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Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten — Majin Buu wakes up early

While Sun Wukong and Vegeta were dueling, Sun Wutian and others also came to the final boss Babidi.

“Hehehe, Buu will come out soon, and he will be full of energy,” Babidi said with a proud smile on his obscenely wrinkled face.

“I can stop it by knocking you down,” Kaioshin looked at Babidi solemnly.

“Baba wooba.”

Babidi used magic to move everyone in the control room, including Majin Buu’s egg, outside.

“How about Dabra, do you have the confidence to defeat that Earthling?” Babidi asked Dabra teasingly as he looked at Sun Wuhan.

There was a hint of sarcasm on the corner of Dabra’s mouth, “Of course, we have already fought against him just now. I can deal with that kind of trash in one go.”

This book was first published on 69 Book Bar to provide you with a reading experience with no wrong chapters and no out-of-order chapters.


“You don’t have to,” Son Goten transformed into a Super Saiyan and said coldly, pointing his hands at Majin Buu’s balls.

Babidi was shocked, “What are you going to do?”

“Ha,” Sun Wutian fired a yellow energy wave from his hands and flew towards Majin Buu’s egg. With a “boom”, an earth-shaking sound echoed across the world, and a huge mushroom cloud slowly rose. rise.

In order to avoid being affected by the energy wave, everyone used Wu Kongshu to leave at that moment.

“Damn it, Goten, you didn’t say anything in advance when you were going to use a big move,” Trunks complained to Sun Wutian with his feet in the void.

“…” Sun Wutian.

The black smoke dispersed, and cracks gradually appeared in Majin Buu’s egg, and pink smoke sprayed out from the cracks.

“Hahaha, Majin Buu is coming out,” Babidi laughed wildly.

The egg cracked completely. However, there wasn’t a hair inside.




Sun Wufan:……

Trunks looked at the situation inside the egg with confusion, “Hey, wasn’t there that Buu, human?”

Damn it, Uncle Buu, where are you? Come out and say something. Babidi’s laughter stopped abruptly. Damn it, I finally collected so much energy for you. Where the hell did you go?

“Hahaha, Babidi, I guess Majin Buu is dead after being sealed inside for so many years!” Kaioshin was frightened to see that person (Kaioshin: What’s so frightening? I’m a Kai King Buu’s Majin Buu did not appear, so he couldn’t help but laugh proudly.

“Right, Gohan,” Kaioshin laughed and turned to look at Son Gohan, only to find that the three of them were looking seriously above the egg.

Son Goku and Vegeta fighting somewhere.

“Vegeta, wait a minute,” Sun Wukong seemed to have sensed something. He stopped and looked seriously at where Sun Wutian and the others were, “There is a powerful energy there.”

“Nani,” Vegeta frowned, and he also felt the energy.

“Kaioshin, maybe Majin Buu has not disappeared,” Son Gohan said seriously.

“Nani,” Kaioshin and Babidi were shocked and followed Sun Wuhan’s gaze to look above the egg. The pink mist leaking from the egg did not disappear.

The pink mist entwined together and kept making “gurgling” sounds. The pink aerosol turned into a viscous liquid like plasticine, and finally turned into a human figure.

The figure is a fat man, with a small black waistcoat that cannot cover his rich body. There is a belt with an “M” on the white trousers, a pink and purple cloak fluttering in the wind, and a pair of yellow gloves. There is something like an antenna on the top of the head, and there is a row of small holes on the head next to the antenna, with small eyes narrowed and a smile on the face.

“Buu, are you really Buu?” Babidi asked happily.

“Who are you? Do you have anything to eat? I want some chocolate,” Buu tilted his head like a child asking for candy.

“Well, I have chocolates, do you want them?” Sun Wutian took out a few unopened chocolates from his arms and said (fuck, where did you get these).

“Okay, you are a good person,” Buu happily accepted Sun Wutian’s chocolate and then issued a good person card.

The corner of Sun Wutian’s mouth twitched, I was dealt the good guy card, luckily the person who issued the card was not a girl.

Seeing Buu eating chocolate intoxicatedly, everyone looked like fuck.

“Buu, stop eating, kill those guys quickly,” Babidi pointed at Sun Wutian and the three people behind him and shouted.

Buu looked at Babidi, then at Sun Wuten who was pointed at by Babidi, and decisively refused, “No.”

Babidi is going crazy, I was the one who let you out! How can you treat outsiders and buy you off with just a few pieces of chocolate?

Son Wuten wiped his sweat secretly. Fortunately, he still remembered what happened in the original novel. This Fat Buu had the kindness of the Great Kaiojin absorbed by him, so he could just coax him like a child.

“I’m going, Buu, if you don’t go, I’ll seal you again,” Babidi threatened angrily.


“Tian Noo,” Sun Wutian stared at Babidi coldly. In front of Babidi, a huge pit was still emitting black smoke.

Babidi was sweating coldly, but he didn’t dare to really seal Majin Buu. No matter how awesome Dabura was, Sun Wuhan and Sun Wutian could definitely defeat Dabura when they joined forces. As for Babidi himself, the world Wang Shen can kill him instantly by himself. He is just awesome at magic. As for his own combat power, he is probably not as good as an earthling.

“Buu, do you want some candy? Let’s ignore those two idiots,” Goten took out some candy from his arms and tempted.

Everyone was stunned. Damn, Buu, you really went there.

Babidi burst into tears. Oh my god, my Buu, come back soon, don’t go with that weird uncle.


Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten

Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten

Status: Completed Author:


Reborn Son Goten, knowing the dangers of Dragon Ball, began to take a different path from Nobita in the original work. Super Saiyan is definitely not the end, Super Saiyan 2? Super Saiyan 3? Super Saiyan...


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