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Entertainment: Candid photos taken on a deserted island, celebrities’ charades are ruined — Chapter 010

On the Internet, the variety show “Star Desert Island Survival” exploded.

Offline, it also caused a huge response.

Many fans of celebrities gathered in front of the Mango TV headquarters building.

They held the heads of idols and pulled banners of denunciation, asking for explanations for idou.

“Secretly filming live broadcasts and not respecting the privacy of star artists! You guys broke the law, you know? ”

“The person in charge of Mango Satellite TV came out! Is this how my brother let you play as monkeys? ”

“Please don’t trust the live video! Now there are too many AI face changing technology and voice change! ”

“It must still be fake! My brother Yuchen is absolutely impossible to recruit fried powder! I also didn’t fall in love with Qin Xiaoru! ”

“Why doesn’t this kind of garbage variety show stop broadcasting? Return my brother’s innocence! ”

Now, these brain-dead fans still don’t believe in the collapse of the top idol He Yuchen.

Among these fans, some employees of Huayi Media were mixed.

It is they who are inciting confrontation and fishing in troubled waters!

This trick is outstanding!

Many people watching the lively crowd around, pointing.

Offline and network linkage.

Huayi Media is mobilizing power to whitewash!

Posts accusing Mango Satellite TV appeared on major portals.

To throw out all the black pots.

These posts litigate the unfairness of the world, as well as the difficulty of the top idol He Yuchen.

“He Yuchen has come all the way, from a young student to an older brother in the hearts of countless fans, it’s not easy!”

“The law will punish sneakers! Is such a satellite TV that does not respect the privacy of artists really qualified to exist? ”

“Mango Satellite TV is the initiator, which artist will dare to appear on their TV show in the future?”

All topics are avoiding the important and shifting the target.

Attack Mango TV with all your might!

You guys don’t talk about moral secretly filming!

It’s all your fault!

It cannot be said that there is no effect.

Anyway, to a certain extent, He Yuchen’s public image was saved.


On the desert island, 9 stars still don’t know.

I really feel like I’m stuck here.

When the appointed time came, Lin Feng had already taken Reba and returned to the same place.

“It’s back! It’s back! ”

In the group of old drama bones, child stars are at the forefront.

Behind him, there is the highly respected Yi Tianhai, and the talented girl Qin Xiaohuai.

The three walked around the beach on the island and found nothing.

In vain….

Soon, actor Xu Mao took his wife Lou Xiao and walked out of the woods.

“Find some fruit that quenches your thirst.”

The actor Xu Mao generously took out some of the fruits he found from his clothes pocket.

Share it with everyone.

Not much, actually.

There are nine people in total, and each person can only get one….

But in time it rained.

[See no! ] This is Teacher Xu’s responsibility! It is worthy of being a double actor! 】

[Without fresh water resources, these fruits are just a solution to the urgent need. 】

[Hahaha! I want to see how He Yuchen and Qin Xiaoru will face everyone when they come back in a while! 】

[Collapse the house! ] I want to see rivers of blood! 】

Water friends are watching the excitement is not a big deal.

After the seven of them converged, a noise came from the grove.

“Everyone has arrived?”

Qin Xiaoru, the goddess of national first love, waved her hand and greeted everyone.

With brisk steps, she walked towards everyone.

I was not affected by what happened just now.

The look on his face is still so pure and friendly.

In fact, for this national first love, the emotions of netizens are more complicated.

Let’s say that she collapsed the house, not completely collapsed.

At most, when you are in love, you meet someone who is not shy.

Ran into a scumbag.

She has a problem, but the main problem is He Yuchen!

Some goddesses licked their dogs and began to whitewash Qin Xiaoru in the live broadcast room.

[Let’s stay in your mouth! ] A girl in a family, in love and met a scumbag, don’t go too far! 】

[It is! ] I still support Qin Xiaoru! Hope she doesn’t get affected by these things! Come on! Goddess! 】

[Aren’t you in love?] Who would have thought that the other half was such a person, Qin Xiaoru was also a victim! 】

The whitewashing began, and naturally there was the handwriting of Huayi Media.

After Qin Xiaoru, He Yuchen also walked out.

“Sorry, I’m late.”

He Yuchen was like a sunny and cheerful brother, and while saying sorry, he ran towards the group.

“It’s okay, it’s okay.”

Actor Xu Mao looked at He Yuchen and said with a smile: “We all just came back not long ago, how is it, did you gain anything over there?” ”

How could it be?

After entering the grove, He Yuchen wants to have a relationship with his ex-girlfriend….

After being rejected, he found a comfortable place, lay down and slept.

It is said to conserve physical strength.

“No, nothing was found, did you?”

He Yuchen winked at Qin Xiaoru, his eyes clear.

Netizens called out the groove!

[Groove! ] You scumbag, this acting is awesome! Teacher Xu Mao, the actor, is also ashamed of himself! 】

[How is it done?] Just now he was a perverted satyr, but now he has become a pure love big brother? It’s all drama in my eyes! 】

[Absolute! ] Knowing the truth, I couldn’t help but vomit and vomit!! 】

[Rubbish! Everyone must discover the true face of He Yuchen as soon as possible! 】

At this time, He Yuchen is a wolf in sheep’s clothing!

On a desert island, mixed into a flock of harmless sheep for humans and animals!

Wolf, but eat sheep!

It was close to noon, and everyone was a little hungry.

The fruit brought by actor Xu Mao is obviously not satisfying.

“Just now, Reba and I found a good camp over there, let’s go first.”

Twenty minutes later, nine people appeared in front of the reef beach.

There is not much seafood that can be eaten, which is visible to the naked eye.

There are only some small crabs and crayfish, or small fish.

“Teacher Xu, can you spearfish?”

Lin Feng took out his Swiss Army knife and looked at the actor Xu Mao and asked.

Both of them have a knife.

It can be made into a spearfish tool.

“Slightly understood!”

Xu Mao smiled heartily: “Today, I will show everyone a hand!” ”


Lin Feng saw that the actor did not shirk, and immediately started to make harpoons!

Simple harpoon.

From the grove next to him, he cut out two wooden sticks.

The texture is relatively soft, and it is not possible to sharpen a section and use it directly for spearfish.

Daggers need to be tied.


The saber is chopping down!

The head of the stick was split in just enough time for a knife to be inserted.

Next, just tie it tightly with a rope.

The simplest harpoon is done….

It’s just that they are so poor that they don’t have a rope.

[Hahaha! It is difficult for the clever woman to cook without rice, Lin Feng is so embarrassed, there is no rope. 】

[You call this desert island survival?] The program group is really not a person, and a little tool is not provided! 】

[Wait, where are Lin Feng’s eyes looking? Foot fetish? Look specifically at other people’s feet, right? 】

Soon, Lin Feng’s gaze stayed on Reba’s feet.


Lin Feng said to Reba: “Bring me your shoes.” ”


Reba looked questionable, stared at her feet, and took a step back warily.

Lin Feng, you! You! Don’t go overboard!

“Hurry up, it’s just shoelaces, and it’s not for you to go barefoot!”

Lin Feng urged.

This beach, even if you really go barefoot, it’s no problem.

Unfortunately, Lin Feng’s shoes did not have laces.

I had to put the idea on Reba’s feet.

“But, I give you my shoes, I…”

Reba was about to explain.

Lin Feng said again: “You’re wearing boots, right? ”


Reba looked at her feet and replied solemnly.

“The laces on your boots are decoration, don’t you know?”

Lin Feng could see at a glance that Reba’s boots did not have a shoelace!

So it makes the most sense for you to contribute laces.


Reba really hadn’t thought about it.

Who cares about shoelaces!

Scared by Lin Feng’s face flushed, Reba couldn’t wait to dig a hole in the beach and bury himself in it.

What a shame!

“Okay! Here you go! ”

Reba gambled and took off her boots, sat down on the beach, and slowly pulled out her laces.

This scene, seeing the two sisters Qin Xiaoru and Qin Xiaohuai beside them, covered their mouths and laughed.

The actor Xu Mao couldn’t help but laugh out loud.

It’s a very interesting pair.

A minute later, Reba pouted and handed two shoelaces to Lin Feng with a resentful face.

“No, here you go!”

Reba snorted coldly and threatened, “You’d better catch a few big fish with my shoelaces!” ”

As long as there is something delicious, Reba can forgive Lin Feng.

Foodies, it’s all like this….

The interaction between the two because of the shoelaces made the netizens in the live broadcast room unable to hold back.

One dares to ask, the other dares to give!

[Lin Feng, do you do it personally, Reba has a hair on her body? ] 】

[Hahaha! Real steel straight man, Lin Feng, you caught Reba alone and wool! 】

【You don’t let go of your shoelaces! 】 Next time will your kid ask Reba to undress for you to fish? 】

[It’s miserable! ] Look at the eyes of Reba’s little grudge, like a parrot with bare hair! 】

[Brothers, is Lin Feng reliable, this kind of simple harpoon can also catch fish? ] 】

Feilu’s 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)



Entertainment: Candid photos taken on a deserted island, celebrities’ charades are ruined

Entertainment: Candid photos taken on a deserted island, celebrities’ charades are ruined


Desert Island Survival was launched, but the program team lost contact and the stars were trapped.

In order to survive, they lost their restraints and exposed their true nature and turned into beasts!

As everyone knows, the program team did not lose contact, but secretly filmed the live broadcast.

The goddess who was the nation’s first love turned out to be a bus selling meat!

The actor who focuses on being gentle and elegant turns out to be a domestic violence man who takes drugs!

The top singer who was designed as a student turned out to be a smoker in a mixed society!

The whole network exploded! Collective collapse of the house! The personalities of celebrities in the entertainment industry are faked.

Only Lin Feng, the little hottie who was most hacked, has a character reversal!

“Caught a wild boar with your bare hands, cut it into pieces and roasted it. Do you call this fresh meat?”

“Surviving on a deserted island can make Reba fat, as expected of you!”

“In this environment, can we still compose divine songs such as Qili Xiang on a Sunny Day?”

Once the live broadcast was exposed, the entire network was in an uproar! High-level officials are targeting the entertainment industry!

Big reshuffle! Kill these inferior artists! Lin Feng is truly top notch!


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