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Entertainment: Candid photos taken on a deserted island, celebrities’ charades are ruined — Chapter 082

He Yuchen really exploded on the spot this time!

Watch Goku shake all three deadly things out of his pants.

He knew there was no end to it!

The brain, which is not smart, spins fast, trying to get rid of all the responsibilities!

As soon as Goku made a move, he knew if there was any!

At the scene, the actor and the queen looked at the things on the ground and remained silent.

What do you want them to say?

This kind of thing should be left to the judgment of the moral heavenly Venerable.


On the side, his younger sister Qin Xiaohuai did not speak, but just tightly held her sister’s hand.

She, of course, knows what’s going on!

Especially that set.

It’s obviously related to my sister.

“Me. ”

Qin Xiaoru gently pinched her sister’s arm.

Let her say nothing!

Qin Xiaoru didn’t want to set fire to herself.

This matter has to be watched coldly.

Awesome! I’m very happy at the moment.

Hahaha! He Yuchen, you also have today!

Having collapsed the house, he was humiliated yesterday and decided to take revenge!

Let the top idols also taste this taste.

“Huh!” the stick stood out, as a conspicuous bag.

Before he could steal the Holy Stick Master, he let Goku get on first!

This monkey can do it! It’s really daring to do something.

Stick and immediately throw a smiley face at the monkey!



But in response to the little beast’s stick, it was Goku’s croaking teeth and dancing claws.

Very unwelcome.


The stick is too lazy to talk more nonsense with the monkey, so as not to offend, and also on the head.

Walking to He Yuchen’s pants, Ba Ba first picked up a pack of cigarettes.

“Oh, isn’t this Liqun’s Fuchun Mountain Residence limited cigarettes?” the stick began to mock in a strange way, wanting to reduce He Yuchen to dust, “I heard, tens of thousands of yuan a piece!”

Awesome, although he is still young, he is also an old smoker …

I don’t know what you’re talking about!”

He Yuchen immediately denied it, and now he can only beat to death and not admit it!

Look at things, there is still a turnaround.

After saying that, Lin Feng interjected on the side.

The main thing is that I think it’s great.

“I don’t know this cigarette, but you actually know Bang?”

Lin Feng’s simple single sentence provoked a contradiction!

After mixing the water, Lin Feng continued to eat 09 melons.

At the same time, Reba also learns from it.

It looks like a couple…

In an instant, let the old drama bone and others look at the stick.

He Yuchen smokes, he is an adult after all.

Although the character is ruined.

But you’re great!

“You’re just a kid!”

A little ghost, why do you know so much about luxury cigarettes?

A pair of eyes, looking great and flustered.

“Me! Me!”

The stick immediately explained: “I also watched the adults smoke, so I asked!”

I didn’t smoke!

Netizens are not fools, will they not see the little beast?

[Brother Feng’s words, once again let the stick expose, haha!]

[Hey, when it comes to bad water, who can compare to Brother Feng? 】

[Your kid is so familiar with cigarettes, he must be an old smoking gun! ]

[I’ll go! It has to be He Yuchen! Now it’s up to you to explain. 】

Lollipop is just an episode.

Everyone’s attention is still on He Yuchen.

“Show me!”

Old drama bone, responsible for managing everyone’s materials.

This matter, he has no credit!

As in duty bound!

A word must be given to everyone!

Of course, he himself also wanted to deal with He Yuchen.

This beast!

What are you bringing with you to survive on a desert island!

The old man looked at the cigarette in his hand.

Open it and see that there is still half left!

“He Yuchen!”

The old man’s voice was so loud that he startled the other party.

“You! Aren’t you a student debut? Aren’t you a very clean top idol? Aren’t you not stained with alcohol and tobacco? How do you explain it!?”

This time, we caught it!

“I!” He Yuchen refused to admit it, and explained to Yi Tianhai, “Teacher Yi, I don’t know why cigarettes appear in my pants pocket!”

Pale and weak defense.

It was simply insulting Yi Tianhai’s IQ.

“You! You boy!”

Yi Tianhai smiled angrily, he had never seen such a shameless person!


The old drama bone is angry.

Today, he must take this beast down!

In this way, he is worthy of his newly acquired goddaughter.

Old Drama Bone picked up the lighter from the ground again.

At first glance, it is still a luxury limited edition!

“This lighter, He Yuchen, you should talk about it!”

When you see cigarettes, you may be able to turn a blind eye.

Cigarettes, at best, are not good, harmless.

Adults, smoking a cigarette will not collapse the house.

But lighters!

Everyone’s bottom line has been touched!

Lin Feng spoke faintly again.

“So you have a lighter, take it out early, and I don’t have to drill wood for fire.” ”

Or use one sentence to throw all the hatred on He Yuchen’s head.


The actor Xu Mao was furious!

He walked up to He Yuchen, pointed to the lighter in Yi Tianhai’s hand and reprimanded, “He Yuchen, why didn’t you take out the lighter at the beginning?”

Cigarettes, hidden is hidden.


You still keep such an important material?

“Yes!” Shadow Queen Lou Xiao also came up to add oil and vinegar and add a fire, “He Yuchen, do you know how much effort we put into making a fire, especially Lin Feng!

When Lin Feng disappeared yesterday, no one could make a fire.

This results in not being able to eat cooked food.

Don’t mention how miserable!

Even so, you bastard has a lighter!


He Yuchen’s defense continues, belonging to a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water.

I don’t know whose lighter it was, it appeared in my pants pocket for no apparent reason!”

“When we’re all three-year-olds?”

Lollipop found an opportunity!

Yesterday it was he who collapsed on a desert island.

Today it’s your turn He Yuchen!

Heaven’s way is good reincarnation! Who does the sky spare over!

“Brother Yuchen, you can quickly admit it!

Bangbang still remembers He Yuchen’s heinous behavior towards him yesterday!

Wash his wounds with seawater.

It hurts so much that the little beast screams!

Fortunately, he has a hard body!

There is no suppuration and no infection!

Otherwise there are no medical conditions on this desert island.

His little life may really be accounted for.

What’s even more disgusting is that He Yuchen spat into his mouth!

It’s good that Goku shits on the head of this bastard.

Bang Ba felt that He Yuchen was worse than himself, and his heart was instantly balanced.


Lighters and cigarettes, He Yuchen flatly denied.

“What about this?”

The stick picked up the condom from the ground and pointed at He Yuchen and sneered: “It’s too much!”

“Give it to me!”

The old drama bone suddenly feels wrong, always feel a little green on the head?

He Yuchen took the sleeve in He Yuchen’s pocket from the club.

The old drama bone gritted his teeth and became angry.

“You’re a beast!”

The old man scolded directly: “Let you survive on a desert island, you bring this thing up!

It’s obviously a woman who is eyeing here!

Moreover, the old drama bone of course knows that the most likely is his current goddaughter.

Qin Xiaoru!

Maybe, even his younger sister Qin Xiaohuai has ideas!


Lao Tzu’s goddaughter also dares to move?

You’re done!

When we go back to the entertainment industry, I will definitely let the Beijing circle end!

Kill your top idol!

The king of heaven Laozi can’t keep you when he comes.

“Teacher Yi, it’s really a misunderstanding!”

He Yuchen made a final quibble: “This set must have been deliberately planted to frame me!”

“Lighters! Cigarettes! And sets! Somebody else put them in secretly!”

Can’t bear it!

You can find a good reason for quibbling!

The old drama bone asked on the spot: “He Yuchen, tell me about it! Who secretly put it in your pocket to frame you?”

These things are obviously used by men.

There are just a few of them.

You say! Who planted you?

“Do you think it’s me?” asked He Yuchen with a smile.

Let He Yuchen suddenly feel a murderous aura!

Shake your head immediately.

“No, no, it’s not Teacher Xu!”

One answer excludes.

“He Yuchen, do you think it’s Lin Feng?” (Read the violent novel, just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Lin Feng hadn’t finished yet, and Reba was protecting his husband.

“Yes. He Yuchen didn’t dare to identify Lin Feng.

Because he’s everyone’s thigh!

Everyone will inevitably defend Lin Feng!

Especially the actor couple, and the old man!

“It’s also unlikely. He Yuchen shook his head depressedly.

Immediately afterwards, the old drama bone Yi Tianhai pointed at himself and sneered: “He Yuchen, you mean, me!”

These two males are excluded, and then the children are excluded.

That’s not him.

“No, no!” He Yuchen did not dare to offend the old drama bones, the characters of the Beijing circle.

“Huh. ”

The old drama bone couldn’t help but say: “You said neither, who is it?”

Admit it! Then destroy!

Leave yourself some virtue.

This time He Yuchen is really anxious!

Suddenly, he found a way to break the game!

yes, there’s a little beast here!

Or a thief!

Why not pour dirty water on the stick?

Pointing to the stick, He Yuchen led the water east.

“That’s him! It’s this little ghost! Framed!”

He Yuchen’s acting skills, of course, are not covered.

At this time, there is only one trick!

Bursting into tears!

“Heaven and earth conscience!” He Yuchen cried out tears directly, and the little pearl fell from the eyes of a big man.

How much grievance does it have to be to make a man cry?

Netizens served.

[Awesome! You want to turn the limit over? The crocodile’s tears will fall when they say it!]

[He Yuchen! You cry! You are an animal crying dry eyes, and no one will believe you. 】

[Hurry up, judge this beast! Moral Heavenly Venerable Yi Tianhai?]

[Wonderful! Dog eats dog! Dog eats dog!]

Bangbang was stunned!

Do you cry more than Lao Tzu?

Quickly defended: “Grandpa Yi, everyone believe me!

Bangbang, originally wanted to steal something from He Yuchen’s body.

Maybe there is?

But monkey Goku made a move, and he had no chance to steal.

“You little ghost! What a cruel heart!”

He Yuchen snorted and burst into tears!

Your own top idol, yes, can’t collapse because of this!

Otherwise, not only hundreds of millions of dollars will be lost!

You also have to pay huge liquidated damages!


Of course, he knows the face of those capitals in the entertainment industry.

They all eat people and don’t spit out bones.

You are useful, hold you to heaven!

Once you lose your value, cramps and bones!

Spit out all the assets to me!

I also have to work for a lifetime to pay off debts.

“Trust me!”

Awesome also soared acting, and immediately shed tears!

All this is funny to see the moral Tianzun Yi Tianhai.

Pretend! Keep pretending!

The old man talked to the stick yesterday night.

Although this little beast’s hands and feet are not clean, his heart and eyes are a little dirty.

But these things are really not his.

Moreover, the old man also needs a stick as a thug.

Nature is maintained.

“He Yuchen, can you make a face!” the old drama bone almost threw his mouth up.

“Teacher Yi, it’s really not me!”

“Still quibbling?” said the old drama bone, pointing to three things, “smoking, lighters, children are also possible!

Stick to participate in the desert island survival variety show, maybe bring this thing?

Small animals are animals, but you can’t pour all the dirty water on people!

“Teacher Yi!”

He Yuchen was about to kneel and beg for mercy.

“Okay, okay, you’re a man! Aren’t you brave enough to admit it?”

Yi Tianhai didn’t want to talk more nonsense.

But He Yuchen found a new angle from this sentence!


If it doesn’t work, mix the water first!

Then fish in troubled waters.

“Teacher Yi! I know!”

He Yuchen was shocked, which made everyone at the scene gradually lose patience.

“What do you know again?”

The old man asked, angry.

“Who says smoking must be a man?

There is no rule that a man must own and carry it!”


He Yuchen actually found such an outrageous angle to make an excuse to whitewash himself! 827

It’s just a dog jumping off the wall.

The candid shot was given to Lin Feng.

Obviously, even Lin Feng was stunned.

[Haha! Brother Feng was also shocked! He Yuchen, you are too awesome!]

Can you still use this angle?]

[Count you ruthless, the men on the scene can’t plant it, they directly deal with women, right?]

[In terms of general rationality, He Yuchen’s words have some truth. 】

Those who have lighters and cigarettes are not necessarily men.

And the condom explains better.

You can go to the street and inquire.

Some women’s bags have sleeves in their bags!

So, why can’t it be a woman?


The old drama bone Yi Tianhai looked at He Yuchen as if he saw a monster.

You boy! I obeyed!

“Say!” Yi Tianhai was furious, so that He Yuchen immediately testified, “Then who are you talking about?”

“Me me!”

He Yuchen looked at the women around him, weighing the gains and losses.

First of all, exclude the queen Lou Xiao.

He is the woman of the actor and cannot afford to offend.

The eyes of the actor just now can really kill.

Then there was Qin Xiaoru.

Of course she ruled it out!


The sister excludes, and the younger sister certainly cannot pull into the water.

So, there is only one truth!

“That’s her!”

He Yuchen stretched out his hand and pointed at the confused Reba beside Lin Feng and shouted: “It’s Reba!

Lose your marbles!

He Yuchen is now a mad dog!

Catch who bites whom.

“I, I, just me being a bully?” Reba blushed with anger and shouted at He Yuchen, “You!

How did I become the woman who smoked, had a lighter, and carried that with her?

He Yuchen puffed up and decided to throw out all the dirty water!

He knew people didn’t believe it.

But it doesn’t matter!

Just act as a-stirring stick and make the situation out of control!

“Don’t look at Reba’s silly white sweet baby, who knows what she used to be like behind her back?”

In order to muddy the water, He Yuchen went out.

If he doesn’t, he will collapse!

Once the house collapses, life is better than death!

“Okay!” Moral Heavenly Venerable Yi Tianhai really couldn’t stand it, and warned, “He Yuchen, then tell me, what was Reba like before?”

Say it, say it well on the road!

Reba is so stupid and white sweet that you are also framed?

“Hmph!” He Yuchen did a full set of plays, pointed at Reba and said, “Maybe, Reba used to be a little sister who smoked and drank and tattooed, and didn’t know how to do it!”

Listening to He Yuchen’s words, Qin Xiaoru next to him was shocked!

She used to be such a little sister.

Don’t be found out…

Bengbu lived!

At this time, he was sitting on the bus of the inspection team.

Boss Yang, who went to Huayi Media with Gao Jian’s brothers and sisters, spewed out a sip of tea.


Boss Yang is angry and funny, Reba, this little nizi is not a disaster in vain.

Next to him, Gao Hui couldn’t help but laugh.


Gao Hui covered her stomach and asked Boss Yang: “Inspector Yang, tell me about it, is your family’s Reba a little sister who smokes and drinks and tattoos and doesn’t know the rules?”


Entertainment: Candid photos taken on a deserted island, celebrities’ charades are ruined

Entertainment: Candid photos taken on a deserted island, celebrities’ charades are ruined


Desert Island Survival was launched, but the program team lost contact and the stars were trapped.

In order to survive, they lost their restraints and exposed their true nature and turned into beasts!

As everyone knows, the program team did not lose contact, but secretly filmed the live broadcast.

The goddess who was the nation’s first love turned out to be a bus selling meat!

The actor who focuses on being gentle and elegant turns out to be a domestic violence man who takes drugs!

The top singer who was designed as a student turned out to be a smoker in a mixed society!

The whole network exploded! Collective collapse of the house! The personalities of celebrities in the entertainment industry are faked.

Only Lin Feng, the little hottie who was most hacked, has a character reversal!

“Caught a wild boar with your bare hands, cut it into pieces and roasted it. Do you call this fresh meat?”

“Surviving on a deserted island can make Reba fat, as expected of you!”

“In this environment, can we still compose divine songs such as Qili Xiang on a Sunny Day?”

Once the live broadcast was exposed, the entire network was in an uproar! High-level officials are targeting the entertainment industry!

Big reshuffle! Kill these inferior artists! Lin Feng is truly top notch!


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