about?”

“What do you think?” Ke Ya stared at Sun Wutian with a suspicious look.

“Yes… yes!” Finally, Sun Wutian, who was uncomfortable being stared at by Ke Ya, hurried to tell the truth.

Ke Ya glanced at Elena with an unwilling look, and a trace of envy flashed in her eyes.

“Are you doing well in the sixth universe!” Sun Wutian asked curiously.

“Hehe!” Ke Ya’s envious eyes were suddenly replaced by hatred, and she stared at Gabe with hateful eyes, “Well, how could it be good!”

Sun Wutian was shocked by Ke Ya’s sudden change. Damn, where did the gentle and considerate Xiao Tong go?

“What’s going on! Calm down,” Sun Wutian hurriedly grabbed Ke Ya who wanted to rush up and cut Gabe into pieces.

“There is an unwritten rule among the Saiyans of our sixth universe,” Kaya lowered her head, a shadow cast on her flawless face, “In order to ensure the purity of blood, all Saiyans are not allowed to have relationships with people from other planets and give birth to children, otherwise, they will be wiped out by all Saiyans.”

Sun Wutian’s face changed, and he stared blankly at the story of the Saiyans of the sixth universe.

“I am the child born by my father and a woman from the planet Moda. Therefore, before I was two years old, we were always hunted by all Saiyans. When I was two years old, my father and mother stopped other Saiyans and sent me to other galaxies to ensure my safety in order to ensure that I could escape smoothly, and they died in battle!”

At the end, Kaya had already cried like a tearful person. She had lived a new life and thought she could live a good life, but before she was two years old, both her parents died in battle and she became an orphan again.

“If…if it weren’t for…Sister Ba…Dos raising me, I would have died long ago,” Kaya choked and cried.

Son Goten held Kaya in his arms and let her cry as much as she wanted. His heart was already cold to the extreme. It seemed that he had to find a time to destroy the Saiyans of the sixth universe!

Everyone looked at Kaya in Son Goten’s arms with sympathy. Even the heartless Son Goku didn’t say anything at this time. He originally thought that the Saiyans of the sixth universe were completely different from those on his side. As a result…their entire family was massacred just because they intermarried with people from other planets. No one would feel good about it.


Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten

Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten

Status: Completed Author:


Reborn Son Goten, knowing the dangers of Dragon Ball, began to take a different path from Nobita in the original work. Super Saiyan is definitely not the end, Super Saiyan 2? Super Saiyan 3? Super Saiyan...


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