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Entertainment: Candid photos taken on a deserted island, celebrities’ charades are ruined — Chapter 016

Cartier luxury brand lighter in 18K gold set with precious stones.

The price is as high as 180,000 yuan!

Picking up the lighter, He Yuchen lit a cigarette.

Suddenly swallowed the clouds and spat fog.

His gaze was confused, and he reveled in a luxury cigarette after dinner.

“A cigarette after a meal, happy like a fairy!”

Idols, of course, must learn to enjoy more.

However, Qin Xiaoru couldn’t stand it, and immediately pointed at He Yuchen’s nose and asked, “He Yuchen, you brought a lighter to the island from the beginning?” ”

You personal scum, deceived us all!

At the beginning, Lin Feng asked everyone to take out their own things.

Only He Yuchen is spread out with both hands, and there is nothing.

“Okay! You brought not only cigarettes, but also lighters! ”

Qin Xiaoru, the first love of the people, was finally angry, and He Yuchen’s behavior was extremely bad!

There is no team spirit at all.

Netizens, complete anger!

The live broadcast room exploded instantly.

[He Yuchen is not a scumbag, he is a complete scumbag! ] This kind of garbage is not qualified to live! 】

[People set up collapsed houses? Hehe, now it has exploded in place, and there is no slag left! 】

[The scum of this kind of scum must be thrown into the sea to feed the sharks! ] 】

Qin Xiaoru is indeed a green tea, but the most basic things can be clearly distinguished.

She questioned He Yuchen again.

“Lin Feng drilled wood to make fire just now, why didn’t you take out a lighter?”

Everyone is almost a lighter, but you hide it secretly?

Never seen such a selfish bastard!

For Qin Xiaoru’s questioning, He Yuchen immediately denied it.

He smoked a cigarette and smiled happily: “Why should I take out a lighter?” Didn’t Lin Feng, the tool man, successfully drill wood for fire? ”

“If I take out a lighter, will people suspect me of smoking?”

Otherwise, why would you bring a lighter?

In order not to be suspected by everyone, in order not to let their personality collapse.

He Yuchen chose to hide the lighter!

“Count you ruthless!”

Qin Xiaoru gave a thumbs up, for this kind of person, there is no point in blaming him.


A minute passed, He Yuchen smoked half of his cigarette, still immersed in the ethereal.

Fuchun Shan Ju limited cigarettes are his favorite type of cigarette.

It’s not just expensive, it’s about status.

Also because this cigarette has no taste!

After smoking, you can’t smell the smoke.

After another burst of swallowing clouds, He Yuchen approached his ex-girlfriend and threatened: “Baby, I don’t object to you approaching Lin Feng’s kid, tool man, don’t use waste, but I have a small request.” ”

“You say.”

Qin Xiaoru just wanted to leave this desert island as soon as possible and continue to enjoy her life as a high-class drunken gold fan.

“This Lin Feng, it’s a little strange.”

After patting a stump, He Yuchen and Qin Xiaoru sat down.

“Baby, look, what is the situation when Lin Feng came to participate in this festival?”

Qin Xiaoru began to think.

Lin Feng, 23 years old, is a contracted artist of Huaxing Media.

It’s the head of that small entertainment company.

He is good for nothing but good looks.

Black history is flying.

Tricks, fried powder, fights, brawls, fancy hearts and so on.

It’s him who is bad anyway.

A useless vase.

“Found it, huh?”

He Yuchen slapped his thigh and exclaimed: “This kid, I suspect that he was playing pig and eating tiger before, and coming to the desert island was like opening the ropes!” ”

Instantly became the leader of the group.

All kinds of survival knowledge is full.

This kind of person, once he leaves the desert island and returns to the entertainment industry, will he be reborn as a Jedi?

From a small fresh meat black on the whole network, to the top stream?

“You mean.” Qin Xiaoru understood He Yuchen’s thoughts, “Lin Feng may threaten your status in the future? ”

It’s selfish enough!

“My baby is smart!”

He Yuchen exhaled a smoke ring and spit it on Qin Xiaoru’s face.

Cause physical discomfort to the other person.

“What are you going to do?”

Qin Xiaoru tested He Yuchen’s true thoughts.

“Kill him!”

He Yuchen was on his neck and gestured with his hand in the shape of a knife.

Done, finish off the people!

Instantly, Qin Xiaoru broke out in a cold sweat.

“You! You! You want to kill!? ”

Even if Lin Feng gets in your way, you can’t go to extremes!

To kill is to pay for one’s life.

“Who killed someone?” He Yuchen laughed treacherously, “I just let him die socially!” ”

Then, He Yuchen revealed his plan to his ex-girlfriend.

Lin Feng, originally the wind evaluation was poor, and there was too much black history.

Therefore, he was ready to put another black material on Lin Feng.

Let him completely raise his head in the entertainment industry!

Then there is no threat.

“Baby, you seduce him, and then we’ll make a game and make this kid ruined!”

“Just say he molested you and wanted to rape you! We are the top of the entertainment industry, with positive energy, do you say do you believe him or us? ”

This bureau, He Yuchen has a 100% success rate!

“Time and place.”

He Yuchen touched his chin and said after thinking: “It can be on a desert island, or after we go back.” There is a chance, directly let him die! Get out of showbiz! ”

The plan of the two has been seen and heard by the whole network.

[Shameless! Shameless! He Yuchen, you deserve to die! You actually want to design to kill Lin Feng? 】

[Groove! ] Finally know what a human-faced beast heart is! Lin Feng has been helping you, but you want to kill him? 】

[Huh! Seamless? Your plans have been revealed! It’s everyone who knows! 】

[Lin Feng! You’re about to find out what these two bastards are doing! Otherwise you’re going to be out of luck! 】

This was like two time bombs, bound to Lin Feng’s side.

It will explode at any time!

Knowing people knows their faces but not their hearts.

The top idol He Yuchen is not just scum, but completely bad!

And the first love of the people, Qin Xiaoru, is an accomplice!

After thinking for a while, Qin Xiaoru did not immediately agree.

Instead, use this as a bargaining chip.

“He Yuchen, then what benefits can I gain if I help you design others?”

She has her own little calculations.

Everything starts from your own vital interests.

As for the others, it doesn’t matter….

Qin Xiaoru is not a fool.

Help others, and finally bought by others.

“Benefits, of course, are indispensable for you!”

He Yuchen smiled greedily, he had long seen through Qin Xiaoru’s true thoughts.

“Don’t you want better resources, I can help you!”

“Tell me more!”

This is a deal, and only if the interests are large enough can Qin Xiaoru take risks!

“Baby, aren’t you competing for a film and television resource recently, the opponent is Zhou Yunqi’s little nizi.”

A costume idol drama, the heroine has not yet been decided.

Qin Xiaoru is the most suitable candidate.

But Zhou Yunqi, a second-tier actress, successfully rose to the top through some dark box operations.

It has already threatened Qin Xiaoru’s position!

This is the inner pimple of the first love of the people.

She really wants to get rid of Zhou Yunqi!

This time, Qin Xiaoru’s heart was moved!

Her eyes were full of expectation, and she looked at He Yuchen with a rare smile.

Even the title has become intimate.

“Yuchen, do you have a way to deal with that slut?”

Feilu’s 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)



Entertainment: Candid photos taken on a deserted island, celebrities’ charades are ruined

Entertainment: Candid photos taken on a deserted island, celebrities’ charades are ruined


Desert Island Survival was launched, but the program team lost contact and the stars were trapped.

In order to survive, they lost their restraints and exposed their true nature and turned into beasts!

As everyone knows, the program team did not lose contact, but secretly filmed the live broadcast.

The goddess who was the nation’s first love turned out to be a bus selling meat!

The actor who focuses on being gentle and elegant turns out to be a domestic violence man who takes drugs!

The top singer who was designed as a student turned out to be a smoker in a mixed society!

The whole network exploded! Collective collapse of the house! The personalities of celebrities in the entertainment industry are faked.

Only Lin Feng, the little hottie who was most hacked, has a character reversal!

“Caught a wild boar with your bare hands, cut it into pieces and roasted it. Do you call this fresh meat?”

“Surviving on a deserted island can make Reba fat, as expected of you!”

“In this environment, can we still compose divine songs such as Qili Xiang on a Sunny Day?”

Once the live broadcast was exposed, the entire network was in an uproar! High-level officials are targeting the entertainment industry!

Big reshuffle! Kill these inferior artists! Lin Feng is truly top notch!


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