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Entertainment: Candid photos taken on a deserted island, celebrities’ charades are ruined — Chapter 129

[it!It’s a bus!Top green tea!This means of seduction!】

[It’s coming, it’s coming!]

[Wow! Dog men and women are so disgusting, let’s destroy them quickly.] 】

[Hehe, cherish the last moment, and sit in prison immediately. 】

Under the gaze of countless netizens, Qin Xiaohuai took the initiative to kiss him.

After that, it’s a matter of course……

Twenty minutes passed.

He Yuchen hugged Qin Xiaohuai, his face full of pride.

It’s got to be me!

The level of pickled girls is too high!

Next to him, Qin Xiaohuai smiled crookedly.

He Yuchen, this idiot is really easy to deal with!

That’s it!

After success, Qin Xiaohuai began the next step of planning.

She faced He Yuchen’s ears and blew the wind!

“Yuchen! I told you before, my sister also has a hard time!”

“Really! She was forced by the old man! Can you forgive her?”

A woman’s offensive came down.

He Yuchen’s ears immediately softened.

“Of course!”


My sister is here, and my sister can be forgiven!

It’s not a big deal!

There is a debtor who is wronged.

He Yuchen knew that it was the old man who wanted to deal with him.

It has nothing to do with Qin Xiaoru!


“Yuchen, we don’t know how long we will be on the desert island, you must take care of our sisters!”

The implication is similar.

We sisters listen to you.

“Wrap it up on me!”

He Yuchen’s manhood exploded.

Your business is my business!

“Yuchen, you’re so nice!” Qin Xiaohuai immediately kissed him, and then smiled, “I have to go and tell my sister the good news!”

After speaking, Qin Xiaohuai left.

Look at her back.

He Yuchen couldn’t help but sigh.

“Sisterhood is deep. “

This sentence made netizens laugh.

[Hahahaha!What a sisterly relationship!These two sisters left the desert island and wanted to pinch each other to death!]

[Nima! Sure enough, He Yuchen’s waste is the lowest rank!]

[This is done? Sure enough, it’s the most useless! 】

[Watch the play, watch the play! Brother Feng watches the play like him. 】

After a while, Qin Xiaoru appeared in front of He Yuchen.

As soon as they met, it was the pear blossoms crying with rain.

Crying made He Yuchen’s heart beat extremely fast.

“Xiaoru, don’t cry 353!”

He Yuchen hurriedly hugged his sister Qin Xiaoru in his arms and comforted him.

“Yuchen! I’m sorry!”

Qin Xiaoru also apologized to him, saying that he really didn’t mean it.

“It’s all right! It’s all right!”

He Yuchen hugged his ex-girlfriend and recalled the happiness he had in the past!

Soon, the old love affair between the dog man and the woman rekindled.

After that, it was a matter of course……

Twenty minutes passed, and He Yuchen hugged Qin Xiaoru and smiled.


Qin Xiaoru clutched her stomach and made a vomiting look!

He Yuchen was immediately worried!

“Xiaoru, what’s wrong?”

“It’s okay, Yuchen!” Qin Xiaoru pretended to be strong and said, “In the past two days, I have been nauseous for no reason, I want to vomit a little, and my mouth is still very sour!”


He Yuchen’s brain felt as if it had been struck by lightning.


You shouldn’t have it!

He Yuchen immediately recalled!

Before coming to the desert island, the two had been on it a few times.

Calculate the time, in a few months.


“Xiaoru, do you have our child?”

Because of being trapped on a desert island.

He Yuchen suffered all kinds of abuse.

At this time, give him the news that he is going to be a father.

It undoubtedly made him feel family affection and warmth!

Bengbu lived!

“Yuchen! Maybe I’m really pregnant with our baby!”

Qin Xiaoru hurriedly snuggled up to He Yuchen’s side.

Look like you want to be a mother!


He Yuchen was anxious.

Now everyone is trapped on a desert island.

You’re pregnant!

It’s okay ahead, but my belly has grown big in a few months, so I can’t hide it.

There is no medical treatment here!

Giving birth to a child is a ghost door!

“It’s fine!”

At this time, Qin Xiaoru hurriedly comforted He Yuchen, saying that the rescue team would definitely come over in these days.

Everyone will be fine then!

But during this time, you need to take good care!

Once again, the dog man and woman were embarrassed.


He Yuchen suddenly had a sense of responsibility.

He’s going to be a dad!

Netizens were directly stunned.

[Really fake? Qin Xiaoru is pregnant? It’s too much of a coincidence!]

[It must be fake!This woman is the best at deceiving people!]


At the scene, he and He Yuchen warmed up for a while.

Qin Xiaoru said that she was going to meet her sister.

He Yuchen waved his hand and asked the old man to leave quickly!

Now his status on a desert island is relatively low.

It’s best not to let others find out about their relationship.

Leaving He Yuchen, Qin Xiaoru and her sister Qin Xiaohuai converged!

“Sister, it’s going well, isn’t it?”

Qin Xiaohuai smiled proudly.


Qin Xiaoru shook her head, she really didn’t have a sense of accomplishment.

He Yuchen’s rank is too low!

After getting He Yuchen, the two decided to have a relationship with Yi Tianhaila.

It’s just that the godfather and goddaughter are obviously not close enough!

They need to kiss and kiss!

“Sister, it’s my turn to perform this time!”

The two sisters came to Yi Tianhai’s side.

Then, made a melancholy look.

“What’s wrong?”

It’s not very happy to see two goddaughters.

Godfather Yi Tianhai immediately asked.


Qin Xiaoru took her sister’s hand and frowned, “Xiaohuai, Xiaohuai, he may have it!”


Yi Tianhai was stunned……


Wait a minute!

Calculate the time, it is indeed possible!

Before the old man came to the desert island, he and Qin Xiaohuai had been tired of being together.

There were no protective measures either.

The timing was exactly right!


First of all, the old man is certainly excited!

It’s really the son of the family who is not angry!

He had already had the idea of opening a trumpet.

It’s just that I can’t find a suitable partner to have a baby.

Now if Qin Xiaohuai has a child.

The heavens have eyes!

Preferably a son!

See Yi Tianhai’s appearance.

The two sisters knew the plan was a success!

Then, Qin Xiaoru began to analyze whether her sister was pregnant.

said that in the past two days, I wanted to vomit inexplicably, and my mouth was sour.

The appetite and the amount of food have also increased!

Isn’t this pregnancy?

Whether it’s or not, it’s very likely!

“Good, good!!”

Yi Tianhai burst into tears in an instant!

Old man!

The waste son at home can finally be thrown away!

will cause trouble for Lao Tzu.

But soon, Yi Tianhai panicked.

“Xiaohuai! Xiaoru! We are now trapped on a desert island, what if we have a big belly?”

If Qin Xiaohuai’s belly is getting bigger and bigger, could it be that he eats too well and gains weight?

Everyone can guess the truth.

Then use the method of elimination. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Immediately find out who impregnated the woman!

And it doesn’t matter!

When the time comes, Yi Tianhai will not be old-fashioned!

The key is to have children!

Who will deliver the baby?

On this desert island, if you are not careful, you will die!

Giving birth to a child is stepping into the palace of Hades with one foot!

But the two sisters are very comforting.

“Godfather, don’t worry. “

Qin Xiaohuai pretended to vomit.

But it didn’t spit out.

“I think the rescue team will come soon!”

When you leave the desert island, everything is not a problem.

“Ah, yes, yes, yes!”

Yi Tianhai nodded solemnly!

Make up your mind.

With a child, Qin Xiaohuai is not just a simple goddaughter!(acfj)

It’s the kids!

It’s his future daughter-in-law!

Old husband and young wife.

“Xiaohuai! Xiaoru!” Yi Tianhai assured the two, “This time, we must fight for the treasure!”

Baby on a desert island, his old man must get his hands on it!

He wants his child to be born in Rome!

As soon as you open your eyes, you will enjoy endless glory and wealth!

Heavy fatherly love.

Then, the two sisters also got close to Yi Tianhai for a while.

“Godfather, let’s leave for a while. “

Make an excuse, Qin Xiaoru and the two of them walked away!

Came to a remote corner.

After making sure that there were no people and monkeys around, the two laughed out loud!


The arrogant smile revealed the shameless appearance of the two sisters.

“Hahaha! An old man doesn’t die! An idiot! I really believe it!”

Qin Xiaoru and Qin Xiaohuai both patted their stomachs in unison.

“Pregnant, pregnant with your sister!hahaha!”

Sure enough, the two buses were faking to be pregnant.

In this way, forcibly bind with He Yuchen and Yi Tianhai!

Men, of course, they have to be tied up with children!

Just eat this set!

“All the best!”

The two sisters high-fived in celebration.

He Yuchen is a fool, what he says and what he believes.

Give some benefits and float.

And Yi Tianhai is easier to bind with children.

The old man’s heart disease is that he does not have a reliable son to inherit the family business.

Qin Xiaohuai said that she might be pregnant.

Look at this old thing, happy!

This time, netizens have seen the shamelessness of the two sisters!

[Two animals pretended to be pregnant, but the other animals on the island were all in chaos, haha. 】

[I know it’s fake! Damn! But others eat this set.] 】

[Pretend that the pregnancy is coming!When the time comes, the belly will not be big, see how you end!]

[How else to end? These two sisters don’t need to end, they directly play He Yuchen and Yi Tianhai to death!]

[It’s simple, when the time comes, it’s a mistake, and you’re not pregnant, what else can others do?]

At first, the two sisters didn’t say that they must be pregnant.

It’s just a possibility!

Possibly, that’s enough.


When the time came, everyone gathered again for dinner.

“Here, eat more!”

Although the old man Yi Tianhai has injuries on his hands.

But I still helped the Qin sisters roast wild boar.

I can’t take care of myself, I just let Qin Xiaohuai eat more!

If you have children, of course, you can’t be sloppy.

The rest of the people also found anomalies.

Especially He Yuchen!


He Yuchen was angry in his heart, in fact, he also wanted to be so close to Qin Xiaoru!

Of course, Qin Xiaohuai is also yes.

Unfortunately, he is now a rapist.

It’s nice to be able to eat with everyone.

Bear with me!

The sisters of the Qin family, as well as Yi Tianhai and He Yuchen, the actions and performances of the four people. ,

It’s all in Lin Feng’s eyes.

But he didn’t say anything.

Keep eating.

At the moment when the Godfather’s killer appears.

He guessed that this desert island variety show was about to end.

Let’s miss this special trip to a desert island.

After dinner, everyone warmed up around the campfire.

There is no such thing as a bonfire tonight.

Lin Feng didn’t sing either.

After an evening, everything was fine.

It’s the seventh day of survival on a desert island!

Early in the morning, the inspection team appeared in Kyoto!

Report to all live room audiences.

“We’ve arrived in Kyoto!

Gao Jian everyone swears that they are fearless!

More anonymous reports of the content of the letter.

They already have a target to deal with!

The inspection team was dispatched directly from the Ministry of Culture.

Bypassed the Directorate of Optoelectronics!

The reason is very simple, because there are ghosts in the General Department of Optoelectronics!

In this place of Kyoto, if you throw a brick on the street, you can hit an official.

At 8 o’clock in the morning, the inspection team arrived at the General Department of Optoelectronics.

An important department under the Ministry of Culture!

Directly manage the entire entertainment industry.

There, the Beijing circle has the most penetration.

Arriving at the General Department of Optoelectronics, several leaders came to welcome.

Although I know that the inspector team is not good.

But a few of them feel that there is no problem and are not afraid to check!

“Team Leader Gao, what kind of wind blew your inspection team here so early?”

said that the sword slashed the entertainment industry.

As a result, you came over to cut the superior department of the entertainment industry?

“A few leaders are good. “

Gao Jian saluted first and then soldiers.

He knew there was nothing wrong with these people.

Because, they were all promoted by the Ministry of Culture.

It’s half of my own!

After greeting him, Gao Jian was directly sharp.

“Leaders, isn’t Director Zhao here today?”

Director Zhao is a small position in the General Department of Optoelectronics.

But the rights are not small!

He is in charge of the review of all film and television works in the entertainment industry!

It can be said that he has mastered a big life in the entertainment industry!

“Oh, Director Zhao. A leader replied truthfully, “Director Zhao is resting today and is at home!”

People are not machines.

There has to be time for breaks.

“That’s right. Gao Jian quickly divided the inspection team into two ways.

A part remained in the Directorate General of Optoelectronics.

Some of them followed him to Director Zhao’s house!

Seeing that the inspection team asked Director Zhao at the beginning.

A few leaders probably know this.

Cut it now!

“Team Leader Gao. A leader smiled and said, “If there is a problem with the person, you can investigate it, but I believe that there is no problem with our General Department of Optoelectronics!”

“Borrow the leader’s good words!”

Gao Jian waved his hand and said goodbye, ready to transfer the battlefield!

“Let’s go! Let’s go to Director Zhao’s house to have a look! I heard that this director is thrifty!”.


Entertainment: Candid photos taken on a deserted island, celebrities’ charades are ruined

Entertainment: Candid photos taken on a deserted island, celebrities’ charades are ruined


Desert Island Survival was launched, but the program team lost contact and the stars were trapped.

In order to survive, they lost their restraints and exposed their true nature and turned into beasts!

As everyone knows, the program team did not lose contact, but secretly filmed the live broadcast.

The goddess who was the nation’s first love turned out to be a bus selling meat!

The actor who focuses on being gentle and elegant turns out to be a domestic violence man who takes drugs!

The top singer who was designed as a student turned out to be a smoker in a mixed society!

The whole network exploded! Collective collapse of the house! The personalities of celebrities in the entertainment industry are faked.

Only Lin Feng, the little hottie who was most hacked, has a character reversal!

“Caught a wild boar with your bare hands, cut it into pieces and roasted it. Do you call this fresh meat?”

“Surviving on a deserted island can make Reba fat, as expected of you!”

“In this environment, can we still compose divine songs such as Qili Xiang on a Sunny Day?”

Once the live broadcast was exposed, the entire network was in an uproar! High-level officials are targeting the entertainment industry!

Big reshuffle! Kill these inferior artists! Lin Feng is truly top notch!


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