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Entertainment: Candid photos taken on a deserted island, celebrities’ charades are ruined — Chapter 134

“What are you five doing?”

Stand in the doorway and block the only exit.

The actor asked coldly looking ahead.

These five guys are just prey to him.

“Xu Mao!!”

After seeing the actor, He Yuchen was furious!

He knows that the actor is a domestic violence man!

For this reason, he also beat Qin Xiaoru and Qin Xiaohuai!


“Teacher Yi!” He Yuchen immediately wooed Yi Tianhai, “This guy is a domestic violence! Do you remember the last time Xiaoru Xiaohuai was injured?


Yi Tianhai was furious, looked at Qin Xiaoru and Qin Xiaohuai and asked.

Damn it!

Why don’t my godfather know about this kind of thing!

On the contrary, it is the beast He Yuchen who knows?

Yi Tianhai felt green again.


Qin Xiaoru and Qin Xiaohuai immediately switched faces.

Chu Chu is pitiful, and he has dropped a small pearl.

At this time, Yi Tianhai couldn’t bear it!

How dare you beat his goddaughter!?

“Xu Mao, you beast!”

Yi Tianhai and He Yuchen, as well as Bang Bang, said: “Let’s deal with him together!”

“Okay! Mr. Yi!”

He Yuchen couldn’t ask for it.

He has long wanted to deal with the actor.

He’s the biggest threat to the desert island!

“Yes! Grandpa Yi 233!”

Bang Bang wants to get rid of this opponent too!

There is no actor, and he doesn’t have to be afraid.

After speaking, the three of them immediately rushed towards the actor Xu Mao!


However, the three of them still underestimated the power gap between themselves and the actors!

The first one to rush to the stick was directly kicked away by the actor.

What about the martial arts child stars?


After eating pain, Bangbang lay on the ground and moaned.

Sure enough, it shouldn’t be strong.

After the stick fell, He Yuchen also rushed with red eyes!

“Xu Mao, give me death!”

This beast has become a mad dog again!

Open your mouth.

I’m ready to give Xu Mao a bite!

“Get out!”

Xu Mao shook his fist.

A punch hit He Yuchen in the stomach.

Beat all his sour water.


The punch directly made He Yuchen in pain, and tears fell out.

The gap is too big!

Yi Tianhai was scared!

But he didn’t have time to retreat.

was thrown to the ground by Xu Mao at once.

The bones are breaking.


In just a few seconds, the three lost their combat effectiveness.

Qin Xiaoru and Qin Xiaohuai, who were witnessing everything on the side, suddenly panicked.

looked at the greedy five people in front of him. Actor Xu Mao sneered: “A few of you, you all want to die, right?”

Now, so much treasure is in front of us.

The darkest thing in Xu Mao’s heart was stimulated!

He’s been a killer before, anyway!

I don’t mind a few more lives!

Even if you are all big stars in the entertainment industry!

A few people are missing on a desert island, which is very reasonable.

Throw it into the sea to feed the sharks, who knows?

Lose your marbles!

Greed drove Xu Mao crazy.

“Teacher Xu! Teacher Xu spares his life!”

Qin Xiaoru’s two sisters were beaten by Xu Mao.

Know that this man can really kill!

Immediately come forward and beg for mercy.

Looking at these two sisters, Xu Mao said shamelessly: “What’s the matter! You only served me last time, and now you have hooked up with He Yuchen and Yi Tianhai?”

The actor’s words made He Yuchen and Yi Tianhai at the scene explode!


Yi Tianhai looked at the actor in disbelief.

The same is true for He Yuchen.

Since you don’t know, the actor decided to tell them the truth.

“You say these two, haha. The actor laughed wildly, “I did it not long ago, not bad!”

“Come on, call me a few times!”

The actor stared at Qin Xiaoru and Qin Xiaohuai.

If you tell a lie, you will bear the consequences!


The two sisters looked at each other and felt that their lives were the most important thing now.

Save your life and have a chance to fight for treasure.


Qin Xiaoru and Qin Xiaohuai barked on the spot!

shattered the three views of everyone in the live broadcast room.

[Fuck it!It’s really a beast!It’s too shameless!]

[Dog eats dog is really crazy!Why hasn’t Brother Feng come over to clean it up yet?]

[Laugh at me! Isn’t this bloody plot 10,000 times more exciting than the TV series?] (If you read a violent novel, you can go to Feilu Novel Network!)

No sympathy.

Netizens will only watch good shows.

People die for money! Everyone blows themselves up! I have never seen such a wonderful situation!

At the scene, Qin Xiaoru and Qin Xiaohuai were heard barking as dogs.

Yi Tianhai was completely confused.

It seems that the actor Xu Mao is telling the truth!

His two goddaughters are too shameless!

“You two sluts!!”

Yi Tianhai pointed at the two sisters and scolded!

He Yuchen also felt that he had been deceived.

immediately questioned Qin Xiaoru.

“Qin Xiaoru!” He Yuchen roared, “So you lied to me about your pregnancy?”

Scales fall from one’s eyes!

Yi Tianhai also angrily asked his goddaughter Qin Xiaohuai.

“Qin Xiaohuai, you lied to me when you got pregnant?”

All right!

You sisters, play them like monkeys.

The plot is too outrageous.

At this moment, Qin Xiaoru and Qin Xiaohuai must stand firm!

If you want to live, you have to hold Xu Mao tightly.

So you need to cut with He Yuchen and Yi Tianhai!

“Old thing!”

Qin Xiaohuai finally completely tore his face and scolded Yi Tianhai angrily: “I really like you old man when I sleep with you!

“Hehe!” Qin Xiaoru also immediately expressed his determination, “He Yuchen, you are a waste and you are worthy of me? Only Teacher Xu is the dragon and phoenix among people!”

Reveal your true nature!

He Yuchen’s head was green.

And Yi Tianhai’s head is about to turn into a green grassland!

These two slut sisters!

To them like this?


At the moment of life and death, these beasts are crazy!

Actor Xu Mao likes to watch dogs eat dogs!

So wait to see a good show.

That’s when it happened.

Lin Feng’s voice sounded at the door.

“I don’t think I’m here at the right time?”

As soon as the words fell.

I saw Lin Feng appear with Reba.

Finally, the last two arrived!

Then let’s all go together!

Slaughtered Lin Feng first!

Actor Xu Mao is extremely inflated at the moment.

Looking at Lin Feng who came in, Xu Mao took out a dagger.

Then he sneered at Lin Feng: “No, you came at the right time!”

At this time, I really thank you for coming to give someone a head!

The villain dies from talking too much!

Xu Mao doesn’t have a word with Lin Feng!

If you don’t agree with each other, you will take out a dagger and do it!

The actor has not seen Lin Feng really make a move.

He believes in his physical fitness and ability to fight!

If you are surprised at this moment, you will surely win!


Lin Feng: This is what will happen to you who underestimate the enemy.

But it doesn’t matter, all those in the know will give you a funeral!

The domestic, violent and drug-addicted man who kills the red eye is insulated from human nature!

This scene stunned the rest of the beasts present.

They wanted to say something to remind Lin Feng to be careful.

But I hope these two people are fighting.

It’s better to have a lose-lose situation!


It’s best if both are dead!

In the live broadcast room, everyone didn’t expect the actor to do it directly!

Although he knew that Lin Feng’s combat power was against the sky.

But what if the sneak attack by actor Xu Mao succeeded?

[Brother Feng be careful!This beast has a very strong fighting ability!There is a dagger in his hand!]

[Brother Feng be careful! Don’t shoot too hard for a while, and kill Xu Mao, a beast. 】

[Despicable villain!Actually sneak attack my Brother Feng!Be careful to be KO in a second!].


Entertainment: Candid photos taken on a deserted island, celebrities’ charades are ruined

Entertainment: Candid photos taken on a deserted island, celebrities’ charades are ruined


Desert Island Survival was launched, but the program team lost contact and the stars were trapped.

In order to survive, they lost their restraints and exposed their true nature and turned into beasts!

As everyone knows, the program team did not lose contact, but secretly filmed the live broadcast.

The goddess who was the nation’s first love turned out to be a bus selling meat!

The actor who focuses on being gentle and elegant turns out to be a domestic violence man who takes drugs!

The top singer who was designed as a student turned out to be a smoker in a mixed society!

The whole network exploded! Collective collapse of the house! The personalities of celebrities in the entertainment industry are faked.

Only Lin Feng, the little hottie who was most hacked, has a character reversal!

“Caught a wild boar with your bare hands, cut it into pieces and roasted it. Do you call this fresh meat?”

“Surviving on a deserted island can make Reba fat, as expected of you!”

“In this environment, can we still compose divine songs such as Qili Xiang on a Sunny Day?”

Once the live broadcast was exposed, the entire network was in an uproar! High-level officials are targeting the entertainment industry!

Big reshuffle! Kill these inferior artists! Lin Feng is truly top notch!


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