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Entertainment: Candid photos taken on a deserted island, celebrities’ charades are ruined — Chapter 131

[Poofhaha! This Yi Guantian actually spoke to the police comrade like this?]

[Awesome! The exit is dirty! Another crime of assaulting the police in a while?]

[This is Yi Tianhai’s son of the beast? Sure enough, he is also a bastard!]

[It’s not a family, it’s not a family!] Lao Tzu livestock, so is his son. 】

Netizens are watching a good show.

After waking up from the bed, Yi Guantian kept glaring at the inspection team and two policemen.

“We are police. “The two policemen immediately took out the handcuffs after showing their police cards.

For some guys.

No need for more BB!

“Yi Guantian, you are suspected of drunk driving and rape and have been arrested!”

After saying that, a criminal policeman took the handcuffs to the other person’s hand.

“Grass, you’re sick!”

Of course, Yi Guantian could not give in.

He sleeps well at home.

Suddenly a group of people broke in and said they were going to arrest him?

When I was a sick cat!

Yi Guantian immediately shook his fist and counterattacked!


A punch was thrown on the detective.

The two policemen were also stunned.

You kid can do it!

But here’s a chance!

“Yi Guantian, you’re arrested!”

The detective’s tone intensified, and he reached out again to torture the other party.


Yi Guantian jumped up from the bed.

In front of his mother, he punched the police again.

In order not to get caught.

He also kicked the policeman hard.

“Do it!”

It’s really shameless!

The two criminal policemen immediately pressed Yi Guantian to the ground.

“Let me go!

Yi Guantian scolded directly, making the mother next to him pale with fright.

This “six or seven zero” is not a competitive thing!

Assault on the police!

“Shut up, what the hell are you doing?”

In fact, Yi Tianhai and his wife both knew what their son had done.

They still relied on their connections to get those things done.

It’s a pity that now the East Window incident happened.

I can’t hide it anymore.

Pressed to the ground by the police, Yi Guantian was young and vigorous, still restless.

The mouth continued to curse.

He also insulted his mother, saying why didn’t you help?

“Shut up! Attacking the police and insulting the police will increase the crime!”

It is necessary to make this law blind and know what he has done!

Soon, the two criminal policemen handpicked Yi Guantian.

But it was not taken directly.

It’s an in-situ trial!

Gao Jian of the inspection team came up.

“Yi Guantian, drunk driving and rape, do you plead guilty?”

looked at Gao Jian of the inspection team, and saw a familiar female star beside him.

Wait a minute!

Isn’t this Yang Mi?

Yi Guantian felt that his head was big!

He’s been fooling around these days.

So I don’t know anything about the inspection team!

And the matter of the desert island father was also unknown because of his mother’s concealment.

Just a fool.

“Confess your!” Yi Guantian snorted.

So, Gao Jian came up with audio and video evidence!

There is a record of him binge-drinking at a bar and then driving away.

At the same time, the victim of rape has also submitted evidence!

But it was pressed down!

Yi Tianhai and his wife are also suspected of obstructing law enforcement. “

Gao Jian once again threw out tangible evidence!

In addition to getting drunk driving and rape for their son, the couple also has a lot of other problems!

Tax evasion, yin-yang contracts, bullying, and more!

And Yi Tianhai’s goddaughter Qin Xiaohuai also contributed a lot!

It’s all a brand.

“Take it away!!”

In this way, in the live broadcast, the inspection team took Yi Guantian and Yi Tianhai’s wives away for investigation!



[Okay!Don’t talk nonsense, just take it away!hahaha!]

[Yi Guantian’s dumb kid is finally finished! I heard that he is the dog leg of the prince of the Beijing circle before!]

[The inspection team killed the prince’s doglegs, the next step is to do it to Joseph Chen, right?]

[The show begins!] The real showdown follows. 】

After Yi Guantian was taken away, Joseph Chen, the prince of the Beijing circle, was expressionless.

Today, the inspection team is resolute.

first solved a small person in the Beijing circle, Director Zhao.

The battle began.

And immediately hit one of his doglegs!

“Yi Guantian, you waste!”

The prince has no mercy for this useless little brother.

You’d better die in prison so as not to affect me!

Joseph Chen lifted Erlang’s legs and continued to watch the play.

No matter how much the inspection team checks, they don’t dare to find his head!

Because, behind him is the Beijing circle!

“Gotta taunt taunt. “

Picking up his phone, Joseph Chen posted a video on his Douyin platform.

The life of a drunken gold fan, plus a piece of text.

“Sit back and wait for the arrival of the inspection team!”

Ride your face directly!

Kind of you guys are coming to check on me!

Let’s see if the Beijing circle behind me will let you go!

The crown prince is not the same as Yi Tianhai and the like.

Yi Tianhai is just a side matter, and he is not in the stream at all!

He is the orthodox descendant of the Beijing circle!

There are several elders up there!

If you move him as a junior, you will have to bear the wrath of the entire Beijing circle!

Rights are not to be provoked.

After the prince provoked the whole network.

Netizens were scolded.

But there is nothing to be done!

[Arrogant! The prince of the Beijing circle is really arrogant!]

[Joseph Chen knew that the next target of the inspection team was him!

[Does the inspection team really dare to touch the prince of the Beijing circle?]

[Wait to watch the show! After all, Brother Feng hasn’t come back yet!Wait for the big guy to come back, see if you dare to jump like a clown!]

After the prince provoked the inspection team.

There was no positive response from the inspection team.

Rather, an affirmation was also issued.

“Tomorrow at two o’clock in the afternoon, the desert island will welcome Lin Feng’s return!”

As soon as the news is released!

The entire entertainment industry, and even the entire network, exploded!

The crown prince’s provocation was instantly drowned in the overwhelming news.

Now, you know who’s the hottest, right?

Lin Feng’s two words made the entire entertainment industry move!

Hearing the news, the queen princess and other bigwigs have already set up their schedules!

They will personally go to welcome Lin Feng’s return!

Not only the entertainment industry, but also the Chinese medicine industry and the national art circle, will show the greatest sincerity!


“Lin Feng!”

The crown prince Joseph Chen pronounced these two words viciously.

He just provoked the inspection team on the Internet, and the other party broke the news.

Tomorrow will end the desert island show, and Lin Feng will return!

In an instant, no one cared about his provocation anymore!

Let his prince lose face!

“Are you coming back?” Joseph Chen sneered, “Are you coming back to die?”

Since you, Lin Feng, dare to come back from the desert island.

Just prepare to bear the wrath of the entire Beijing circle!

On the other hand, the inspection team has not prepared for Lin Feng’s return tomorrow.

First of all, you have to let the people on the desert island know a little about the situation outside.

“Next plan, use!”

Gao Jian gives orders to the SEALs around the desert island!

Tomorrow, Gao Jian will personally ask Lin Feng. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Is he an anonymous whistleblower after all!

And today, the most important supplies are delivered to the desert island first.

Upon order, the SEALs sprang into action.

A box of supplies was delivered to a more prominent location.

After the preparation, the live broadcast perspective was given to the desert island again.

It was already evening.

Everyone is resting in the camp.

Suddenly, Wukong, the monkey, ran over.

gestured at Lin Feng.

Tell Lin Feng that it found a box by the beach!

“A box!?”

Lin Feng instantly understood the key.

So, he quickly told everyone the good news.

“Good news!” Lin Feng pointed at Wukong and smiled, “A box has appeared on the beach, and it is likely to contain supplies!”

Now, all the beasts are excited!

“Really?” Yi Tianhai immediately stood up, wanting to go and see the supplies as soon as possible.

“After the yacht exploded, another box washed ashore?

What will it be this time?

“I remember, our communication tools were also in a box at the beginning, right?”

The actor recalled with a smile: “I hope God blesses me!

If it’s a mobile phone!


The originally decadent spirit was immediately lifted up!

Everyone is full of fighting spirit and passion!

Leave the desert island and have hope!

“Let’s go!”

Led by Lin Feng and Wukong, everyone ran towards the beach not far away.

Don’t want to wait for a moment!

Two minutes later, everyone appeared in front of the box.

It’s a metal box.

The waterproof rating is very high.

Judging by the location.

It should have been washed ashore by the waves.


Yi Tianhai smiled excitedly: “What the hell is inside?”

This box doesn’t have a combination lock, so it can be opened directly.

“Good. “

Lin Feng immediately carried the box to the beach0 ..

Then slowly lift the lid.

Immediately afterwards, small boxes appeared in front of everyone.

On the box, the names of nine people were written.

It means that the box is full of everyone’s personal belongings!

And judging by the style!

It’s a mobile phone!

“Mobile! It’s a mobile phone!

Qin Xiaoru and Qin Xiaohuai clapped happily.

Immediately, from the box, they took out their belongings.

Open the small box and take a look.

Sure enough, it’s a saved phone!

“My! my phone!”

After a while, everyone got their own phones.

It’s all going on live in secret.

[Haha! This time, the material is heavyweight!In order to let you leave tomorrow, I will give the mobile phone directly!]

[I want to ask, does the mobile phone really have a signal on the desert island?]

Look at the happy faces of these beasts!Hehe, you’ll all be crying tomorrow. 】

What awaits you tomorrow is not freedom, but prison sitting!]

After getting the phone, everyone turned on it as soon as possible!

I can finally get out of this place!

The phone screen lights up.

Everyone’s hope is also bright!

“It’s on! It’s on!”

Several celebrities immediately opened the phone book and prepared to talk to their agents on the phone!

Soon, though.

Their good mood hit rock bottom.

No signal!

“It’s over!

It’s a shitty desert island!

Originally, because of the existence of the yacht, there was a signal base station on it.

But after the yacht exploded, it was gone.

There is no signal, of course, which is expected by netizens.

Actually, the signal is there.

Otherwise, how to secretly shoot a live broadcast?

But your signals are all blocked!

[Hehe! These beasts are so lost. I thought I could get out of danger just now, but now I’m back to my original shape again. 】

[Poof!There is no signal,The mobile phone is an electronic brick,Or don’t play a stand-alone game and watch it again.] 】

[Hahaha!From hell to heaven, from heaven to hell again!] The inspection team really knows how to play. 】

On the desert island, the stars sighed.

There is no signal, how to contact the outside!

Broken phone, useless!

Everyone’s mood is terrible.

Gave hope, but the result was disappointing.

It’s called despair!

“It’s over! We’re going to be stuck here!” the old man, Yi Tianhai, angrily slammed his phone on the beach.

It’s so angry!

Because there is no signal on the phone.

As a result, people have lost their channels of contact with the outside world.

“This broken fruit!”

He Yuchen also threw his fruit phone to the ground.

Shake everyone down when they are disappointed.

Lin Feng spoke.

“My phone, it seems to work. “

In a word, everyone immediately gathered around!


Do you have a signal to be able to talk to the outside?


1.6 Looking at everyone, Lin Feng explained: “I don’t have a signal on my mobile phone. However, there are other ways to communicate. “

Can you communicate without a signal?

This sentence once again poked at everyone’s knowledge blind spot.

“Lin Feng, what’s going on?”

Yi Tianhai once again rekindled hope.

As long as you can get in touch with the outside.

It doesn’t matter what method of communication you use!

Immediately afterwards, Lin Feng began to popularize science for everyone.

Why his cell phone can be contacted outside.

“Do you see the brand of my phone?”

Lin Feng showed the model of the mobile phone in front of the desert island star in the live broadcast footage.

The latest, Huawei P60!

Satellite communication function!

When Lin Feng showed his mobile phone.

Everyone on the desert island hasn’t reacted yet.

Is there anything special about this phone?

Can it be better than the most awesome fruit mobile phone abroad?

Huawei mobile phone, isn’t it just that it has been sanctioned by Eagle Sauce for several years.

Now it’s developed again?

These people don’t care about that.

Only care about money!

The birds on the desert island did not say anything, but the live broadcast room exploded first!

It’s all the sound of praise!

[Hahaha!Awesome!It’s worthy of your Brother Feng!It’s actually Huawei P60 mobile phone!】

[This is a life-saving mobile phone!Trapped on desert islands, deserts, forests and other places, a Huawei P60 keeps you safe!]

[Hehe! See, the critical moment is still a domestic mobile phone! What fruit mobile phone? is a brick!

[Damn! Satellite communication, hahaha! Brother Feng is really one step ahead of everything!]

[Far ahead!hahaha!Far ahead!].


Entertainment: Candid photos taken on a deserted island, celebrities’ charades are ruined

Entertainment: Candid photos taken on a deserted island, celebrities’ charades are ruined


Desert Island Survival was launched, but the program team lost contact and the stars were trapped.

In order to survive, they lost their restraints and exposed their true nature and turned into beasts!

As everyone knows, the program team did not lose contact, but secretly filmed the live broadcast.

The goddess who was the nation’s first love turned out to be a bus selling meat!

The actor who focuses on being gentle and elegant turns out to be a domestic violence man who takes drugs!

The top singer who was designed as a student turned out to be a smoker in a mixed society!

The whole network exploded! Collective collapse of the house! The personalities of celebrities in the entertainment industry are faked.

Only Lin Feng, the little hottie who was most hacked, has a character reversal!

“Caught a wild boar with your bare hands, cut it into pieces and roasted it. Do you call this fresh meat?”

“Surviving on a deserted island can make Reba fat, as expected of you!”

“In this environment, can we still compose divine songs such as Qili Xiang on a Sunny Day?”

Once the live broadcast was exposed, the entire network was in an uproar! High-level officials are targeting the entertainment industry!

Big reshuffle! Kill these inferior artists! Lin Feng is truly top notch!


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