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Entertainment: Candid photos taken on a deserted island, celebrities’ charades are ruined — Chapter 136

In the live broadcast room of China, tens of millions of netizens have already laughed to the ground.

Sure enough, the Iron Wrist is the most effective against the beasts!

The moment Lin Feng took out his gun and shot, these animals dared to say a word?

[Got it!This is the real reason why Brother Feng used a pistol!Establish unshakable prestige!]

[That’s it, I have a gun, see if you dare to resist, ahaha. 】

[Hey, Brother Feng has a hundred ways to kill you animals. But the most simple and crude one was used. 】

[I don’t dare to resist anymore, I want this effect.] 】

[I guess in the hearts of these beasts, they really regard Brother Feng as an underworld killer! 】

Suppress the beasts in a more violent way than the beasts.

This is the real cool film.

So, under Lin Feng’s gun.

All the beasts are obedient.

brought the actor Xu Mao back to the camp.

Quietly waiting for the arrival of the “017” rescue team in the afternoon.

“Hey! That’s a lot of money!”

The old drama bone wants to cry without tears, and he himself is blackened by Xu Mao.

In the end, Lin Feng, who was armed with a gun, appeared.

There is no room for resistance!

Now, only wait until the rescue team arrives.

Everyone collectively took a bite back!

Say that Lin Feng has a problem!

Anyway, Lin Feng’s previous reputation was already bad!

One more killer identity, no problem!

Gun killer thugs!

It’s just a frame-up for a while!

In the camp, everyone did not dare to say anything.

Actor Xu Mao, no one is willing to step forward to deal with it.

The bleeding has stopped, but half a life has been lost.

The time quickly came to the afternoon, and it was getting closer and closer to the arrival of the rescue team.

Everyone can’t help but wonder how many people will be sent to this rescue.

Two o’clock in the afternoon.

On a desert island, within the visible range, huge ships have appeared!

The birds flew to the shore and waved there!

Soon, the rescue team was exposed!

The star gate on the desert island was all stunned.

“Aircraft carrier! is it an aircraft carrier?”

It is unimaginable that the country actually sent an aircraft carrier to the rescue!

Why, exactly?

Is their row so big?

When they looked closely, they were even more shocked!

Not an aircraft carrier!

It’s two!

There are also frigates and destroyers around!

It’s an aircraft carrier fleet!

“Awesome, my country!” Yi Tianhai shouted frantically on the desert island!

He really thinks it’s because they’re big enough face.

That’s why the aircraft carrier can be dispatched to the rescue!

On a desert island, these beasts meet the aircraft carrier fleet.

I feel that I will be more prosperous in the entertainment industry in the future!

You want to.

Is it possible not to report such a big thing as the dispatch of aircraft carriers to rescue them?

And the whole world will know about it!

So they are bound to have a huge wave of heat as well.

The traffic is terrible!

In the future, these people will be popular in the entertainment industry!

Of course, Lin Feng is an exception.

They will report Lin Feng for illegal gun possession!

This crime alone can make you unable to mix in the entertainment industry.

The sense of deterrence brought about by the aircraft carrier fleet is very powerful.

As the fleet approached the desert island, the world was broadcasting live.

Foreign netizens all exploded!

[God! Huaxia actually dispatched two aircraft carriers? This pomp is too big, right?]

[As for it?] This is obviously showing off to the world!]

In order to protect the treasures of China. As soon as the aircraft carrier came out, some people in the rest of the countries definitely didn’t dare to have ideas!]

[Why two aircraft carriers?]

If it is really to protect the treasure on the desert island, an aircraft carrier is enough to deter.

Two ships, unless there is more than one treasure on the desert island!

Instant initiation!

Netizens know!

[It’s Brother Feng!Isn’t Brother Feng a more valuable treasure than those treasures!?]

[Reasonable!hahahaha! Brother Feng is definitely worthy of the aircraft carrier to come to greet him!]

[Look at the beasts on the desert island, do they really think that the aircraft carrier is here to welcome them?]

[The aircraft carrier fleet greets, Brother Feng is really going to break through the Nine Heavens in the future!]

[What is the origin of the inspection team? Can it actually mobilize the aircraft carrier fleet? Wait! Could it be that the real backer of the inspection team is not the Ministry of Culture?]


Think about it carefully!(If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The Ministry of Culture really can’t fight the Beijing circle.

But it can mobilize the power of the aircraft carrier fleet.

It should be possible to fight with the Beijing circle, right?

This time, the inspection team is also sending a war letter to the Beijing circle.

Not long after, the aircraft carrier fleet stopped not far away.

Then several small lifeboats came down from above.

Landing here on a desert island!

A few minutes later, the rescuers finally arrived on the desert island!

“Thank you! Thank you!” Yi Tianhai disguised himself as an old drama bone again, and bowed very politely in thanks, “Thank you for coming to save us!”

“Thank you so much!”

Qin Xiaoru and Qin Xiaohuai continue to use the character of the national first love and the goddess of Xueba0 ..

On the other side, all the beasts are trying to create their own personalities.

Because they’ve all seen the camera footage!

This epic rescue.

Sure enough, it was live!

He Yuchen has returned to the appearance of a top-notch idol and a student’s debut.

The actress is still the actress, knowledgeable and gifted.

Although the actor was shot in the leg.

But I still want to struggle and restore the image of a gentle and elegant actor.

What if it can be reversed?

In his heart, as long as the godfather of Hong Kong Island is not finished.

He still has a chance to turn the tables!

O Godfather!

That’s too much power.

Next to him, the child star Bangbang was also thanking the rescuers.

Only Lin Feng and Reba are still like that.

Not at all surprised.

“Everyone’s alright, right?”

Rescuers are about to greet everyone, board the aircraft carrier!

Get out of this desert island.

If you guys have anything else to do, end it as soon as possible.

On the desert island these days, there is nothing left behind.

That treasure, anyway, these beasts don’t dare to covet it for the time being.

“It’s gone!”

These beasts have regained their appearance as stars in the entertainment industry.

I just want to get out of this place right away.

Only Lin Feng and Reba, it seems that there is still something to do.

“Let’s say goodbye. “

After speaking, Lin Feng and Reba turned around.

I saw Wukong with a group of monkeys coming to see him off!


These monkey 3.0 sons once again knelt down and saluted Lin Feng and Reba.


“Wukong! live well. “

Lin Feng smiled at the monkeys: “I will come back to see you in the future.” “

After listening to these words.

Wukong and the other monkeys were suddenly excited!


That’s great.

We’ll see you again in the future!

The next time we meet, it should be when the construction of the desert island resort is about to begin.

However, beside him, the rest of the beasts saw so many monkeys bidding farewell to Lin Feng.

I am angry in my heart!

All right!

So you have so much eyeliner?

You, Lin Feng, are the biggest underworld force!

“Report him in a moment!”

Many beasts made up their minds.

Kill Lin Feng first!

And then kill the other opponents one by one!

Only I can be the winner!


Entertainment: Candid photos taken on a deserted island, celebrities’ charades are ruined

Entertainment: Candid photos taken on a deserted island, celebrities’ charades are ruined


Desert Island Survival was launched, but the program team lost contact and the stars were trapped.

In order to survive, they lost their restraints and exposed their true nature and turned into beasts!

As everyone knows, the program team did not lose contact, but secretly filmed the live broadcast.

The goddess who was the nation’s first love turned out to be a bus selling meat!

The actor who focuses on being gentle and elegant turns out to be a domestic violence man who takes drugs!

The top singer who was designed as a student turned out to be a smoker in a mixed society!

The whole network exploded! Collective collapse of the house! The personalities of celebrities in the entertainment industry are faked.

Only Lin Feng, the little hottie who was most hacked, has a character reversal!

“Caught a wild boar with your bare hands, cut it into pieces and roasted it. Do you call this fresh meat?”

“Surviving on a deserted island can make Reba fat, as expected of you!”

“In this environment, can we still compose divine songs such as Qili Xiang on a Sunny Day?”

Once the live broadcast was exposed, the entire network was in an uproar! High-level officials are targeting the entertainment industry!

Big reshuffle! Kill these inferior artists! Lin Feng is truly top notch!


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