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Entertainment: Candid photos taken on a deserted island, celebrities’ charades are ruined — Chapter 115

The slap of the actor directly smashed his character completely!

Externally, Xu Mao has always been an elegant and easy-going image.

Even for those who offend themselves, they laugh and say it’s okay!

Once, a paparazzi secretly photographed him.

The actor did not get angry, but reminded the paparazzi to pay attention and let the other party go.

It is with such a positive persona.

Xu Mao became a double actor!

Excellent reviews in the entertainment industry!

There are almost no negative effects, all the way to the wind ~ up.

It is a strong candidate for the domestic impact of the Oscars.

The result?

At the scene, the queen – Lou Xiao trembled.

She yelled and turned to escape!

Past encounters told her.

As long as this man slaps the first one, it will be followed by stormy abuse!

“Run! Want to run? Slut! Broken shoes! ”

The actor Xu Mao stared at his eyes, opened his teeth and danced his claws, and instantly caught up with his fleeing wife.

Men’s strength and speed are beyond the reach of women.

Immediately, the queen Lou Xiao was like a chicken, and was pulled by the actor Xu Mao’s hair.

“Ah! Yes! Shadow Queen Lou Xiao’s hair was messy, and she began to beg for mercy, “Teacher Xu! Teacher Xu, I was wrong! I don’t dare anymore. ”

Again and again, Lou Xiao couldn’t remember the first time she begged her husband like this.

Performance on a desert island these days.

It made Lou Xiao have an illusion.

Thought her husband had been rehabilitated.

No more beating of her.

At least not in this place.

Just imagine, Lou Xiao’s nose is blue and his face is swollen.

How does Xu Mao explain to everyone?


There are only zero and countless times of domestic violence!

“Shut up! Slut! ”

Xu Mao’s face was hideous, which was very different from his previous image.

He looked at his wife with murderous eyes.

Then he waved his arms, tore his hair, and threw his wife on the beach.

“Teacher Xu! Don’t hit me, don’t hit me! ”

Lou Xiao, the queen of the shadow, knelt down and begged for mercy, tears flooding her eyes.

“Think the scars don’t look good?”

However, Xu Mao’s hands were itchy and he couldn’t contain it.

He took off his coat and wrapped it around his right hand.

Wrap your fist with cloth.

When beaten like this, there will be no more scars on the outside!

At most, a little internal injury, can’t die!

“Teacher Xu! I was wrong! Let me go! ”

The queen kowtows in embarrassment, but what awaits her is the abuse of the storm!

Xu Mao pulled his wife’s hair again and pulled her up from the beach!

“Don’t worry, I won’t hit me in the face!”

Immediately afterwards, the actor punched Lou Xiao’s arm with a fist wrapped around the fabric.

It hurt so much that she screamed.

“Call!” Xu Mao suddenly laughed maniacally like a devil, “No one will hear you if you break your throat!” ”

What vigilance does the actor have?

The place he chose, very safe!

There is no one around!

It’s a pity that he ignored the camera arranged by the inspection team on the desert island to secretly take pictures!

At this moment, the whole network has seen the domestic violence of the actor!

[Beast! This TM is the real beast! 】

[Groove! ] The whole network exploded! It turns out that the actor Xu Mao is the most beast! 】

【Model couple! 】 Too good at disguise! It turned out to be a domestic violence beast pervert! 】

[It’s so pitiful, could it be that the queen Lou Xiao has always endured it like this? ] 】

[I must have done this many times before!] Why not get a divorce? 】

Suddenly, netizens discovered the key.

Lou Xiao was beaten by her husband like this, but did not sue for divorce?

Is it afraid that your image in the entertainment industry will plummet?

After all, this model couple can go far by relying on such a personality.

The two actors have a child, less than ten years old.

Perhaps this is also the reason why the two chose to compromise.

At the scene, Xu Mao punched his wife’s hand without leaving any traces.

Then, another punch!


Lou Xiao was hit in the abdomen.

It hurt so much that she burst into tears!

The whole person shrunk into a ball.

“Slut, do you dare to help others speak in the future?”

Xu Mao was furious and continued to shake his fist wildly.

Shoulders, thighs, back, arms, etc.,

Specifically pick places that will not be discovered, but can make the abused person suffer!

Obviously a repeat offender!


【Grass! This scum must be finished! I can’t stand it! 】

[Damn it! There is no one around! The actor deserves to be the actor! The place chosen is very safe! 】

[What kind of man is beating his wife! ] It’s kind of you going to fight the underworld! 】

[Beast! The desert island is really full of animals and animals!! 】

With the collapse of actor Xu Mao.

At the moment, there are only three good people in the hearts of netizens.

Lin Feng and Reba will not collapse.

Lou Xiao, the queen of the movie, seems to have no problem…

At this moment, netizens suddenly realized!

No wonder when she looked at her husband after the first shadow, she showed such eyes!

[Got it! ] So it is! No wonder the queen sometimes looks at the eyes of the actor, as if she wants to kill! 】

[Shouldn’t this animal be killed?] Now if the queen can fight back, it can be regarded as a legitimate defense! 】

[Damn! Teacher Lou definitely wanted to get rid of such scum, but he finally compromised again and again! 】

Various factors, such as children.

Such as their own image, such as personality problems and so on.

In the end, it is a bitter woman who has been subjected to domestic violence.

This one-sided beating allowed netizens to see how false the actor’s people are!

Anger, also reached the limit!

Actor: Xu Mao!

It will only be more beastish than the previous few collapsed beasts!

This beast can be more disguised!

A few minutes later, actor Xu Mao wiped the sweat on his forehead.

Finally stopped.

Tired, count your life!

Seeing the husband stop being violent.

Lou Xiao, the queen of the film, did not dare to escape.

Don’t dare to tell this truth to others on the desert island!

The first is that no one believes.

Secondly, this is self-seeking!

She knows what kind of person her husband Xu Mao is.

You can still live if you are subjected to domestic violence.

But forced him to hurry, maybe the entire desert island, no one survived!

“Teacher Xu! I know wrong! ”

The queen continued to kneel on the ground, holding her husband’s thigh and begging for mercy.

It looks very pitiful.

There were marks of punches and kicks everywhere on the body.

But no visible traces remained.

Looking at his beaten wife, Xu Mao’s resentment was also vented.

“Count your life big!”

Xu Mao sneered and said to Lou Xiao: “Hurry up and grab a few oysters and go back to the errand!” ”

“Good! Good! ”

The queen did not dare to refute, and immediately dragged her scarred body, as well as complete pain, and went to the beach to find oysters.

Xu Mao, on the other hand, lay on the beach to rest.

Twenty minutes passed.

The queen returned with several oysters and some wild fruits.

At this time, Xu Mao sat up and ordered his wife: “Go back!” ”

“Good! You take it! ”

Like a frightened bird, Lou Xiao handed the oysters she caught to her husband.

And she kept ruffling her messy hair.

Trying to restore yourself to a decent look.

I took a picture of the sea again.

There are no scars on the face.

The clothes were also rearranged.

Others should not be able to see that she has been subjected to domestic violence.

Just pain all over the body.

Bear with it.

Following her husband, Lou Xiao returned to the camp.

After meeting everyone again, the actor changed his face again.

“Hahaha! See what I found? Several large oysters! ”

The actor showed everyone what his wife had captured.

to show his power.

“Good, good!” Yi Tianhai complimented, “It has to be you, Teacher Xu!” ”

Everyone was talking and laughing.

All of them are competing for hypocrisy.

“Oh, your husband and wife relationship is good, everything must be together.” Yi Tianhai quickly patted the horse’s butt and praised the model couple.

“Where, where!”

At this moment, the queen Lou Xiao had a smile on her face.

This is still the poor woman who was subjected to domestic violence just now?

Looking at the old man, the queen immediately praised her husband.

“Teacher Xu in my family, he has always been so powerful!”

After speaking, Lou Xiaoyong looked at her husband with gentle eyes.

Envy others.

Xu Mao also answered immediately.

“Haha! Behind every man, there is an amazing woman. Behind me, it’s Teacher Lou! [ Read more novels by visiting our website: urlis.net/1x2zb1yw ] )

In front of everyone, the couple handed out sugar again.

The actor hugged the queen again and made a loving appearance.

Netizens were speechless.

[Suddenly feel that Teacher Lou is so pitiful, obviously he was abused like this, and he has to pretend to be fine? ] 】

[It’s miserable! ] Xu Mao, you are the real beast! Wait to return to the entertainment industry! Hehe! It’s over! 】

[Collapse! ] Model couples in the entertainment industry, it turns out that the truth is so cruel! 】

[Domestic violence men should sit in prison! ] Tens of millions of us are witnesses! Xu Mao must not be allowed to go unpunished in the future! 】

[That’s right! Xu Mao seems to have also mentioned the godfather! Groove! One hill, no wonder it’s all scum! 】

But when a barrage speaks of the godfather.

Netizens found the problem again.

At the beginning, the queen Lou Xiao also mentioned the godfather!

Both husband and wife have a certain relationship with the godfather!


A terrifying thought appeared in everyone’s mind.

Movie queen Lou Xiao is also related to the godfather.

So this woman, is she really innocent?

It’s terrifying to think about!


After the return of the actor, Qin Xiaohuai and Qin Xiaoru immediately went up.

On the surface, it is thanks to the help of the queen.

In fact, I have been chatting with the actor.

Let Yi Tianhai next to him be unhappy again!

I was close to Lin Feng before, but now I am with Xu Mao?

I always feel green on my head!

After some pleasantries, everyone noticed He Yuchen, who was convulsing.

Always tied up there.

“What’s wrong with this guy?”

Old drama bone Yi Tianhai looked at He Yuchen and asked.

“It doesn’t seem to be moving!”

Actor Xu Mao must make a kind appearance and maintain his character image.

So, he proposed: “Or let him go first, anyway, I haven’t drunk water and eaten for so long, and I don’t have much strength to resist!” ”

“That’s right!”

Lou Xiao, the queen of the shadow, quickly put her arm around her husband and echoed: “Even if He Yuchen goes crazy again, there is still my teacher Xu!” Don’t worry! ”

In fact, Lou Xiao’s real idea was that He Yuchen had better go crazy.

Then let her husband beat He Yuchen.

If you beat this beast, maybe you won’t be violent yourself?

The couple looked at each other again.

Full of love and dog food.

The words of the actor queen made everyone rethink.

He Yuchen really deserves to be punished.

But that’s a legal thing!

Now on a desert island, in case of a personal life.

Everyone didn’t end well.


In the end, the old actor endured his anger and decided to release the animal first.

It really stinks!

You give me a good wash by jumping into the sea!

However, because Yi Tianhai was bitten by a mad dog, of course, he did not dare to go up and loosen his binding.


The old man ordered, “Go and untie the rope on He Yuchen’s body!” ”

Old immortal!

Lollipop resentment!

This kind of thing let him do?

Now He Yuchen stinks.

The feces and urine were all pulled on the body.

It’s disgusting!

“Okay, Grandpa Yi!”

But on the mouth, the stick flatters the old drama bones one by one.

No way.

When he returns to the entertainment industry, child stars will rely on the Beijing circle to protect them.

Mom’s powder money is really easy to earn!


Walking to He Yuchen’s side, he covered his nose with one hand, stretched out the other, and shook He Yuchen.

Seeing this guy didn’t seem to mean to resist.

Only then did he hold his breath and loosen his hands to each other.

In 20 seconds, the stick untied all the ropes on He Yuchen’s body.

Then immediately turn around and run!

Vomit! Stinks to death!

After regaining his freedom, He Yuchen wanted to cry without tears!

He quickly threw away the smelly socks in his mouth.

Without saying anything, he ran directly to the beach and jumped into the sea in one go.

In the sea, he took off his disgusting clothes and pants …

“Stop looking! Bad luck! ”

The old drama bone snorted and led everyone back.

“Why hasn’t Lin Feng come back yet?”

Everyone is looking forward to the thighs coming back quickly!

Without you, we wouldn’t be able to eat at night!

Half an hour later, He Yuchen finally washed himself.

However, there was still no change of clothes.

So, he could only wear a pair of pants and walked towards everyone.

“You! While going! ”

The old drama bone gave an expulsion order!

Although it gives you the freedom of the animals.

But you, not qualified to be with us!

When I go to bed today, I have to tie it up to be at ease!


He Yuchen learned to be well-behaved and would not clash with these people head-on!

To make bad, as long as you can move, there is always a chance!

Wait and see!

He Yuchen will make everyone who bullies him pay!

[It’s almost evening, Brother Feng and Reba are still on vacation, hehe.] 】

[Don’t come back! ] I see playing with the monkeys! Monkeys are much better than these animals. 】

[Oh, Brother Feng seems to be back, everyone look at it! ] 】

During the live broadcast, people saw Lin Feng returning with Reba.

On hand, he brought back a few more coconuts.

Represents representation.

Explain that they are not lazy, but bring good things.

Saw Lin Feng come back.

Old man, they seem to see a savior!

Oh hey!

You’re finally back!

Everyone ran towards Lin Feng enthusiastically, instantly surrounding him and Reba in the middle.

“Lin Feng, you’re finally back!” The old drama bone was pleased, “Hey, it’s a pity that Teacher Xu just can’t learn to drill wood for fire, we’ve been all for a day, and we haven’t eaten a bite of heat!” ”

All blame the incompetence of the actor!

“Lin Feng, bring back the coconut.”

The queen immediately welcomed the return of the two.

The rest of the people also shushed and warmed, like licking dogs.

After the official courtesy.

The old man began to ask for something.

“Reba.” I saw Yi Tianhai stretching out his hand and begging for a lighter, “Now that lighter is on you, right?” You can’t use it anyway, leave it to us first. ”

Yi Tianhai’s request is reasonable.

It’s not good to refuse all at once.

At this time, Lin Feng spoke.

“Indeed, it seems unnecessary for us to carry lighters.”

Lin Feng, really can’t use it, there are monkeys around him who can only drill wood for fire at any time.

It’s so convenient.

No need to do it yourself at all.

Therefore, Lin Feng chose to mix the water.

“Well, let’s take this lighter with Teacher Xu, Teacher Yi, didn’t you say that Teacher Xu has not been able to drill wood for fire?”

Lighter, you two fight.

And me?

Lin Feng chose to eat melons and watch the play next to him… And….


Entertainment: Candid photos taken on a deserted island, celebrities’ charades are ruined

Entertainment: Candid photos taken on a deserted island, celebrities’ charades are ruined


Desert Island Survival was launched, but the program team lost contact and the stars were trapped.

In order to survive, they lost their restraints and exposed their true nature and turned into beasts!

As everyone knows, the program team did not lose contact, but secretly filmed the live broadcast.

The goddess who was the nation’s first love turned out to be a bus selling meat!

The actor who focuses on being gentle and elegant turns out to be a domestic violence man who takes drugs!

The top singer who was designed as a student turned out to be a smoker in a mixed society!

The whole network exploded! Collective collapse of the house! The personalities of celebrities in the entertainment industry are faked.

Only Lin Feng, the little hottie who was most hacked, has a character reversal!

“Caught a wild boar with your bare hands, cut it into pieces and roasted it. Do you call this fresh meat?”

“Surviving on a deserted island can make Reba fat, as expected of you!”

“In this environment, can we still compose divine songs such as Qili Xiang on a Sunny Day?”

Once the live broadcast was exposed, the entire network was in an uproar! High-level officials are targeting the entertainment industry!

Big reshuffle! Kill these inferior artists! Lin Feng is truly top notch!


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