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Entertainment: Candid photos taken on a deserted island, celebrities’ charades are ruined — Chapter 121

Soon, netizens found out the problem!

The members of the SEAL Special Forces, everyone has seen it.

The wetsuits on their bodies are obviously not like this.

Moreover, the special forces are all burly.

On the other hand, the guys who landed on the island in these three cases.

With a thin body and a lewd demeanor, he doesn’t look like a good person……

If it was the SEAL special forces landing on the island, it would have been broadcast live a long time ago!]

[Yes, these three uninvited guests are definitely not from the program team!]

[! I have a bad premonition! These people are bad people!]

[What should I do now? Everyone is sleeping in the camp now, not being slaughtered?]

Suppose these guys want to kill someone.

Lin Feng wasn’t defenseless?

At this point, three killers landed on the island.

There isn’t much time left for them.

They had to get to the camp as fast as they could.

Then find a chance to kill Lin Feng!

The godfather’s order was to kill Lin Feng.

It didn’t say that others couldn’t be killed.

As a last resort.

Three people can pull out their pistols.

Leave no one alive on a desert island!

I’m sorry, but you’re all going to give Kaede a funeral!

Even if they heard that actor Xu Mao and actress Lou Xiao are godfathers.

But the godfather did not say that the two men were to be saved.

I didn’t say it, but I can do it!

As a last resort.

Killers are always cold-blooded and ruthless.

“Let’s go, we must complete the mission before the SEALs arrive!”

The three of them quickly ran towards the camp.

The most secluded path was chosen.

But there are a few figures, but they are faster than them!

It’s a monkey!

A few monkeys ran up the trees and ran towards Lin Feng!

Not long after, Goku and the two monkeys arrived.

Lin Feng, “Nine Zero Zero” woke up at this time.

“Say, what’s the situation?”

Lin Feng seemed to have known what was going to happen.


Wukong gestured vigorously a few times and told Lin Feng that danger was approaching.

Immediately, Lin Feng knew the situation!


When Lin Feng said these three words in the live broadcast room.

Everyone gasped.



[Brother Feng, be careful!Someone must have sent a killer to kill you!]


[It must be the godfather!Who else could it be but that black and white guy who eats both black and white?]

At this moment, the godfather who was watching the live broadcast and wanted to see the killer kill Lin Feng with his own eyes was also stunned.

Plot, something is wrong!

He is in a luxury estate on Hong Kong Island at the moment.

Enjoy the dance of several young models.

It’s not happy.

As a result, you told him that Lin Feng on the desert island already knew about the killer landing?

“That’s not right!”

The godfather has been in black and white, two for many years.

Problem found!

It’s a trap!

Lin Feng knew that there was danger on the desert island.

Will the inspection team not know?

Will the SEAL forces who have been guarding by them not know?

It must have been done a long time ago!

The three killers he sent out were to give away people’s heads!


The Godfather roared!

scared the young models who were dancing.

“Get out!”

The godfather smashed a bottle of red wine worth hundreds of thousands.

Drive away all the tender molds.

“Godfather, what’s wrong?”

Finding that something was wrong, the housekeeper immediately came up and asked.

Your old man was happy just now, and now he’s angry?


The godfather broadcasts the desert island live to the housekeeper.

Looking at it, the housekeeper also broke out in a cold sweat.


The godfather immediately took out a special cell phone.

Call the three killers on a desert island.

“Can’t get through ……”

The godfather roared and threw the phone on the ground and smashed it!

Sure enough, it hit the trick!

The killer’s signals are all blocked.

Can’t get in touch!

If you want to cancel the assassination, you can’t.

“Godfather, what should I do?”

It’s too late, and the housekeeper panicked instantly.

If these three killers are caught, will they confess something that should not be said?

This would threaten the Godfather!

“Now, we can only wait and see what happens. “

The godfather is a big guy after all.

After a simple outrage, he came to his senses.

He’ll continue to watch the live stream.

What if the killer still succeeds in assassination?

Exposure does not mean failure!

Even if you fail to get caught.

The Godfather won’t be so easy to finish.

Just rely on the words of a few killers.

Can you be sure that the godfather let them kill?

Or determine the true identity of the godfather?

You’re still too tender.

“This time, I was careless. “

The godfathers will learn their lesson.

It’s all to blame for the two useless things of Huayi Media!

What did you say to let him send a killer to kill Lin Feng?

Now it’s good!

Instead, he fell into passivity!

“Inspector team! It’s really unscrupulous. “

The Godfather snorted coldly.

When this crisis is over, he will let everyone in the inspection team die!

Going against the godfather is the end!


At this time, on the desert island, the SEAL forces started the live broadcast.

They’ve got it done.

Lin Feng’s safety will definitely be guaranteed!

During the live broadcast, they confirmed the identities of the three killers.

It was indeed sent by the Godfathers!

[Damn!!What a killer!!Haha!But it’s too stupid to fall into a trap. 】

[Who would have thought that all the actions of these killers were mastered by the inspection team?haha!]

[This is the way to deal with the godfather! Let the other party send a killer to expose the flaws, awesome!]

[No need to guess, this must be the ploy mentioned by the anonymous whistleblower in the report letter!

Who else could it be?

went around in a circle, and in the end, Lin Feng did it!

The killers are approaching the camp step by step.

Netizens’ eyes widened.

I want to see what happens to these idiots.

It didn’t take long for the three of them to finally arrive at the camp.

They stood in the shadows and observed.

And then decide what to do next in a minute!

It has to be fast!

Otherwise, the SEAL landing will be in trouble.

In fact, the special forces are in the dark at this time, watching these guys.

“Be careful, everyone, don’t get discovered by anyone else on the desert island. “

The special forces are also hiding.

This is a desert island candid live broadcast!

If you let these stars know that a group of special forces suddenly appeared.

What do you think?

I’m scared to death.

If you can not be exposed, you will not be exposed, and you will solve it secretly!

Everyone’s eyes were focused on Lin Feng at the moment.

“Hey. “

I saw Lin Feng, who woke up, suddenly stretched his waist.

Then he slowly stood up and walked towards the woods.

As he walked, he muttered a word.

“Hey, pee a pee……”

Let the netizens in the live broadcast room perceive the smell of conspiracy.

[Poof! Brother Feng, you pee at night at night, do you still want to talk to yourself?]

You’re telling everyone that you’re going to pee, that’s obvious, isn’t it?]

[Hahaha! Is this acting skill clumsy, or is it natural?]

Anyway, Lin Feng left the camp because of peeing and went to the grove.

“Good chance!”

This can make the three killers excited!(Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

I’m worried about how to solve you quietly in front of such a sleeping person.

As a result, you run away on your own and go to a place where there is no one?

God help me!

The killer immediately followed!

Follow Lin Feng to the grove not far away!

And the SEALs also rushed there to ambush as soon as possible.

Protect Lin Feng’s safety at any time!

But when the special forces arrived, they found that Lin Feng had disappeared……


Continue the ambush!

The special forces carry out the order and remain motionless in the shadows!

Wait for the killers to throw themselves into the net!

Ten seconds later, three killers came into view.

The live broadcast screen was clearly captured.

The three of them arrived at the grove and looked around, looking for Lin Feng’s figure.

“What about people?”

The three of them looked left and right, but they didn’t see Lin Feng.

I got up to pee on the toilet.

Where the hell did you run to pee?


Such a great opportunity, if you miss it, you won’t miss it!

Once they fail to complete their mission, the Godfather’s wrath is not something they can bear.

The three killers have just taken a step.

I noticed that several monkeys suddenly flew down from the tree!

Hold the heads of the three people and don’t let go.


The killer called softly, trying to hide his whereabouts.

The moment they were disturbed by the monkeys, the three of them immediately took out their weapons and fought back.

A dagger in one hand, a pistol in the other!

That’s it!

A figure as swift as the wind!

Appeared on the side of the killers!


A sudden punch strikes and hits the back of the head of one of the killers.


The first killer fainted and lost consciousness.

In just one second, two more fist winds appeared!

“Bang bang!”

Two hits, knocking the two killers unconscious again……

Three seconds, end the battle!

At this time, the SEAL soldiers who were in ambush reacted.

“It’s over!?”

The special forces continued to lie in ambush, and their hearts were very entangled.

Do you want to go out?

Did Lin Feng know that they were there?

Of course!

I saw Lin Feng clapping his hands lightly at the special forces in ambush0 ..

Then he smiled and said, “Everyone, come out.” “

Easily dealt with the killers sent by the three godfathers, Lin Feng asked the special forces to come out and wash the floor.

“This ……”

The SEALs suddenly felt their faces glazed.

Are we protecting you, or are you protecting us?

The three killers who said they were okay all lay on the ground in three seconds?

However, Lin Feng already knew that they were there, and it would be rude to pretend to be any longer.


Several special forces came out of the shadows with sophisticated weapons and smiles.


Goku and the other monkeys bared their teeth and claws at them.

It was still under Lin Feng’s reprimand that the monkey knew these things to his own people.

All of a sudden, they all fell silent.

More than a dozen special forces walked up to Lin Feng’s side, and the leader immediately shook hands.

“Fortunately, I will be lucky!”

The special forces praised Lin Feng and said: “This combat effectiveness is even the top soldier king of all our special forces, and he is ashamed of himself!”

Such a big guy, do you really need their protection?

“These three guys, what are you going to do?”

Lin Feng asked, pointing to the three killers who had been knocked unconscious.

“Of course, I’ll take it back immediately for interrogation!”

The killer sent by the godfather has fallen into the hands of the inspection team at this moment.

That’s a lot to do!

You’re sure to find some secrets!

Make the Godfather pay!

At this time, I saw Lin Feng’s live broadcast of a dozen and three easily on Hong Kong Island.

The godfather is broken.

He has nothing to do, why mess with such a monster!

“Three pieces of waste!!”

The original idea of the godfather was that if it was exposed, it would be exposed!

At least take Lin Feng away!

You’ve got daggers, and you’ve got guns!

As a result, they were all killed by someone else in three seconds?

In the end, Lin Feng is a killer, or are you a killer!

The situation suddenly changed!

“Order!” the godfather immediately gave orders to the butler beside him.

In the next period, everyone must converge!

Casino, only for acquaintances!

real estate, no expansion for the time being.

Those social thugs, all these days for me to be unemployed at home!

Keep it safe in all directions!


The steward withdrew, and immediately carried out the godfather’s orders.

The killer has been caught.

Of course, the godfather did not need to watch the live broadcast again.

But in his heart, his murderous intent is even heavier!

“Lin Feng!

On a desert island, I really can’t handle you anymore!

But wait until you return to the entertainment industry.

Will you be vigilant at 24 o’clock a day, all the time?

When the time comes, I’ll have a hundred ways to kill you!


After Lin Feng easily solved the crisis.

The live broadcast room has gone crazy!

[!! Finally saw Brother Feng make a move! It used to be surveillance! This time it’s a live broadcast!]

[Damn!It’s worthy of a person’s martial arts!Three seconds to solve 4.0 to kill three killers?]

[Haha! The dozen or so SEAL special forces bosses next to him were all stunned. 】

[With this combat power, what is the threat of the beasts on the desert island! Domestic violence drug addict man?

Rest assured!

Netizens immediately felt that all worries were superfluous.

In the grove, the special forces chatted with Lin Feng.

While bringing the three killers to justice.

Minimize movement.

Do not arouse the suspicion of others.

The candid live broadcast of the desert island variety show can’t end so quickly!

It’s up to these beasts to tear each other apart!


In fact, these special forces have also been chasing live broadcasts.

Seeing the performance of the birds on the desert island, it is called an excitement!

Stars in the entertainment industry, there is too much such garbage!

Next to him, Lin Feng watched the special forces tie up the killer, and said lightly: “Let Reba also know the situation, is there a problem?”

Lin Feng meant to wake up Reba.

“Of course no problem!”

Lin Feng’s performance just now won the respect of all the special forces.

Strength is king!

“Okay! I’ll go back as soon as I go. “

After speaking, Lin Feng walked slowly towards the camp under the eyes of the special forces.

Be careful not to make a sound on the road.

After returning to camp.

Lin Feng saw that everyone was sleeping.

What just happened, no one knows.

One step at a time, Lin Feng slowly walked in the direction where Reba was sleeping.

Walking in front of Reba, Lin Feng couldn’t help muttering again.

This woman is drooling when she sleeps?

Do you want the image of a top female star?

“Sleep like a pig. “

After complaining, Lin Feng slowly squatted down, then stretched out his hand and patted Reba’……s little face.


Entertainment: Candid photos taken on a deserted island, celebrities’ charades are ruined

Entertainment: Candid photos taken on a deserted island, celebrities’ charades are ruined


Desert Island Survival was launched, but the program team lost contact and the stars were trapped.

In order to survive, they lost their restraints and exposed their true nature and turned into beasts!

As everyone knows, the program team did not lose contact, but secretly filmed the live broadcast.

The goddess who was the nation’s first love turned out to be a bus selling meat!

The actor who focuses on being gentle and elegant turns out to be a domestic violence man who takes drugs!

The top singer who was designed as a student turned out to be a smoker in a mixed society!

The whole network exploded! Collective collapse of the house! The personalities of celebrities in the entertainment industry are faked.

Only Lin Feng, the little hottie who was most hacked, has a character reversal!

“Caught a wild boar with your bare hands, cut it into pieces and roasted it. Do you call this fresh meat?”

“Surviving on a deserted island can make Reba fat, as expected of you!”

“In this environment, can we still compose divine songs such as Qili Xiang on a Sunny Day?”

Once the live broadcast was exposed, the entire network was in an uproar! High-level officials are targeting the entertainment industry!

Big reshuffle! Kill these inferior artists! Lin Feng is truly top notch!


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