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Entertainment: Candid photos taken on a deserted island, celebrities’ charades are ruined — Chapter 085

“Don’t trust this beast! Splash dirty water! ”

Qin Xiaoru took the lead and began to fold his armor.

What is He Yuchen?

I just like to splash dirty water.

So don’t believe a single punctuation of this beast!

But He Yuchen, still want to be exposed!

Pointing at Qin Xiaoru, his former girlfriend, He Yuchen broke his mouth and cursed!

“You’re just a little sister! Stinky framed! Packaged by an economic company as a character of the first love of the nation! ”

Spit a mouthful of phlegm on the ground~, He Yuchen went up.

The words coming out of the mouth are getting harder and harder to hear.

“People don’t know what you’ve done, but I’m clear!”

In fact, while exposing Qin Xiaoru, he was also making his own personality further – collapse.

A quality idol, even if exposed, will not say such dirty words.

You’re not a good thing on your own!

More people join the fray.

It’s been a long time!

“Brother Yuchen! I didn’t expect you to be such scum! Ahhh! ”

The stick jumped out and spat on He Yuchen.

Revenge for the other party’s spit in his mouth.

Pointing at each other, the stick also performed.

“People didn’t believe me at first! At the beginning, I really saw He Yuchen and Sister Xiaoru kissing! ”

Then, the stick smiled wickedly.

Changed the lines a bit.

“Now it seems that I found that Sister Xiao Ru resisted at the beginning! It turned out that from that time, He Yuchen had bad intentions! ”

Another card came out and added oil and vinegar there!

I have to kill He Yuchen!

“Awesome! Thank you for helping me talk! ”

Qin Xiaoru was very happy!

I didn’t expect this former enemy.

Now he has become a comrade-in-arms who brought down He Yuchen!

“He Yuchen really forcibly wanted to kiss me at the beginning!” Qin Xiaoru was a framer and wanted to set up an archway, adding, “But in the end, he actually didn’t succeed!” Great, you may have seen the wrong information because of the perspective, and I was not kissed by him in the end! ”

“Ah, yes, yes!” The stick immediately cooperated with Qin Xiaoru’s performance.

“It should be the reason for the misalignment, Sister Xiao Ru was not succeeded by the beast!”

When the actor is acting, there is indeed a misplacement of the borrowing of the mouth.

Seeing that the kiss arrived, in fact it was not.

In the end, the stick also said that Qin Xiaoru was too kind.

It is clear that this bastard has ideas, but you are still not vigilant enough!

“Hey! All blame me! ”

Qin Xiaoru looked at the stick and burst into tears again.

Netizens had to like the little beast, as well as the female dog!

[Groove! ] These two beasts work together seamlessly! It’s to kill He Yuchen! 】

[In such a comparison, it seems that He Yuchen is the most dish? ] Qin Xiaoru’s rank is obviously higher! 】

[Women’s anti-water is the most terrifying, don’t dare to think, what will this trick be like if it is used on Brother Feng? ] 】

Lin Feng’s fans couldn’t help but gasp.

At the beginning, He Yuchen and Qin Xiaoru discussed to set Lin Feng!

Put on a rape!

Think about it!

If it was Qin Xiaoru who identified Lin Feng at this moment, the others were helping on the side.

You may not be able to wash it if you really jump into the Yellow River!

There is no cost to false accusations!

But proving your innocence is too difficult!

Spread rumors with one mouth, refute rumors and run off legs.

The best way is to let rumors die in the cradle!

At this moment, Lin Feng stayed out of the matter, eating fruit and watching the play.

The Wukong next to him twittered, seemingly asking Lin Feng for credit!

Master, I did exactly what you commanded.

Okay with it?

Reba probably noticed that behind Wukong was Lin Feng.

Laugh and don’t speak.

When you have time, ask Lin Feng what is going on!

You really have a bad stomach, hum!

“Just me, stupid Bai Tian…”

Reba realized his shortcomings and decided to ask Lin Feng for advice.

So as not to be sold in the future, still counting money for others.

[Brother Feng definitely knew about it for a long time! ] Everything is under control. 】

[It is clear that he is the one who planned the entire bureau, but Brother Feng can stay out of the matter lightly, and he is a superior person. ] 】

[That mysterious anonymous whistleblower is definitely Brother Feng! ] It’s too much like that! 】

[When Brother Feng leaves the desert island and returns, the supervision team will definitely be the first to rush up and ask! ] 】


It was obvious that He Yuchen was already at an absolute disadvantage.

“Don’t trust this woman!” He Yuchen continued to break the news, “Qin Xiaoru definitely slept with the two brothers Wang Jianlong and Wang Jianhu of Huayi Media!” ”

Otherwise, how could she have come to where she is now?

The first love of the people is all packaged.

“Shut up!” Qin Xiaohuai protected his sister and pointed at He Yuchen’s frame-up, “You are a mad dog!” It is clear that you raped it, and you bite it when you see someone! ”

“Who raped?” He Yuchen reiterated again, “She volunteered!” It is clear that she seduced me! ”

He Yuchen said Qin Xiaoru’s improper motives.

He said that he wanted to use his popularity to get more resources!

The sisters tore He Yuchen together, and the old drama bone Yi Tianhai was a little unbearable.

“It’s so disappointing that something like this happened today!” The old man said to everyone, “Everyone present should be able to see who is the villain and who is the victim, right?” ”

He Yuchen has already been labeled as scum by everyone.

You can’t tear it off.

“Teacher Yi, what do you say!”

The actor Xu Maoyi stood up righteously, if he needed to make a move, he was the first to strike!

“Teacher Xu, everyone can see that He Yuchen is scum! It’s a rapist! ”

The truth doesn’t matter!

It must be that you raped Qin Xiaoru!

Otherwise, the faces of the old drama bones will be lost…

“Let’s get this guy under control first.” Yi Tianhai said lightly.


Xu Mao agreed and walked in front of He Yuchen.

“Cooperate with it!”

After speaking, the actor started.

“Who’s a rapist!” He Yuchen roared like crazy, wanting to rush to Qin Xiaoru and bite this faceless bitch to death, “Qin Xiaoru! You’re a beast! You a bus! You shoe-breaker! ”

“Shut up!”

Xu Mao stretched out his hand and dropped He Yuchen on the beach with an over-the-shoulder fall.

Can’t move.

I could only collapse on the ground and moan.

“! Grass mud horse! Frame me! Wait for Lao Tzu to go back, find the best lawyer to make you a die! ”

The most intimate relationship has already occurred, but in the blink of an eye, the two broke off and turned against each other.

The reason is all because Goku exposed everything…

And who is behind Goku?

Anyway, Lin Feng wouldn’t admit it.

The popularity of the live broadcast room has risen wildly again.

The change of this plot is more and more exciting every time!

[Hahaha! He Yuchen is so dead! You collapsed in the entertainment industry, and the desert island also collapsed! 】

[He Yuchen, do you want to find a lawyer to defend you? I recommend Lawyer Chen Ni! Just sent Hello Brother Letter Zhengbin in! 】

[Although He Yuchen is finished, he also bites off a piece of Qin Xiaoru’s meat! ] Mad dog! 】

[Now it seems that He Yuchen’s rank is the lowest among the beasts present! ] It’s not even great! 】

[Women are really terrifying! ] A move to frame rape, He Yuchen couldn’t resist at all! 】

Lying on the ground, He Yuchen continued to scold.

“I’m not a rapist! I didn’t! Lao Tzu is sitting up straight! Never raped any woman! ”

In this regard, He Yuchen did not lie.

He focuses on a you and me willing.

Unlike his good brother Han Zhengbin, he raped 8 girls.


At this time, Lin Feng slowly stepped forward and asked He Yuchen: “Among so many women you have slept with since your debut, you have never raped?” ”

“Nonsense!! Never! Lie to the sky thunder! He Yuchen didn’t even think about it, and blurted out directly.

Lin Feng, it seems to believe me!

He Yuchen suddenly had hope.

But soon, he discovered that Lin Feng’s words had a set!

Just now, He Yuchen accidentally admitted that he had slept with many women…

“Lin Feng! You! What are your intentions? He Yuchen was furious, and just wanted to speak, but was slapped by the old man Yi Tianhai.


Yi Tianhai’s eyebrows were upturned: “You are an animal and still have a face to speak?” ”

After being slapped, He Yuchen was much quieter.

“Lin Feng! You just told me! Don’t face! [ Read more novels by visiting our website: urlis.net/1x2zb1yw ] )

After He Yuchen finished scolding, Lin Feng spoke lightly.

“He Yuchen, it seems that it is necessary to popularize the law to you.”

The crime of rape refers to the perpetrator’s violation of the relevant provisions of the criminal law.

A crime committed by forcing a victim to engage in sexual acts against his or her will by violence, threats, injury or other means.

Some animals need to be scared and scared.

“He Yuchen, sexual acts that occur against a woman’s will are rape.”

The situation today is straightforward.

Qin Xiaoru bites you back.

That is, you raped her!

And you did have a relationship.

That set is the best evidence, and if you can find your DNA inside, you should also have Qin Xiaoru’s DNA left.

Now, you need to come up with evidence to prove that when you had a relationship with Qin Xiaoru, the other party was voluntary and agreed.


Lin Feng’s combination of laws came down.

Directly forced He Yuchen to be stunned.

An illiterate, where does he understand esoteric laws.

“This is rape too?” He Yuchen looked at Lin Feng stunned.

A slut bites me back, and I’m finished?

He Yuchen felt that the sky had fallen.

As if entering a dead end …

If He Yuchen wanted to prove his innocence, he first had to prove that Qin Xiaoru was voluntary at that time.

But Qin Xiaoru was sure that it was not voluntary.

Also, these people on the side are all towards Qin Xiaoru.


There is no hope of a turnover.

Holding his head with both hands, He Yuchen screamed in pain.

was crushed by Lin Feng.

“Aaaah! Lao Tzu did not rape! It was the slut who framed me! ”

[Hey! Or Brother Feng knows the law! Although there is an exaggerated component, it has little effect. 】

[Rape is established! ] Brother Feng is the judge of the prefecture, and he will determine life and death in one word! Cool crooked! 】

Lin Feng, gave He Yuchen a characterization.

After that, this top stream will inevitably collapse in the entertainment industry.

Salvation cannot be saved.

In a word, it will kill you!

The live broadcast room is full of clapping voices!

He Yuchen, it’s finally completely finished!

Although this guy has the lowest rank on a desert island.

Although the other beasts are still alive and well…

[It’s terrible! He Yuchen eats his own fruit! I don’t dare to imagine that if Qin Xiaoru framed Brother Feng for rape, how would Brother Feng prove his innocence? 】

[Fortunately, it didn’t happen!] Brother Feng turned the rape bucket to the head of He Yuchen, the beast, hehe. 】

[For this kind of beast, it is necessary to be scared to be honest! ] Don’t resist now, right? 】

[They are not good people, and they deserve to go to prison! ] 】

[How angry! ] Ha ha! He Yuchen was raped, but what about Qin Xiaoru, a? 】

Now, Qin Xiaoru has not collapsed in front of everyone on the desert island.

Not only did not collapse, but also a victim!

At this time, Qin Xiaoru was also supported by his sister and pretended to be pitiful and walked to Lin Feng’s side.

“Lin Feng, thank you for speaking up for me, me and me! Woo hoo. ”

Qin Xiaoru decided to take advantage of this encounter to create a weak character.

Come to win Lin Feng and everyone’s sympathy.

Looking at Qin Xiaoru, who was disguised as a victim, Lin Feng replied lightly: “Don’t thank me, if you want to thank me, thank the country’s laws.” However, the crime of rape requires a process to be truly sentenced. ”

The law does not say judgment on judgment.

For example, at that time, I will check whether you and He Yuchen have ever had a relationship.

Details of the relationship in the first place, etc.

Be sure you’re not lying.

In other words, your past will also be ripped out.

Hearing this, Qin Xiaoru’s face turned pale.

“This straight man of steel! Damn it! ”

Qin Xiaoru scolded Lin Feng in his heart.

I don’t understand the style!

Deliberately scare me!

Forget it, now take it one step at a time.

Let’s get a foothold on a desert island first…

A little regretful, netizens sighed when they saw that Qin Xiaoru was unharmed.

[This time he killed He Yuchen, but Qin Xiaoru, who was higher in the rank, hugged his bigger thighs! ] Yi Tianhai! 】

[Moral Tianzun is really difficult to deal with, people have their backs to the Beijing circle, or old foxes! ] 】

Yi Tianhai had already seen through Lin Feng’s schemes.

Not a fuel-efficient lamp!


“Tie up!”

After everyone confirmed that He Yuchen raped, of course, it was impossible to let him jump freely!

Yi Tianhai personally tied He Yuchen with a stick!

“Let go of me! You guys are committing a crime! Limit my freedom!! ”

He Yuchen roared madly.

“Shut up!”

The stick also took off one of He Yuchen’s shoes, and then took off the smelly socks!

Finally, he stuffed the smelly socks into He Yuchen’s mouth!

Before, He Yuchen also treated the thief like this…

Heaven’s way is good reincarnation, who does the sky spare!

“Be honest!”

After tying He Yuchen, Yi Tianhai slapped down again and vented his anger!

Dare to go to my goddaughter?

“Woohoo!” He Yuchen struggled hard and kept scolding his mother.

It stinks!

He Yuchen was by Wukong.

Now he is stuffing his own smelly socks in his mouth again.


Get He Yuchen, the old drama bone Yi Tianhai decided to deal with the aftermath!

“The matter has been settled, let me say a few fair words.”

Moral Heavenly Venerable is powerful!

“Teacher Yi, you say!”

The actor humbly let the old man speak.

“Well, then I’ll say it.” Yi Tianhai stood in the leader’s position, picked up the three things he had searched for He Yuchen and said, “This pack of cigarettes, I will save it for the time being, and use it as evidence later, no problem, right?” ”

Saying that, Yi Tianhaixiang stuffed it into his pocket.

“No problem!”

Reba saw that Lin Feng had no opinion, and she had no opinion.


No one objected, and Yi Tianhai was very happy.

“Then there’s the lighter, which I’ll keep for the time being.” When you need to light a fire, tell me. ”

He Yuchen’s cigarettes and lighters.

At this time, it has become the trophies of the old drama bones.

You old man didn’t do anything, sit back and enjoy!

In fact, these are obviously searched by Wukong.


Reba was a little unhappy, poked Lin Feng’s waist, and asked in a low voice, “Lin Feng, this lighter should be kept by you, right?” ”

It was you who let Goku do these good things.

When you finally divide things, one does not?

“What are you doing here?” Lin Feng behaved very generously, “Who keeps some things is responsible, in the future, if something happens, Teacher Yi will be responsible for it, understand?” ”

Lin Feng taught Reba and learned to watch from the sidelines!

Learn to sit on a mountain and watch the tiger fight!

“I seem to understand something!” Reba nodded in confusion.

At this time, after taking possession of the lighter, Yi Tianhai took out the last condom.

“This thing is also kept by me, and it can be used as evidence of He Yuchen’s crime in the future, no problem, right?”

Seeing that Yi Tianhai wanted to keep the condom, the whole net exploded!

[Groove! ] I can already think of the next plot development! 】

[The old man is now hugging his two goddaughters left and right, and took He Yuchen’s condom again, hehe! ] What else do you say? 】

[Hahaha! Looking forward to it! It’s getting more and more exciting! 】

[Is this also in your calculation?] Brother Feng? Mountain].


Entertainment: Candid photos taken on a deserted island, celebrities’ charades are ruined

Entertainment: Candid photos taken on a deserted island, celebrities’ charades are ruined


Desert Island Survival was launched, but the program team lost contact and the stars were trapped.

In order to survive, they lost their restraints and exposed their true nature and turned into beasts!

As everyone knows, the program team did not lose contact, but secretly filmed the live broadcast.

The goddess who was the nation’s first love turned out to be a bus selling meat!

The actor who focuses on being gentle and elegant turns out to be a domestic violence man who takes drugs!

The top singer who was designed as a student turned out to be a smoker in a mixed society!

The whole network exploded! Collective collapse of the house! The personalities of celebrities in the entertainment industry are faked.

Only Lin Feng, the little hottie who was most hacked, has a character reversal!

“Caught a wild boar with your bare hands, cut it into pieces and roasted it. Do you call this fresh meat?”

“Surviving on a deserted island can make Reba fat, as expected of you!”

“In this environment, can we still compose divine songs such as Qili Xiang on a Sunny Day?”

Once the live broadcast was exposed, the entire network was in an uproar! High-level officials are targeting the entertainment industry!

Big reshuffle! Kill these inferior artists! Lin Feng is truly top notch!


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