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Entertainment: Candid photos taken on a deserted island, celebrities’ charades are ruined — Chapter 128

After making up his mind, the godfather only brought his henchmen and butlers.

Then make a phone call and let the family know that they’re ready to leave!

In just ten minutes, the godfather explained everything.

They are about to head to a private airport on Hong Kong Island and leave Huaxia by private jet!

In just half a day, the Godfather will be back on the other side of the world!

I continue living in Eagle Sauce with moisture!

You can seal all my assets in Huaxia!

But I am abroad, and I also have the capital to live!


The godfather was about to embark on the trip, and before leaving, he couldn’t help but mock a wave of inspectors: “It’s too tender!”

The whole process is live-streamed, who gave you the courage?

Isn’t this giving the godfather time to run away?

Maybe there is no way for other black bosses to be left in such a short time.

But the godfather can!

Although he lost this game!

But I didn’t lose completely!

After all, the inspection team is too arrogant!

Live interrogation of killers?

Soon, the godfather walked out of the gate of the luxurious manor with a smile with the butler.

However, when he saw the scene outside the manor.

The whole person is about to collapse!

The entire manor has been surrounded by people from Fang and the Independent Commission Against Corruption!


It seems that the police force of the entire Hong Kong Island.

It’s all here!

“What’s going on?”

The godfather looked at the scene in shock.

Wasn’t it just now that the killer was interrogated live?

Why was it in front of him so soon?

No way!

Why do you know my identity?

Do you teleport?

The place of interrogation is dozens of kilometers away from here!

On the ground, there were police cars.

In the sky, there are also several police helicopters circling.

Completely cut off the idea of the godfather running away.

Immediately afterwards, everyone from the inspection team appeared!

Gao Jian, Gao Hui, Boss Yang, lawyer Chen Ni and so on.

The godfather’s butler shouted as he watched them.

“Aren’t you interrogating? Why?”

looked at the godfather’s housekeeper, and the godfather with a bewildered face.

Gao Jian explained: “Who said that we were interrogated live?”

Whatever we say, you believe?

That’s it?

And the godfather!

At this moment, the godfather finally knew that he had been tricked!

It’s an unscrupulous inspection team again, and it’s a conspiracy!

Previously, the inspection team has always been live!

But this time, it’s a recording!

There is no live interrogation!

It’s just to paralyze careless godfathers.

Let him show his flaws!

Now, it has been confirmed that the godfather wants to run overseas.

So close the net!

This time, the inspection team once again deceived the world with a stratagem!

Overseas netizens have been fooled again!

Same as the Godfather.

[My God! Huaxia’s inspection team is too ruthless! Even the godfather of Hong Kong Island dares to judge?]

[This is the godfather! In our country, even the chief of police has to bow his head and kneel when he sees it!]

[It’s too ruthless! This time Huaxia is playing for real! We want to sweep away all the underworld forces!]

Compared with foreign and domestic netizens, they are even more shocked!

Because everyone knows the Godfather!

Hong Kong Island Tycoon!

Famous philanthropist.

A well-known investment tycoon, he started in real estate.

It’s worth hundreds of billions!

I never thought that such a person would be so dirty behind his back!

You’re sixty or seventy years old.

Play more than anyone else!

What’s more important is that you are involved in crime and drugs!

This is unforgivable!

Must be executed!

[Zhou Gangren!The godfather is actually the rich man Zhou Gangren!]

[Hahaha! I guessed right! I guessed right! It’s really him!]

The big philanthropist is actually the godfather! Hong Kong Island is also awesome. 】

[Hey, I’m going to be shot.] 】

Regarding the arrest of the godfather, netizens are happy to hear about it.

This kind of evil guy has been at large for so many years!

The police have taken full control of all the forces and assets of the godfather.

Airport blockade, port blockade!

The godfather’s family was also all taken away for investigation!

Don’t even think about running!

You don’t have to confess your sins!

We can find out!

Above, hovering helicopters.

All around, there are police cars and police!

Hong Kong Island in action!

The Godfather is embattled!

There is nowhere to run!


In the end, the godfather still has to be arrogant.

“I didn’t expect to be fooled. The godfather looked at the inspector team with ill will, “This is also the strategy of the mysterious whistleblower?”

Godfather, he is obsessed with the mysterious Lin Feng.


Gao Jian answered the godfather’s question truthfully.

Let him go clearly.

With your level, it is very face-saving to make such a big scene.

Soon, the police stepped forward and handcuffed the godfather!

“Zhou Gangren! We are now arresting you on charges of gangsters, gambling, drugs, rape, murder, money laundering, capital manipulation, and unfair competition!”

The Godfather was caught!

The whole network cheers!

[It is worthy of being a capital crocodile! Those stars and bigwigs in the entertainment industry can’t compare with each other at all!]

[Gangsters, gambling, drugs, rape, murder, money laundering?

[Godfather chooses a concubine, such an old leader still plays this kind of!]

[Death penalty!haha!So many serious crimes!The gods can’t be saved!]

[Hehe, the godfather has been exposed to the eyes of the inspection team at the beginning, and now he is just making him jump off the wall. 】

[It’s worthy of Brother Feng!Even the godfather was killed by you!Next, Jingquan!]

[The Beijing circle is a bit difficult! No matter how powerful Hong Kong Island is, it will be so big. But the Kyoto circle radiates the whole world!]

The capital of the Beijing circle is intricate!

And it controls all walks of life across the country and even around the world!

Domino effect!

Once the Beijing circle is moved.

The stakes are too great!

Just a prince of the Beijing circle makes it difficult for the inspection team to start……

You must know that the prince of the Beijing circle is just a junior in the forces of the Beijing circle!


Small role!

Such a small role is enough to compete with the godfather of Hong Kong Island!

This is the essence of the Beijing circle!

Netizens suddenly panicked.

[The godfather of Hong Kong Island is equal to the prince of the Beijing circle?

[That’s the case, if those bigwigs in the Beijing circle really make a move, maybe they can slap the inspection team with a slap. 】

[The gap in strength, everyone must face it, maybe this Bright Sword Operation is coming to an end. ] 】

[Hey, but if the inspection team can kill the prince, it’s also good, right?]

Netizens decided to lower the requirements.

The Beijing circle really can’t be beaten.

But it’s no problem to deal with the prince of the Beijing circle who is angry with God, right?


The Hong Kong Island operation closed the net, but the faces of Gao Jian and the others were not relaxed.

Next stop, Kyoto!

That’s the real battle!

“I’ll go to Kyoto tomorrow and declare war on the Kyoto area!”

Gao Jian looked at everyone and smiled: “I don’t know how far our inspection team can go, but we can’t live up to justice!”

Dealing with the godfather of Hong Kong Island, the inspection team is full of confidence.

It’s a pity that I was immediately deflated by the Beijing circle.

“Gao Group, when are we going to invite Lin Feng back?”

At this time, Boss Yang asked a question that everyone was concerned about.

“It’s coming!”

Gao Jian looked into the distance, which was the direction of the desert island.

“It’s just a few days, it’s time for the end of the desert island candid shooting!”

When the time comes, welcome Lin Feng’s return!


At this time, in a villa in Kyoto.

Joseph Chen, the prince of the Beijing circle, was accompanied by a beautiful woman, drinking wine and watching the live broadcast.

“Godfather of Hong Kong Island, Zhou Gangren is here?”

The crown prince sneered at his godfather.

Sure enough, it’s an old thing, no!

You have to look at the Beijing circle.

Look at him Prince!

In recent years, Joseph Chen has been very arrogant.

But it’s rampant!(Read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

“Inspector team, welcome to Kyoto tomorrow, hahaha!”

The prince did not panic at all!

As long as there is a Beijing circle behind it.

There is nothing the inspection team can do!

Move him.

It’s the enemy of the entire Beijing circle!

Are you high sword, or the person behind you can bear it?

The anger of the Beijing circle, no one can bear it!

After laughing, the prince continued to hug the beautiful woman and drink for pleasure.

Happy as a fairy.


It’s getting late.

On the desert island, Qin Xiaoru and Qin Xiaohuai have had enough suffering.

Decided to settle for the next best thing.

“Sister! Lin Feng and Xu Mao can’t count on it. “

Qin Xiaohuai sighed.

Why is there such a big gap with the previous thoughts of the two?

One thigh is bound by Reba.

And one of the thighs is a beast!

Thinking about it, although He Yuchen is also an animal.

But it won’t be as perverted as Xu Mao.

And the IQ is not enough, easy to control!

“Now, I can only rely on He Yuchen. “

Qin Xiaoru has no choice, it is absolutely not enough to rely on an old man, Yi Tianhai!

They must form an alliance!

can fight against the pervert of the actor!

“Sister, what should we do now?”

At the moment of life and death, the two sisters once again gave up their dispute and united the front.

There are contradictions, and they will be resolved when they return to the entertainment industry in the future.

“Xiaohuai, He Yuchen needs you to handle it!”

The two discussed and decided on a method.

First of all, let Qin Xiaohuai hook up with He Yuchen.

Well, the reason is simple, she is afraid.

By the way, reveal a little bit of the actor’s irritability, and beat people secretly!

Win He Yuchen’s sympathy!

After that, it was logical to go to bed.

“Xiaohuai, in fact, He Yuchen has always been interesting to you!”

Qin Xiaoru laughed evilly.

“And then?”

Qin Xiaohuai continued to ask her sister.

You can testify to He Yuchen’s rape.

This broken relationship must be repaired!


Qin Xiaoru once again said her method.

After Qin Xiaohuai got He Yuchen, he said good things in his ear.

Then Qin Xiaoru came forward and apologized and was sorry for the second company.

Finally, he dedicated himself to accompany He Yuchen once.

That’s it!


Qin Xiaohuai smiled: “It’s worthy of being a sister!”

The two sisters are disgusting and hook up.

made the netizens in the live broadcast room extremely disgusting.

They all scolded.

Is there anything more bus than this?】

[The desert island is to expose the true nature! What are the things?]

[Haha! The front foot said that He Yuchen raped, and the back is going to sleep with him again?

[These two sisters have refreshed my lower limit for humans!]

[Hehe, just don’t harm Brother Feng! You can do whatever you want with other beasts! It’s all livestock!]

After the two finished talking about He Yuchen, they then talked about Yi Tianhai.

One He Yuchen is obviously not enough.

The two sisters decided to catch it with both hands!

“The old man is easy to deal with. “

This time, it was the turn of Qin Xiaohuai, the experienced sister of her goddaughter, to come up with advice.

She told her sister.

The old drama bones have long had ideas about her.

Just that!

Make sure this old man is on the cover!


The two happily made a decision.

Then, they will find the right time to do it!

Just these two days, it has to be fast!

An hour later, Qin Huaiyu found an opportunity!

He Yuchen and Bangbang separated.

She immediately plugged in.


Qin Xiaohuai walked to He Yuchen’s side.

“Xiaohuai, is there something wrong?”

He Yuchen still remembers the kindness of Qin Xiaohuai’s meal before!

There is not so much hostility towards the sisters.

Looking at He Yuchen, Qin Xiaohuai began to show her superb and thorough acting skills.

In a second, tears began to fall!

Seeing a woman crying in front of herself.

It’s still the kind that I have a good impression of.

Even scumbags and animals feel it.

“What the hell is going on?”

He Yuchen continued to ask.

After repeated excuses, Qin Xiaohuai finally told the truth.

“Yuchen, I’m so scared!”

Qin Xiaohuai began to confess to He Yuchen.

Remember the injuries my sister and I were injured?

Of course He Yuchen remembers!

Not long ago, the actor came back with two sisters.

Said it was accidentally fallen.

“It’s not a fall!”

Qin Xiaohuai cried and complained: “I was beaten by Xu Mao! Because my sister and I bumped into his domestic violence wife! In order to shut us up, I …… it.”

Qin Xiaohuai didn’t dare to say anything about the actor’s drug use.


Suddenly, the beast He Yuchen was filled with righteous indignation!

Although he is a scumbag, he doesn’t beat women!

Women are made to do it!

How can you fight it?

This is the life principle of the scumbag He Yuchen.

“It’s okay, it’s okay!”

He Yuchen could see that Qin Xiaohuai was not lying.

And the first time to find yourself.

That’s a sign of trust in him!

After the sperm worm went to the back of his head, He Yuchen ignored the rationality of various logics.

In order to make He Yuchen more trusting, Qin Xiaohuai began to talk about the rest of the men.

“Yuchen, I can only trust you here. “

Qin Xiaohuai first counted one old and one young.

Bangbang is a thief, absolutely unreliable!

The old man is sanctimonious, and she has always hated it!

And Lin Feng is actually a hypocrite.

I don’t care about anything, but it’s actually terrible behind my back.

Let’s explain.

Let He Yuchen keep nodding.


Look around and there is no one.

Qin Xiaohuai began to use green tea’s nirvana!

“Yuchen, I’m so cold, this desert island is really scary!”

Tired and in need of comfort!

Of course, He Yuchen will not let go of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

He has coveted Qin Xiaohuai for a long time!

“Don’t be afraid!

As he spoke, He Yuchen smiled evilly.

Then he hugged Qin Xiaohuai into his arms …….


Entertainment: Candid photos taken on a deserted island, celebrities’ charades are ruined

Entertainment: Candid photos taken on a deserted island, celebrities’ charades are ruined


Desert Island Survival was launched, but the program team lost contact and the stars were trapped.

In order to survive, they lost their restraints and exposed their true nature and turned into beasts!

As everyone knows, the program team did not lose contact, but secretly filmed the live broadcast.

The goddess who was the nation’s first love turned out to be a bus selling meat!

The actor who focuses on being gentle and elegant turns out to be a domestic violence man who takes drugs!

The top singer who was designed as a student turned out to be a smoker in a mixed society!

The whole network exploded! Collective collapse of the house! The personalities of celebrities in the entertainment industry are faked.

Only Lin Feng, the little hottie who was most hacked, has a character reversal!

“Caught a wild boar with your bare hands, cut it into pieces and roasted it. Do you call this fresh meat?”

“Surviving on a deserted island can make Reba fat, as expected of you!”

“In this environment, can we still compose divine songs such as Qili Xiang on a Sunny Day?”

Once the live broadcast was exposed, the entire network was in an uproar! High-level officials are targeting the entertainment industry!

Big reshuffle! Kill these inferior artists! Lin Feng is truly top notch!


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