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Entertainment: Candid photos taken on a deserted island, celebrities’ charades are ruined — Chapter 124

[Grass! Perverted! Not human!]

[Although Lou Xiao, a drug dealer and livestock, should be beaten, but you are indeed too perverted! Xu Mao should be damned. 】

I used to sympathize with Lou Xiao, but now I won’t!

[Anyone who has anything to do with drugs should be damned!]

Netizens saw the actor frantically abusing his wife Lou Xiao again in the live broadcast room.

The gap in women’s strength is too great.

Lou Xiao shouted hard, but she was still pressed under her husband and beaten wildly!

There were bruises all over the body.

Domestic violence left her bruised again.

After playing for five minutes, the actor let out a little bad breath.

What to wear?

I was going to give you a chance to hand over the powder yourself.

It’s a pity that you slut doesn’t know how to cherish it.


Xu Mao began to search his wife’s body.

I searched all over my clothes.

But he couldn’t find what he desperately needed……

“You slut!”

Xu Mao slapped his hand again: “Say, where did you hide your things?”

You wouldn’t have carried such an important thing with you, would you?


At this time, Lou Xiao, who was wearing a cloak and bleeding from the corners of his mouth, let out a crazy laugh.

She was used to being beaten by her husband like this.

The ability to resist hits is very high.

“Xu Mao, if you beg me, I’ll tell you where the white powder is?”

Yours is gone.

And I brought some with me.

These are the things you can save your life!


Actor Xu Mao’s eyes were red.

For the first time, he felt that his wife was so strange!

This woman’s scheming seems to be deeper than he thought.

His addiction was getting out of control.

It’s like thousands of ants biting and crawling on your body.

I can’t bear it at all!

Without that thing anymore, he would rather kill himself.

At this time, dignity or anything is fake!


Xu Mao, a domestic violence drug addict, knelt on the ground with a thud.

Then kowtow to Lou Xiao.

“Wife, wife, you’re the best! Give me good things! I can’t stand it anymore!. “

Xu Mao kept clutching on his body.

“That’s it?”

Obviously, Lou Xiao, who has been abused, is not satisfied with her husband.

This sincerity, no!

“I! I’m not a human! I’m an animal!”

Xu Mao directly began to slap himself!

“Bang Bang!”

I kept pumping myself.

It’s like pumping a wife just 320.

Netizens were stunned.

This plot is outrageous!

Let the domestic violence drug addict take the initiative to beat himself, and it has to be your actress. 】

[It’s just a dog eating a dog, Lao Tzu watching a play!]

[It’s all disgusting stuff, and it doesn’t deserve sympathy.] 】

[I think the actress is very good at mastering! Use her husband’s drug addiction to control the other party and turn over to be the master?]

However, the lower limit of the actor is not over yet.

Soon, he made an even more shocking move.

He finished pumping his mouth.

Crawl in front of his wife like a dog.

Then he hugged his wife’s feet and began to lick them like a dog.

As perverted as you want, you can be as perverted.

“Xu Mao, what are you doing?”

Lou Xiao looked at her husband very proudly, hehe, just a dog.

“Me, wife, I’m a dog!”

Xu Mao nodded and looked at his wife, and then learned to bark as a dog: “Wangwang! I’m your dog!”

Destroy the three views!

Netizens can’t wait to poke their eyes!

This actor and actress, the model couple in the entertainment industry is too disgusting!


Lou Xiao was even more proud.

“Yes, yes, I’m your dog. The actor was completely shameless, and barked again, “I’m also a dog raised by my godfather!”

So, you can get out of the gas, right?

The actor is to use such a humble posture.

Please your wife.

I can’t help it, I started too hard just now.

Domestic violence is used to it.

Obviously, this trick is very useful for Lou Xiao.

“Okay. “

Lou Xiao decided to continue to use this method to control the drug addict and domestic violence man with his backhand.

Waving her hand, the queen asked her husband to go over and watch.

“Husband, do you remember that we used to transport poison together?”

The old thing was brought up again, and Lou Xiao blew himself up again.

Memories come flooding back.

The actor remembered that the two of them were under the godfather, climbing up step by step.

Lou Xiao in order to stand out among the godfather’s many lovers.

also for the sake of his father’s future, as well as his own future.

Resolutely chose drug trafficking!

Even if she married Xu Mao later, she was still walking that path.

At one time, the two were transporting drugs together.

The human body transports toxins!

Xu Mao remembers it very clearly.

He took the drug in and pulled it out the next day. (acef)

And Lou Xiao is different.

She took advantage of the woman’s unique advantage and hid the drugs in that place……


Xu Mao suddenly realized!

He finally knows where his wife is hiding things!

Looking at her husband’s appearance, Lou Xiao reminded with a smile: “Don’t have any ideas, my means of hiding things are high.” How do you know there’s only one place?”

She continued to recount the neglect and abuse her wife had suffered over the years.

“Teacher Xu, you haven’t touched me for several years, so of course you won’t find out that thing will be there. “

But if you are a little lustful to your wife.

The truth has been known for a long time!

At this moment, Xu Mao felt that his wife was hinting at himself.

So he immediately said to his wife, “Wife, you want me to act immediately!”

With that, I’m ready to take off my clothes again!


Lou Xiao glared at her husband in disgust.

What did you just do, you think?

What happened to these years.

Let Lou Xiao only hate her husband.

But in order to continue to maintain her image in the entertainment industry.

For the model couple, for the children at home.

She chose to forbear.

But patience was rewarded with increased beatings and abuse.


At this time, Xu Mao thought of a lot of countermeasures in his heart.

All he did was to get his wife to hand over the white powder.

Let him relieve his addiction.

“Do you want to grab it directly?”

Just now my wife confessed.

He probably knew where she was hiding.

But a woman’s mouth, a deceitful ghost!

What if she’s lying?

Can’t afford to gamble!

If he can’t get white powder again, he might as well be dead.

Anyway, it’s already dressed as a dog.

It’s better to continue to make this woman comfortable.

It’s never too late to pack up when everything is safe!

“Hehe, let’s let you turn over and be the master for a few days. “

Xu Maoshi is a big husband, and he can bend and stretch.

Thinking of this, Xu Mao continued to bark at his wife’s dog.

With a super disgusting look, please others.

“Huh. “

Lou Xiao sneered, her purpose had been achieved.

She knew what her husband was.

You can’t rush anymore.

Otherwise, the dog jumps over the wall in a hurry, and she has no good fruit to eat.

So, she reached out in front of her husband and pulled it under herself……

After a while, a small packet of white powder was slowly taken out of that place.

Lou Xiao is smart.

Know to divide the white powder into several packs.

Pack by pack, slowly satisfy your husband’s greed!

In this way, let him be a dog for a few more days!

“Take it. “

Lou Xiao was satisfied and threw the things to Xu Mao.

“Thank you, wife!”

Xu Mao greedily caught the white powder.

Use your sleeve to wipe off some of the sticky liquid on it and open the plastic bag.

Then take out the foil and lighter and pour out half of the white powder!

Start to be presumptuous!(Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

It’s the immortal’s desire to die again.

Xu Mao is immersed in the pleasure brought by drugs.

In his mind, he also had a vision for the next few days.

This powder is just two days’ in quantity!

The wife has reservations!

She must have a few packs there!

Give yourself a little bit of it!

Sure enough, it’s a dog!

Never mind.

When I get them all, I want you to look good!

When the time comes, Xu Mao will let Lou Xiao know what real domestic violence is.

What is called how hard a man’s fist is!

The humiliation you have caused me to suffer today will be repaid a hundredfold in the future!

“When can I leave the desert island?”

Xu Mao was remorseful.

As long as he leaves this place, he no longer has to worry about drugs.

As much as you want!

In the live broadcast room, tens of millions of netizens saw such a disgusting scene.


The three views have been subverted again.

[Actually hiding drugs in that kind of place? it! Is the human body hiding drugs so ruined?]

[Old drug dealer! This kind of person must be shot! Everyone has no opinion, right?]

[It turned out that Lou Xiao was a poor woman who was abused by the family, but it turned out to be a drug dealer!

Let them be bound forever and go to the underworld to be mandarin ducks. 】


Actor Xu Mao is still taking drugs.

After the half packet of white powder is completely drained.

He was finally satisfied.

At this time, his attitude towards his wife changed completely.


Xu Mao looked back like a prodigal son.

I know that I love my wife!

He hugged his wife and kissed her disgustingly.

And Lou Xiao also cooperated with her husband’s exercises.

“Husband, let’s go back. “

Lou Xiao raised his head and went back to the camp with his toes high.

“Well, wife, be careful!”

The actor opened the way for his wife very intimately.

The two seem to have become a model couple in the entertainment industry again.

made netizens vomit out their overnight meals.

[It’s disgusting!Can you stop pretending like that?]

[Oh my God, what sin have I created?]

Once, model couples in the entertainment industry were envious of others.

But seeing it again at the moment, there is only disgust!

Witnessed the operation of these two guys throughout the process.

The godfather on Hong Kong Island has a dark face!

“Two shit! Beasts! should have all been shot in the first place!”

The godfather roared in the luxurious estate.

Live streaming around the world!

Now everyone knows that the actor and actress are the godfathers!

And I came into contact with drugs that will definitely kill you!

You two want to die.

Don’t pull yourself!


The Godfather broke the defense.

I can’t wait to gather all the killers under my command.

Rush to the desert island and chop the dog man and woman into meat sauce.

“Hey, the desert island is the protection for you!!”

The Godfather knew it couldn’t be.

The desert island is under close surveillance by the inspection team and high-level at the moment.

Special SEAL units are on standby!

As long as outsiders show up.

You’ll be spotted right away!

The godfather feels like he’s fallen into a trap!

The desert island variety show has been a trap from the beginning!

It’s a bureau!

He’s a godfather!

Under one person, under ten thousand.

controls most of the entertainment industry, and the world’s richest list is a big man.

Now you can’t do anything about it?

It can only converge!

Fortunately, the other party has no evidence yet, and this is the only thing that makes the godfather gratifying.


Because of the self-explosion of the actor and actress in the live broadcast!

All the anti-narcotics police in the country are the same enemy!

All swearing!

We must crack down on all drug-related personnel!

The South China Sea Anti-Narcotics Police published an article on the Internet.

Very simple!

Cases like actors and actresses.

Death penalty!

When you return from the desert island, you will be judged by law and justice!

The whole network cheers!

[Wuhu! Good death!]

[Never sympathize with drug dealers!] These guys are so heinous and how many families have they ruined?]

If your actor is just taking drugs, he will not be sentenced to death. But you sell drugs!Surely you will die!]

[Absolutely! The desert island blew itself up! These stars collapsed one by one, it’s so cool!]

Those who empathize with drug dealers are either brain-dead or bad!

Netizens remember that there was once a novel.

Actually empathize with drug dealers.

Romance with a big drug lord?

Isn’t this a proper destruction of the three views?

Fortunately, the novel was banned in the first place.

In China, drugs are the biggest taboo!

Isn’t the loss of power and humiliation of the country in the Opium War profound enough?

Actor Xu Mao and actress Lou Xiao are against the people of the whole country this time!

Damn it!

On the desert island at this time, the actor and queen are returning to the camp lovingly.

The two of them were talking and laughing.


The queen slipped!

Fall down a slope!


A scream!

She fell into a big pit.

Pain all over my body and inability to stand!

Netizens were also stunned by the candid footage in the distance.

Is this a coincidence?

Or is it deliberate?

Could it be that actor Xu Mao wants to harm his wife again?

After falling into the pit, Lou Xiao immediately asked her husband for help!

“It’s good that I’m smart!”

At this moment, Lou Xiao felt that he was too smart.

If she hadn’t kept a hand, she would have continued to hide a little powder on her body.

This beast might just ignore it!

“Wife, are you alright?”

Sure enough, because Lou Xiao still has a lot of use value.

Actor Xu Mao is very worried!

“Husband, hurry up and call someone!”

This pit is a bit deep.

The actor may not be able to get it down.

It’s best to call the almighty Lin Feng over and figure out a way!

“Be careful!”

It’s not too far from the camp.

The actor immediately took the compass and ran towards the east.

A few minutes later, the actor returned to the camp.

I met everyone there.


Lin Feng and Reba are also there!

“Lin Feng! and everyone!”

Actor Xu Mao panted and shouted: “My wife has an accident!”

Yi Tianhai motioned for him to calm down.

If you have something to say, it’s good to say.

“Listen to me!” This time, Xu Mao was really anxious.

And not acting.

“My wife has fallen into a big pit! Everyone, come with me to save people!”.


Entertainment: Candid photos taken on a deserted island, celebrities’ charades are ruined

Entertainment: Candid photos taken on a deserted island, celebrities’ charades are ruined


Desert Island Survival was launched, but the program team lost contact and the stars were trapped.

In order to survive, they lost their restraints and exposed their true nature and turned into beasts!

As everyone knows, the program team did not lose contact, but secretly filmed the live broadcast.

The goddess who was the nation’s first love turned out to be a bus selling meat!

The actor who focuses on being gentle and elegant turns out to be a domestic violence man who takes drugs!

The top singer who was designed as a student turned out to be a smoker in a mixed society!

The whole network exploded! Collective collapse of the house! The personalities of celebrities in the entertainment industry are faked.

Only Lin Feng, the little hottie who was most hacked, has a character reversal!

“Caught a wild boar with your bare hands, cut it into pieces and roasted it. Do you call this fresh meat?”

“Surviving on a deserted island can make Reba fat, as expected of you!”

“In this environment, can we still compose divine songs such as Qili Xiang on a Sunny Day?”

Once the live broadcast was exposed, the entire network was in an uproar! High-level officials are targeting the entertainment industry!

Big reshuffle! Kill these inferior artists! Lin Feng is truly top notch!


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