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Entertainment: Candid photos taken on a deserted island, celebrities’ charades are ruined — Chapter 130

[Oops! Which Director Zhao’s house are you going to? Haha! The show begins!]

[Anyone who is targeted by the inspection team is not a good person!, of course, except for Boss Yang and Brother Feng. 】

[This Director Zhao, I always feel that it is not simple? haha! He was the first to be named by the inspection team. 】

[Everyone is waiting to see a good show, the inspection team has always been unscrupulous, see how Director Zhao ~ died!]

In the live broadcast, the special car of the inspection team drove to Director Zhao’s home.

Half an hour later, everyone arrived in front of an old community built in the 80s.

Director Zhao has always lived here.

“This Director Zhao has always been very frugal. “

Gao Jian introduced to Boss Yang and netizens in the live broadcast room.

He has been living in this community since he joined the Directorate General of Optoelectronics 30 years ago.

Riding an old bike to and from work every day.

Back and forth for more than an hour.

Colleagues persuade.

All he said was that the bike wouldn’t get stuck in traffic!

You can also exercise!

I never wear more than 100 pieces of clothes!

The food is not at all like a director of the General Department of Optoelectronics!

You must know that the work review is stuck in the entertainment industry.

That’s an absolute fat difference!

Even the two Wang Dong of Huayi Media have to nod to Director Zhao.

The official is small, but the power is great!

Netizens can hear it.

You Gao Jian introduced people like this.

This means that there must be something wrong with this person!

Not long after, the inspector arrived at Director Zhao’s door.

“Tuk Tuk!”

There was a knock on the door.

Soon, a middle-aged man in his fifties came over.

The door opened.

“Who are you?” Director Zhao looked at everyone and wondered.

“Director Zhao, we are from the inspection team. “

Gao Jian and everyone else showed their identities.


Obviously, Director Zhao’s face changed.

But everyone is still welcome inside.

“Hey, how did your inspection team find out about my house?” Director Zhao said with a smile, “I’m alone at home today, and my wife and children have gone out to play.” “

“Director Zhao, are you still eating breakfast?”

Gao Jian smiled and walked to the table.

Found a bowl of white noodles with a head of garlic next to it.

“yes. “

Director Zhao did not shy away from suspicion, and continued to eat noodles directly in front of the inspection team.

“Director Zhao, your status is not low, right?” Gao Hui asked, “Just eat this for breakfast?”

“Aren’t all of us Chinese people coming over like this? “

Director Zhao didn’t think there was a problem and continued to bury his head in eating noodles.


Gao Hui said that they will watch you eat noodles from the side.

A few minutes later, Director Zhao finally finished eating the noodles.

Looking at the inspection team, he asked, “Are you going to search my house?”

The smile on Director Zhao’s face was very confident and calm.


Gao Jian smiled and waved his hand, and replied, “Just come and have a look! Look at Director Zhao’s house stuck in the neck of the entertainment industry, what it looks like.” “

“What?” Director Zhao quipped, “A few comrades, disappointed?”

“No! Boss Yang also answered, “Director Zhao seems to be very poor.” “

“Isn’t this serving the people? Director Zhao began to clean up the dishes and chopsticks.

And let everyone sit down.

He washed the dishes and made tea for everyone.

“Comrades, don’t you know that there are so many petty officials like me in Kyoto!”

“Walking on the street, you can smash it casually and be an official!”

Listening to Director Zhao’s complaints, Gao Jian replied: “Director Zhao, although you are not a big official, but your power is not small, every time those capital tycoons in the entertainment industry give gifts, I am afraid that they will have to load them by truck, haha!”


Director Zhao finished washing the dishes and chopsticks and walked over with a smile: “I do have a lot of gifts in this position, but I can remember the lesson! My predecessor went in like that, and I will never follow in the footsteps!”

“Is that so?” Gao Jian looked at Director Zhao’s humble home and said, “But Director Zhao, your family is a little too shabby.” “

“People, just have a place to live, why don’t you pay attention to it. “

Director Zhao continued to smile: “How many, black tea or green tea?”

“No!” Gao Jian said, waving his hand, “let’s go.” “

“That’s it!”

Director Zhao looked very happy and sent the guests off immediately!

“Hey, wait!”

However, Gao Jian didn’t take a few steps, he turned back to Director Zhao and said, “Where we are going next, we also ask Director Zhao to accompany us.” “


Director Zhao hurriedly excused himself, he didn’t want to have anything to do with the inspection team.

But Gao Jian and the others obviously didn’t give him a chance to refuse.

After being invited again, Director Zhao could only reluctantly agree.

The group continued to the next destination.

There has been a lot of discussion in the live broadcast room.

[This Director Zhao’s life is so simple, are you sure there are such Kyoto locals?]

[I’m an official, do you think it’s too low-key?]

[What age is it, commuting to and from work on a bicycle?haha! I think there’s a problem!]

[I know that many corrupt officials like to disguise themselves as ordinary people. Hey, I’m very rich, but I’m pretending to be poor!]

[Isn’t it interesting? If you are really corrupt, you will still live a hard life in the past?

Accounts differ and opinions vary.

Everyone has many opinions about this Director Zhao.

Just waiting for the inspection team to reveal.

Soon, the special car of the inspection team arrived at the gate of a high-end villa community.

Pointing to the villas inside, Gao Jian smiled at Director Zhao and said, “Director Zhao, we’re here!”

At this moment, Director Zhao’s legs were already weak.

Pale face!

Director Zhao’s expression was immediately captured by the live broadcast camera.

Netizens all understand at this moment.

It’s not a good thing!

“Director Zhao!

Gao Jian made a gesture of please.

Then let the two inspectors support Director Zhao and go to the destination.

Because of his weak legs, this Director Zhao was no longer able to stand.

Walked for more than ten minutes.

The group stopped in front of a villa.

Seeing this villa, the corners of Director Zhao’s mouth twitched.

But still pretend to be calm.

“Little comrades, what are you bringing me here for? haha. “

Director Zhao pretended not to know.

“Director Zhao, there’s nothing else to do, I just take you to take a look, after all, I haven’t been here for a while. “

After speaking, Gao Jian took out the key.

The inspection team knows everything.

There’s everything, too.

The doors of the villa opened.

And immediately the people went in.

The interior decoration is not very luxurious.

All are simply renovated.

However, all kinds of furniture and electrical appliances are readily available.

“Director Zhao, are you familiar?”

Looking at Director Zhao, whose legs were weak, Gao Jian asked with a smile.

“Where is this? Haha!” Director Zhao refused to admit it.

“Really?” Gao Jian smiled and took Director Zhao to visit the villa, “It seems that Director Zhao is very forgetful.” “

They came to the kitchen.

Gao Jian opened the refrigerator.

In an instant, stacks of red bills appeared!

“So much money in the refrigerator, and learned from the TV series?” Gao Jian took out 10,000 yuan from it and said to Director Zhao, “Director Zhao, if you have money, you don’t want to spend it, so what are you going to do with all this money?”

And your operation has a strong sense of sight.

Netizens are happy!

[Haha! How did I come up with a TV series that was once a hit?

[Nima! These corrupt officials are all printed in a mold, and the techniques are the same!] (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

[Hell, the refrigerator hides money, will there be a cash wall for a while?]

Netizens are looking forward to it.

Wait for the inspection team to reveal the truth.

In front of the refrigerator, Director Zhao just didn’t recognize it.

Never mind.

Gao Jian immediately led him to the bedroom!

Come to the bedroom.

Director Zhao is no longer on his feet.

In the villa, this bedroom looks unremarkable.

Then, Gao Jian walked to the corner.

He reached out and knocked on the wall.

Then tear off all the wallpaper on it with one hand!


A wall of cash was suddenly exposed in the live broadcast room!

It was also exposed in front of everyone at the scene.

Boss Yang was directly stunned……

“It’s!It’s all cash!?”

Boss Yang preliminarily estimated that there were hundreds of millions of yuan!

As the capital of the entertainment industry, she certainly has assets of hundreds of millions of yuan.

But with so much cash, it’s the first time I’ve seen it!

And that’s not all.

Gao Jian continued to tear off the two wallpapers!

Once again, there are two cash walls exposed!

The total is close to 300 million yuan!

“Director Zhao, how do you explain this?” Gao Jian pointed to the cash wall and asked Director Zhao, “It’s all mobile payment now, what’s the matter, you love cash, right?”

Cash, which is not easy to trace the source.


saw Director Zhao dying and struggling.

Gao Jian slapped his chair and said angrily: “Be lenient in your confession!

0 begging for flowers

From the moment we found you, you should know the end!

Now cooperate with the investigation and the sentence can be commuted!

Of course, you are in this case with a life sentence.

If you subtract one more, there will be no time……

After exposing the cash wall.

Gao Jian continued to move.

Flip the bed in the bedroom to the floor!

Reveal the cash underneath!

Spread all over the bed!

At this point, Director Zhao finally sat on the ground.

“I’ve recruited them! I’ve recruited them all!”

Director Zhao knew that he was finished, and decided to confess: “In the past 15 years, a total of 323.13 million and 800 yuan has been paid!

[Awesome!A small director!Embezzled more than 300 million!]

[Shocked! Is this the Beijing circle? A role that is so small that it can’t be smaller, can still make the bigwigs in the entertainment industry nod their heads and keep sending money?]

[Hehe! Corruption! The first to check you! The inspection team has finally reached a par with the Beijing circle. 】

Once you make a move, you can’t take it.

Looking at so much money, Gao Jian couldn’t help but complain.

“Director Zhao, you can be a collector! You are so greedy that you don’t spend a penny?”

“Don’t dare!” Director Zhao complained, “My ancestors were farmers, and it was not easy to enter the unit!”

As a fat difference in censorship of works in the entertainment industry.

That’s every day, bigwigs in the entertainment industry come to visit.

If you don’t want to take it, you can’t!

This is called sophistication!

With the first embezzlement, the rest will not be able to be contained.

Guarding this money, Director Zhao is worried every day!

And in order not to be exposed, he reduced his quality of life to the limit.

Why bother?

Soon, the police entered and handcuffed Director Zhao!

At the same time, dozens of bank commissioners, under the leadership of the economic investigation police, came to count the stolen money!

Money counters are working like crazy.

Director Zhao, arrested!

At the same time, it also announced that the inspection team fired the first shot of the Beijing Circle Campaign!!

“So much cash?”

The bank staff were also stunned.

This little corrupt official is really greedy!

The bankers who deal with money all day long, they haven’t seen so much!

The money counter is running at full capacity, and it has to be counted for a day and a night!

I’m going to work overtime today!

However, this matter will inevitably become a topic of discussion among these bank staff in the future.

Spread throughout the financial circle.

This side has been settled.

After Gao Jian left a few inspectors, he immediately went to the next stop!

Today, Yi Tianhai is still on a desert island.

It’s time to give his family a little shock.

“Let’s go, go to the old drama bone Yi Tianhai’s house!”

The special car of the inspection team left Director Zhao’s villa and drove more than 10 kilometers away.

Twenty minutes later, the group arrived at another villa.

It is Yi Tianhai’s home!

It was Yi Tianhai’s wife who opened the door.

The face is very bad.

“Guys, is there something wrong?”

Yi Tianhai’s wife is also aggrieved, and her husband is broadcast live on a desert island!

I can’t hide all the ugly things.

The key is that the son is not angry!

I’m still sleeping in my room.

“Mrs. Yi, is Yi Guantian at home?” Gao Jian asked, looking at the villa.

“Yes, sleeping. Yi Tianhai’s wife replied truthfully.

The inspection team came over, did they want to deal with her precious son?


Have all those things been revealed?

Knowing that Yi Guantian is at home, then the matter will be easy to handle.

Gao Jian clapped his hands!

Two detectives came up at once!

Show your police ID!

“Hello, please take us to Yi Guantian’s bedroom!”

As soon as the police arrived, Yi Tianhai’s wife suddenly weakened.

But I can’t hide from it.

I had to lead the way.

I prayed in my heart that my son’s affairs would be all right.

She’s just this precious son!

From small pets to big ones!

Everyone soon came to the door of Yi Guantian’s bedroom.

Didn’t knock on the door, but broke straight in!

Hear movement at the door.

Yi Guantian woke up from a sweet dream!

“Grass, what are you doing!”

Probably this kind of uneducated gentleman is a virtue when he speaks.

Yi Guantian thought it was his mother who broke in, and he didn’t talk big or small.

However, when he opened his eyes, he saw several strangers.

“Who are you!!” Yi Guantian looked at the two criminal policemen and scolded, “Your mother didn’t teach you to knock on the door!”


Entertainment: Candid photos taken on a deserted island, celebrities’ charades are ruined

Entertainment: Candid photos taken on a deserted island, celebrities’ charades are ruined


Desert Island Survival was launched, but the program team lost contact and the stars were trapped.

In order to survive, they lost their restraints and exposed their true nature and turned into beasts!

As everyone knows, the program team did not lose contact, but secretly filmed the live broadcast.

The goddess who was the nation’s first love turned out to be a bus selling meat!

The actor who focuses on being gentle and elegant turns out to be a domestic violence man who takes drugs!

The top singer who was designed as a student turned out to be a smoker in a mixed society!

The whole network exploded! Collective collapse of the house! The personalities of celebrities in the entertainment industry are faked.

Only Lin Feng, the little hottie who was most hacked, has a character reversal!

“Caught a wild boar with your bare hands, cut it into pieces and roasted it. Do you call this fresh meat?”

“Surviving on a deserted island can make Reba fat, as expected of you!”

“In this environment, can we still compose divine songs such as Qili Xiang on a Sunny Day?”

Once the live broadcast was exposed, the entire network was in an uproar! High-level officials are targeting the entertainment industry!

Big reshuffle! Kill these inferior artists! Lin Feng is truly top notch!


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