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Entertainment: Candid photos taken on a deserted island, celebrities’ charades are ruined — Chapter 138

At the moment when Lin Feng admitted it himself.

The inspection team made the anonymous report letter public on the whole network.

Part that can be disclosed!

All the details and layout, perfectly fitting the previous investigation and capture!

[It’s really announced! Is there really a way to deal with various entertainment industry bigwigs?

[It’s all Brother Feng’s handiwork!Hehe, even the godfather has been calculated!]

[Hahaha! There are also He Yuchen, the actor and the queen, the old man, and all kinds of black materials of the Qin family sisters!

[Your investigative ability, Sherlock Holmes has to give you a hand in the world!]

With the publication of the anonymous report letter!

Lin Feng’s prestige has once again reached new heights!

There is no doubt on the whole network.

At this time.

Gao Jian and Lin Feng asked and answered.

Yi Tianhai and the others couldn’t stand it.

Why don’t you arrest people?

“Team Leader Gao!” He Yuchen immediately urged, “Hurry up! Arrest this bastard!!”

The other beasts also continued to let Gao Jian arrest Lin Feng.


He took the initiative to hand over the gun!

Listened to these guys.

Gao Jian nodded, thinking that he should express himself well.

“Well, the lawbreakers should be arrested!”

Hearing this, Yi Tianhai smiled.

It’s finally enlightened!

“Yes, Team Leader Gao! This kind of lawbreaker must be brought to justice immediately!”


Wait for Lin Feng to bring handcuffs.

They then report others.

Yi Tianhai has already set his goal!

The next one, actor Xu Mao, wants to kill them.

And then there is He Yuchen’s promiscuous garbage!

Qin Xiaoru and Qin Xiaohuai sisters, use their bodies to get on the top!

Bangbang is a thief!

If you offend me Yi Tianhai, don’t even think about running!

The other beasts thought the same thing.

Soon, several policemen appeared behind Gao Jian.

Let Yi Tianhai and others give a thumbs up!

It is worthy of the inspection team.

That’s efficient!

Just said that Lin Feng committed a crime.

The police came immediately!


Suddenly, actress Lou Xiao noticed the problem.

Obviously it was a rescue operation.

Why are there police officers on the aircraft carrier?

Totally unreasonable!

Immediately after that, the policemen went into action.

They passed by Lin Feng, and then came to the front of all the beasts.



All 7 animals were handcuffed coldly!

No beast escapes the law!

“That’s not right!”

Yi Tianhai looked at the handcuffs in his hands and shouted!

“You’ve caught the wrong person! It’s Lin Feng! He’s the criminal!”

The rest are also redressing.

“Comrade policeman, no! no!”

He Yuchen cried: “It’s wrong!”

Shaking the handcuffs on their hands, Qin Xiaoru and Qin Xiaohuai were stunned.

Hurry up and defend yourself.

We are truly law-abiding citizens!

The top of the entertainment industry!

The first love of the people and the goddess of the school tyrant!

You actually caught us live?

What kind of show effect!

“Lin Feng is the criminal!”

After being handcuffed, the actress Lou Xiao scolded: “Are you blind?

And after the actor Xu Mao next to him was handcuffed, he didn’t say a word.

It seems that the truth of the matter has been discovered.

“Uncle Policeman, it’s not me!” the child star burst into crocodile tears.

You bring this thing to me.

How will I mix in the entertainment industry in the future?

Mom’s pink banknotes can’t be fooled!

The beasts immediately looked at the high sword.

“Team Leader Gao, catch the wrong person! Hurry up! Let us go!”

You are the leader of the inspection team!(Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

Gun thugs are not arrested.

Arrest us good citizens?

We will definitely complain about you!

“Caught the wrong one?” Gao Jian looked at these beasts and showed a playful smile, “No, no, no!”

Gao Jian waved his hand and said, “There is no mistake!

Directly burned the CPUs of the beasts!

Gao Jian clapped his hands and exposed the truth in front of his own hands.

Soon, an acquaintance who was supposed to die appeared!

Wang Yu, the director of the program group of “Star Desert Island Survival”!

And beside him, there are a few familiar staff.


Yi Tianhai felt that his head was not enough!

Pointing to these people who have come back from the dead.

Qin Xiaoru shouted: “What the hell!”

“There are ghosts!!” Qin Xiaohuai was also scared half to death.

Shouldn’t all these people have died in the yacht explosion?

When he came to the scene, director Wang Yu looked embarrassed.

It was the other SEALs who disguised themselves as members of the program team and saluted.

Self-destruct identity!

They are special forces!

Maybe it’s a sense of something.

The actress Lou Xiao immediately fell to the ground.

I couldn’t speak anymore.


It’s really over this time!

“So, the yacht explosion is fake??”

Yi Tianhai wants to scold his mother!

“It’s not fake!” Director Wang Yu quickly explained, “The yacht really blew up, but we’re all fine! “

Got it?

In fact, the show has been going on in secret.

Yi Tianhai understood!

They’re monkeys!

Played by everyone.

Everything is on the right track.

The inspection team, that’s how they investigate the entertainment industry?

Deliberately creating a desert island show!?

“‘It’s good to know. “

Gao Jian stepped forward and told the truth to these beasts.

“On the desert island, we have set up a lot of candid cameras, so everything you do and everything you say is broadcast live on the whole network!”

Don’t complain when you die!

“Live on the whole network?”

This moment!

Qin Xiaoru and Qin Xiaohuai are equal to dead people.

This is to tell them that your persona has completely collapsed.

Everybody saw what you bus looked like……

Videos of you guys hooking up with men.

Everyone can see it clearly!

How can this be whitewashed!

[Hey! Cool crooked! Finally waiting for these beasts to be finished!]

[Cool and shuang! All die!Hahaha! The inspection team is awesome!Brother Feng is awesome!]

[This big game of chess, it’s finally time to close the net! Next stop Beijing circle!]

[Can be killed like this, you animals are also famous in history, although (Qian Zhao) has been stinking for 10,000 years, but it is also a name!]

He Yuchen still wants to struggle!

“Impossible! Absolutely impossible!” He Yuchen said his backer, “I’m the top of Huayi Media! You can’t do this to me!”

“What about Huayi Media?” Yang Mi brought Reba over and smiled at He Yuchen, “I’m sorry, Huayi Media has fallen, and your two Wang Dong have also gone to prison.” “

“That’s right!” Boss Yang immediately added, “and your good brother Han Zhengbin, who will also be sentenced to death for rape of minors and other crimes.” “

This time, he completely killed He Yuchen!

And Gao Jian.

In front of the actor and the actress, and then put a fierce medicine!

“There is one more thing to explain, the godfather of Hong Kong Island, Zhou Gangren, has been arrested!”


Actor Xu Maohe and actress Lou Xiao are like ashes!

The godfather of the backer has fallen into the trap.

And their past has probably been exposed!

There is only one ending waiting for the two.

Death penalty! Immediate execution!


Entertainment: Candid photos taken on a deserted island, celebrities’ charades are ruined

Entertainment: Candid photos taken on a deserted island, celebrities’ charades are ruined


Desert Island Survival was launched, but the program team lost contact and the stars were trapped.

In order to survive, they lost their restraints and exposed their true nature and turned into beasts!

As everyone knows, the program team did not lose contact, but secretly filmed the live broadcast.

The goddess who was the nation’s first love turned out to be a bus selling meat!

The actor who focuses on being gentle and elegant turns out to be a domestic violence man who takes drugs!

The top singer who was designed as a student turned out to be a smoker in a mixed society!

The whole network exploded! Collective collapse of the house! The personalities of celebrities in the entertainment industry are faked.

Only Lin Feng, the little hottie who was most hacked, has a character reversal!

“Caught a wild boar with your bare hands, cut it into pieces and roasted it. Do you call this fresh meat?”

“Surviving on a deserted island can make Reba fat, as expected of you!”

“In this environment, can we still compose divine songs such as Qili Xiang on a Sunny Day?”

Once the live broadcast was exposed, the entire network was in an uproar! High-level officials are targeting the entertainment industry!

Big reshuffle! Kill these inferior artists! Lin Feng is truly top notch!


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