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Entertainment: Candid photos taken on a deserted island, celebrities’ charades are ruined — Chapter 120

On the desert island, the stars sat around the bonfire and listened to Lin Feng’s song.

At the moment when the climax comes out.

He Yuchen felt like a clown.

He actually only listened to the prelude, and he felt that Lin Feng’s song was not at a good level~.

But wait until the sonorous-loud sound comes out in the back.

His face was swollen.

Although He Yuchen does not have his own original works, he plagiarizes.

But the basic musical aesthetic is still there.

Otherwise, how would he know which songs he plagiarized would be popular?


He Yuchen clenched his fists.

He seems to have this song for himself!

But now he is saddled with rape.

The reputation has been discredited.

It is imperative to use PR to solve your own troubles first when you go back.

Let’s talk about taking Lin Feng’s songs as my own.

At the same time, the old man Yi Tianhai also felt that this song was not simple.

He didn’t hear the true meaning of the song.

It’s the instinct of a musician.

Judge whether the melody and lyrics are good or bad.

It’s a divine comedy!

There is no doubt about it.

Next to him, actor Xu Mao frowned when he heard it.

He always felt that Lin Feng’s song was hinting at something.

But he couldn’t hear it.

“It’s weird, I always feel hairy in my heart. “

This song “The Lonely Brave” actually made drug-related artist Xu Mao panic when he heard it.

These changes in micro-expressions were all broadcast live by the high-tech cameras that were secretly filmed.

You can tell from that.

[Brother Feng is a god at this moment, the timing of this song’s appearance is perfect!]

[Panic!hahaha! Brother Feng, the lonely brave, scared the drug-addicted animals!]

[Brother Feng is just singing, what are you panicking about Xu Mao? Didn’t you still have domestic violence just now? ]

You won’t end well! We have many lonely brave people in China! Salute to those anti-narcotics police!]

[Anti-narcotics police are the profession with the highest sacrifice rate!] Despite this, there are still many lonely brave people who graduate from the police academy every year, and they go forward to pay tribute!]

More and more official ends.

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makes this song “The Lonely Brave” have a unique meaning.

“They say that to quit your madness is like wiping away the dirt. “

“They say go up the stairs at the cost of bowing your head. “

“Then let me, no, ride the wind!”

“You’re just as proud, so lonely. “

“Who said that the ordinary are not heroes. “

Lin Feng used his voice to tell the world that there can be many heroes in this world.

They may be unknown, just struggling in ordinary positions.

But they still contribute.

The sonorous voice also sang the indomitable spirit of many anti-narcotics police!

It takes a lot of courage to face drug dealers.

Be ready to sacrifice at any time!

Drugs can drive people crazy!


Nagumo Province, somewhere at the border.

Tombstones of many unsung heroes have been erected there.

Only insiders know that they are all anti-drug heroes.

They cannot leave a name, either alive or dead.

“Brother, go all the way. “

Even in the evening, there are still many police officers who come here to pay their respects.

Tell them that the country is safe and secure.

As an anti-narcotics police officer, it is common to go undercover.

And once the undercover agents are exposed, what awaits them is life rather than death.

Drug dealers will inflict all kinds of torture!

Until the undercover cop is killed.

This is not enough.

Drug dealers will also go crazy to take revenge on the policeman’s family!

Once, there have been several massacres of destruction!

Just because a little girl met the anti-narcotics police on the street.

Called Daddy.

The next day, all five members of the family were killed!

The bloody lesson is in front of us.

No one is qualified to forgive drug dealers for those anti-narcotics police!

Artists take drugs, which is the biggest irony!

Lin Feng’s singing was deafening, echoing in the night.

It’s like piercing the sky!

“Your mottledness. Larger than life. “

“Your silence is deafening. “

“You . Are、The、Hero。 “

Singing here, Reba has fully felt the power in Lin Feng’s song!

Sing the praises of the heroes of the night!

He’s speaking up for those who can’t speak up!

“This song is very significant. “

Reba can’t feel love and youth.

But she was still excited.

There are many kinds of forces in the world.

Every power can be empathized.

Lin Feng’s singing voice did it.

On the desert island, no one can understand the connotation of this song except Reba.

Yi Tianhai and other sanctimonious beasts.

can only perceive that it is a good song.

But the live broadcast room, but the whole Internet.

It’s already boiling!!

Lin Feng’s song once again reached a height beyond the reach of mortals!

Countless police officers came to praise it!

Netizens were not only excited, but also felt that the development of the plot was a little caught off guard.

[Hahaha!Do you remember Brother Feng’s live broadcast before to open the password lock? A group of police officers paid attention to me, and I was scared to death!]

[That’s right! I thought Brother Feng was going to commit a crime! But now, they are all praising this divine comedy!]

[It is precisely because of the previous live broadcast unlocking that the police paid attention to, so the police responded quickly this time. 】

Fans once again touted Lin Feng to the sky!

Is this also expected by you?

Brother Kaede!

First, he used live broadcast unlocking to attract the attention of the police.

Then use a song “The Lonely Brave” to let them like, spread, and get recognition as quickly as possible!

A set of processes, which can be called seamless!

In front of the bonfire, Lin Feng was still singing.

“I love you walking alone in the dark alleys. “

“Love the way you don’t kneel. “

“Love you have confronted despair. “

“I won’t cry. “

“Love you comes from the wilderness. “

“I don’t borrow anyone’s light in my life. “

Once again, a powerful voice that challenges the darkness!

In the live broadcast room, many nameless anti-narcotics police gathered at this time.

They may have retired, changed their names and identities, changed their cities.

I live with my former family.

Return to calm.

They are undoubtedly lucky.

There are also anti-narcotics police officers who have been disabled for life because of their fight against drug traffickers.

You can only be in a wheelchair for the rest of your life, or you will be bedridden for life.

There are also anti-narcotics policemen who are addicted to drugs because they are undercover.

This is a drug that is difficult to quit in a lifetime!

However, they never gave in!

Many, many people.

They found strength in Lin Feng’s song “The Lonely Brave”.

Found identity!

Their bravery may not be able to tell in person.

But you can sing it with this song!

So, they played a sonorous and powerful barrage in the live broadcast room!

[Drug-related artists, never forgive!]

[Drug-related artists, never forgive!]

The barrage full of screens announced the fate of all drug-addicted stars!

Xu Mao, the actor on the desert island, you’re finished!

When you leave the desert island and return to the entertainment industry, will it be the beginning of a new career?

No, it will be cold handcuffs!

And prisons.

Hit the Oscar?

Drugs, you don’t deserve it!

The song is coming to an end, and the network is full of voices condemning drugs.

The energy of a song is so terrifying!(Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

“Thou shalt build thy city-state upon the ruins. “

“Go, go, with the humblest dreams!”

“Fight, fight, with the loneliest dream!”

“To the whimpering and roaring of the night. “

“Who said that only those who stand in the light are heroes? “

Finally, Lin Feng finished singing “The Lonely Brave” in the dark.

The flames of the bonfire were even brighter at that moment!


Although actor Xu Mao didn’t hear the connotation of this song, he took the lead in applauding in disguise.

Applause rang out.

We didn’t understand it, but we were shocked!

However, it is too ironic for a drug addict to applaud such a song!

[Laugh at me!, you drug-addicted beast still applauds?face!]

When Xu Mao knows the true meaning of this song, his face must be dark! Wait for you to go to prison and think about it. 】

[Brother Feng must be careful! A pervert who takes drugs can do anything! Xu Mao is really likely to kill someone. 】

[The most dangerous person on the desert island is actually the most gentle and jade-like actor?

Fortunately, it is not too late to find out now.

After listening to this song, He Yuchen was thoughtful.

decided to pat Lin Feng’s ass well.

Improve his current situation and situation.

So, the beast was upset.

“Lin Feng, this song is amazing!” He Yuchen gave a thumbs up hypocritically and touted with the highest praise, “You are the eternal god of the Chinese music scene!”

This sentence came out of the mouth of your top idol singer, why is it so awkward?

He Yuchen, who once boasted in the concert that he is the eternal god of the Chinese music scene!

That sentence has been attacked by many netizens.

Now, this guy actually says that someone else is a god.

Who believes you!

0 begging for flowers

[Fuck! The beast is starting to be shameless! Want to hug Brother Feng’s thigh?

[Hehe, although Brother Feng is indeed the eternal god of the Chinese music scene. 】

[Four Divine Comedies, is there anyone else in the Chinese music scene who can play?]

Who said that only those who stand in the light are heroes!]

Not really!

These four songs are enough for Lin Feng’s brokerage company, Huaxing Media.

Rise to the top!

It will soon replace Huayi Media and become the largest entertainment company in China!

Happiness came too suddenly.


After singing, everyone decided to rest.

“Who’s going to keep vigil today?”

As soon as the old man asked, He Yuchen volunteered!

I want to use this way to add a little goodwill to myself.

“I’m coming, please give me a chance to atone for my sins!”

However, the actor put forward a different opinion.

“Listen to me, I don’t think there’s any need for a vigil. “

Xu Mao analyzed the situation to everyone.

This is a desert island, have you ever encountered danger in the past few days?

During the day, no one encountered any wild beasts!

It’s just catching a wild boar!

In other words, desert islands are not as dangerous as they seem!

The vigil is superfluous!

The actor’s words got the actress Lou Xiao.

There are also two Qin Xiaoru who were PUA into, Qin Xiaohuai’s support!

“Teacher Xu is right!”

The Qin family sisters’ elbows went out again, making Yi Tianhai always feel a green panic on his head.

All of a sudden, Xu Mao got the support of the three.

“I think I can, too. “

Who wouldn’t want to be lazy!

Bangbang immediately raised his hand in agreement!

In fact, in his heart, Yi Tianhai also felt that there was no need to keep vigil.

Add more firewood in a moment.

Let the campfire burn for an extra two hours, and most of the night will pass.

“I think it’s okay!”

Yi Tianhai fell on both sides like grass on the wall, and agreed with Xu Mao’s opinion.

But in the end, everyone still has to ask the thighs what they think.

“Lin Feng, what do you think?”

At this moment, of course, Lin Feng would not have any objections.

You’ve all made a decision, and you’re asking me what I’m doing?

“Yes, what Mr. Xu said makes sense. “

Lin Feng and Reba also eliminated the option of vigil!

Now that there is a consensus of opinion.

Everyone is ready for bed.

However, in the live broadcast room, some people expressed concerns.

[No one keeps vigil!What if there is a sudden danger?]

[Yes! actor Xu Mao, this beast, said this, shouldn’t his motives be impure!]

[No one keeps vigil, doesn’t this mean that even if someone plots against it at night, it won’t be discovered?]

[Hehe, sure enough, there are many ideas of beasts!]

[Don’t worry about Brother Feng!, there’s a monkey Wukong!]

Half an hour later, everyone fell asleep one after another.

On the other side, the three killers on the boat are on the move!

“It’s almost time!

The three of them brought their mobile phones, although they just found that the signal was not very good.

But there is no signal in this place, which is normal!

It doesn’t stop them from assassinating!

The Godfather’s quest must be completed!

Putting on their wetsuits, they jumped into the sea.

Then approach the desert island by diving and try to expose as much as possible!


The SEAL forces got the intel and carried out the operation at the same time!

The safety of Lin Feng on the desert island must be protected!

“Let’s go!”

The SEAL Special Forces, which has already increased by several members at the moment.

There were more than a dozen people in total, all wearing diving suits!

Let’s see if it’s the three of you killers who are well-armed, or us!

Both of them are secretly operating!

Soon, the SEAL forces landed on a desert island.

But they all carry shielding devices, and they have input instructions with the AI calculations behind the desert island.

Not exposed in the live broadcast room.

Act in the shadows and give the killer a big surprise at the end!


The three killers also landed on the desert island.

They were quickly exposed to the ubiquitous candid cameras.

In the live broadcast room, many people saw three guys in diving suits, and they appeared inexplicably.

There was a lot of discussion all of a sudden.

Netizens don’t know that these three people are here to kill!

[Ah, is this the program team sending the three of them to the island? Haha! What are you doing? 】

[Could it be that you are secretly bringing some supplies up? Oops! The program team, you are really troublesome!]

[No! I always feel that something is wrong! These three people don’t look like the SEALs!


Entertainment: Candid photos taken on a deserted island, celebrities’ charades are ruined

Entertainment: Candid photos taken on a deserted island, celebrities’ charades are ruined


Desert Island Survival was launched, but the program team lost contact and the stars were trapped.

In order to survive, they lost their restraints and exposed their true nature and turned into beasts!

As everyone knows, the program team did not lose contact, but secretly filmed the live broadcast.

The goddess who was the nation’s first love turned out to be a bus selling meat!

The actor who focuses on being gentle and elegant turns out to be a domestic violence man who takes drugs!

The top singer who was designed as a student turned out to be a smoker in a mixed society!

The whole network exploded! Collective collapse of the house! The personalities of celebrities in the entertainment industry are faked.

Only Lin Feng, the little hottie who was most hacked, has a character reversal!

“Caught a wild boar with your bare hands, cut it into pieces and roasted it. Do you call this fresh meat?”

“Surviving on a deserted island can make Reba fat, as expected of you!”

“In this environment, can we still compose divine songs such as Qili Xiang on a Sunny Day?”

Once the live broadcast was exposed, the entire network was in an uproar! High-level officials are targeting the entertainment industry!

Big reshuffle! Kill these inferior artists! Lin Feng is truly top notch!


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