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Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten — Chapter 91 41. Sun Wukong vs. Da Te

“So, you fled here shamelessly,” Vegeta scolded mercilessly after listening to Date’s account of his future encounters.

Dat seemed to want to quibble about something, but after meeting Vegeta’s hateful eyes, he subconsciously dodged.

“Don’t say that, Vegeta, Trunks lived in an era where he was just trying to survive,” Sun Wukong said with an apologetic smile.

“By the way, who are you? I haven’t seen you before. You look similar to Uncle Wukong.”

He had long noticed Sun Wutian who had been watching the show nearby, and Date asked blankly. Sun Wutian’s appearance was so similar to that of Sun Wukong, and Sun Wutian’s aura was not much restrained. Date could clearly feel Sun Wutian’s huge size. of huge energy.

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Sun Wutian grinned and extended his hand to Date in good faith, “Hello, my name is Sun Wutian.”

“Oh, hello,” Date shook hands with Sun Wutian, and then the confusion on his face became more intense, “Sun Wutian, what is your relationship with Uncle Wukong? I don’t think I saw you when I came here last time?”

Sun Wutian smiled calmly, “I am the second son of Sun Wukong, the posthumous son who fought against Cellul.”

Da Te’s expression was very shocked. Damn, you’re kidding me. I remember Shalu’s duel, it seemed like it wasn’t long ago! I am just a little kid now, but you are so big.

Seeing the undisguised suspicion in Da Te’s eyes, the smile on Sun Wutian’s face did not diminish, “To be precise, I am Sun Wutian from another world, and the me in this world is just a kid similar to that Trunks. ”

“So that’s it,” Date nodded in relief.

“I didn’t expect humans to actually build a time machine. I thought it was impossible,” Beerus looked at the time machine parked in the courtyard curiously and said with a solemn expression.


Bulma jumped down from the cockpit of the time machine. When she heard Beerus’ words, she straightened her chest and raised her head like a victorious rooster with a look of triumph on her face.

“This is my invention!” Bulma said with pride on her face.

“Really, controlling time is expressly prohibited. Even gods don’t dare to interfere with time too much. You are committing a serious crime,” Weiss said in a conspiratorial tone, looking at Bulma who was getting carried away.


Bulma looked confused.

“Really?” Bulma asked suspiciously.

“Of course,” Weiss nodded lightly, “Time, God doesn’t care about too much intervention in this field, just like a grass, it was originally food for a lamb, if you go back to the past and step on it This piece of grass, then the lamb may die because it does not eat that piece of grass, and then a series of problems will occur.”

“Lord God, if you want to punish me, please punish me! Don’t embarrass my mother.” Upon hearing what Whis said about the seriousness of manipulating time, Dat knelt down beside Beerus with a pale face… of Weiss. “


Beerus pointed at himself in confusion, “Damn it, I’m a god, you naughty kid, you asked the wrong person, I’m here!”

Seeing Beerus’ embarrassment, Whis pointed at Beerus next to him with a smile, “He is the god, and I am the follower.”

Da Te glanced at Beerus in confusion, and then knelt down in front of Beerus without hesitation, “Please, Lord Kami, please don’t punish my mother.”

“No,” Beerus replied coldly, young man, keep your eyes open next time.

Bulma was not annoyed by Beerus’s reaction. She had been with them for so long and was already familiar with these gods who were easy to seduce. She took out… a few fish sausages from her pocket.

“What is this? I haven’t eaten it before.” Beerus took Bulma’s fish sausage and took a bite. His eyes suddenly lit up. “Yeah, it’s delicious.”

“Then…Beerus, I made the time machine…”

“Well, forget it, do you have any more?” Beerus, who finished chewing the sausage in an instant, said, “Is there any more? It’s not enough!” As for making a time machine, to hell with that!

“The PY transaction of human life and food,” Pilaf and others who witnessed all this were shocked and confused. What an aboveboard PY transaction!

“Trunks, let me test your strength!” Sun Wukong looked at Da Te with curiosity. He hadn’t seen him for several years and didn’t know what was so powerful about Da Te. Moreover, even Da Te had no way to deal with the enemy. Sun Wukong can also make a judgment.

The two of them looked at each other, and in unison, their bodies gradually floated into the air, staring at each other in the void.


“Zizzi, zizi!”

Date condensed his energy and instantly transformed into Super Saiyan II, with electricity sizzling all over his body.

“Super Saiyan Two! Then I’ll come too,” Sun Wukong smiled slightly, and with a cry of “tuan!”, Super Saiyan Two, who was just like Da Te, appeared.



Date suddenly punched out, and hit Sun Wukong hard with a fist that was mixed with terrifying force. Sun Wukong’s eyes froze, and at the moment Date punched out, he also punched out, and the two fists collided fiercely. , the terrifying wind swept in from the colliding fists, causing waves of ripples.

Bulma took out a remote control from her pocket again, tapped her jade finger, and several pillars appeared above the courtyard. The energy on the pillars shot towards the top of Sun Wukong and Dat, and the energy collided with each other to form a layer of isolation shield to separate Sun Wukong and Dat.

“That’s it,” Bulma smiled.

Dat saw that the attack had no effect, so he raised one foot and kicked Sun Wukong hard. Sun Wukong raised his other hand to block Dat’s flying kick, raised the corner of his mouth, and attacked Dat like a meteor with his limbs like a residual image. Seeing this, Dat also danced his limbs and fought fiercely with Sun Wukong.




The energy released by the two people’s attack swept all around, and ripples were created on the isolation shield created by Bulma, and then dissipated. It must be said that Bulma is indeed a genius. The isolation shield she created can actually block the energy overflowing from the battle between two Super Saiyans.

“This kid is not bad,” Beerus praised after taking a bite of sausage while watching Big Trunks who tied with Son Goku.

Not bad, he could tie with his father. It seems that the future Trunks is also practicing in peacetime. That’s right, after experiencing the days like the end of the world, it is better to take precautions before it happens. Trunks should understand this principle, even though he can’t beat Black Goku.


Big Trunk took advantage of an opportunity and kicked Son Goku in the waist. Son Goku felt pain and took a few steps back.


Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten

Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten

Status: Completed Author:


Reborn Son Goten, knowing the dangers of Dragon Ball, began to take a different path from Nobita in the original work. Super Saiyan is definitely not the end, Super Saiyan 2? Super Saiyan 3? Super Saiyan...


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