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Entertainment: Candid photos taken on a deserted island, celebrities’ charades are ruined — Chapter 139

This is the ending that beasts should have!]

[Hehe, Brother Feng is fine, but he soared into the sky, are you angry?]

[Now you know who is the real boss, right?The island will only use Brother Feng as a tool?]

If you don’t know, you can’t do it unless you do!]

When they knew that they were caught in this overall situation, Yi Tianhai and other beasts regretted it very much!


Why are there desert island candid photos?

I only blame myself for being careless!

If no one around you will know, you will expose your true nature!

Now, their scandal has been known to everyone!

Leave a stench for 10,000 years!

Yi Tianhai: The character of the old drama bone Shuangxin, in fact, the godfather and daughter, the aftermath of his son’s crimes, tax evasion and so on. Moral Heavenly Venerable! Shameless!

Qin Xiaoru: The character of the first love of the people is actually a little sister bus, and she uses her body to get on top. There were three men sleeping on a desert island!

Qin Xiaohuai: The character of the goddess of Xueba is actually a useless scumbag and illiterate, and she also uses her body to ascend to the top. recognizes the thief as a godfather, and wants to use the Beijing circle to take the position, which is extremely shameless!

Bangbang: Character set up martial arts to beat child stars, but the result is a habitual thief! Specializes in cheating mother’s fans of money, and is selfish enough to do whatever it takes!

He Yuchen: The character is a top idol who debuted as a student, but as a result, he smoked, drank, got tattoos, and prostituted 343 people, mixed with the yellow hair of the society!

Xu Mao: The actor is gentle and elegant, and this one is even more heavyweight! The truth is the killer of the godfather. Domestic violence, drug abuse, drug trafficking, and murder without mercy!

Lou Xiao: The character is a confidant queen, but the result is the godfather’s lover, who also sells drugs and is guilty of heinous crimes!

What awaits these guys, of course, is the sanction of the law!

On the other side, Lin Feng was held by the officers and soldiers, as well as the stars.

“Lin Feng, this time we dispatched two aircraft carriers, one is to escort you home!”

“There is another one, but it escorts the treasure on the desert island!”

“Thank you for your outstanding contribution to the country!”

The treasure on the desert island will be handed over to the experts on the other aircraft carrier.

They will stay on a desert island for a few days.

Take a comprehensive look at the island!

Of course, it will not change the ecology above.

Wukong, these monkeys, will not be affected.

After the inspection is completed, the construction of the desert island resort will be implemented as soon as possible!

When the time comes, Lin Feng and Reba will naturally be the best spokespersons.

“These treasures must be sent to the Forbidden City as soon as possible!”

All the treasures of the desert island will be identified by experts and professional staff, and they will all be brought back!

The whole extranet exploded.

[Huaxia is amazing! I really admire it this time! Our country definitely doesn’t have such courage!]

[The aircraft carrier has been dispatched, which shows the importance attached to Lin Feng!]

[The inspection team can let the aircraft carrier come out, and are you sure that it can’t deal with the Beijing circle?]

[The show begins!Oh God!This is better than any movie or TV series!]

Under the gaze of countless netizens inside and outside the circle.

The aircraft carrier fleet was split in two.

Half escorted Lin Feng and the others back!

The other half stays here to protect the treasures on the desert island!

Three hours later, the aircraft carrier fleet docked in port.

All disembark!

The treatment is very different.

7 beasts were escorted by the police!

And Lin Feng was escorted by all the officers and soldiers!

After disembarking.

Countless media have been waiting for a long time!

Many overseas TV stations also rushed to hear the news.

They interviewed Lin Feng, and they also interviewed those beasts.

“Now, we are at the port of the South China Sea, interviewing Mr. Lin Feng who has returned!”

CCTV host Wang Bing’er and reporter Li Weila broadcast in front of the camera.

The two of them, along with the hosts and reporters of the rest of the TV stations, all gathered in front of Lin Feng.

Foreign ABC reporter Vera and island country NTV TV reporter Takizawa Vera are among them.

Around, there are many big anchors watching!

“Hello everyone, I’m Doberman!”

A funny outdoor anchor with tens of millions of fans has been here for a day!

Finally found a position at the top.

You can see Lin Feng up close!

There are too many such streamers!

are all rubbing Lin Feng’s heat!


The scene was lively.

Welcome Lin Feng’s team can apply for the World Ji (ADBJ) Nice Record!

“Lin Feng!!”

I saw a legion of the biggest guys in the entertainment industry appear!

He Yuchen was envious!

He is a prisoner, and Lin Feng has become a super top class!


This entertainment industry legion is all bigwigs!

Brother Cheng Long, Liu Tianwang, Zhang Geshen, Queen of Heaven, big director Zhang Yimou, Wu Jing and so on!

There are also many new generation star singers, all among them.

Liu Tianxian, Zhou Sheng, Deng Ziqi, Zhang Songwen, etc., dozens of big stars all came to welcome!

By the way, talk about cooperation.

Envy, jealousy, hatred!

These big names are Yi Tianhai in the Beijing circle, and they have to nod their heads when they see them. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But at this moment, they were all around Lin Feng.

Light up with pleasure.


Yi Tianhai looked at the handcuffs in his hands and felt remorseful.

It would be nice if he was Lin Feng!

A sigh in my heart.

Sure enough, he has become an outcast in the Beijing circle.

The son and wife have already gone in.

Now it’s his turn.

“However, the Beijing circle is not something you can deal with!”

Yi Tianhai, the old drama bone, sneered.

Although he’s finished!

But the Beijing circle will never be finished!

A small inspection team can’t afford to lose that behemoth!

After the bigwigs in the entertainment industry welcomed Lin Feng.

Another team has arrived!

It’s all bigwigs in the national art world.

The abbot of Shaolin Temple came to greet him with many Shaolin disciples!

The head of Wudang also appeared with many disciples.

Everyone in the Wing Chun gym came to the scene!

These bigwigs also sent invitations to Lin Feng.

I hope he has time in the future and can come and give some advice!

Listed as a guest of honor!

“Definitely, definitely!”

Lin Feng exchanged a few words with these people.

Now, he’s the busiest man!

Reba could only stare dryly from the side.

“Lin Feng, why did you become so popular when you came back, what the hell did you do!”

Never mind.

Reba’s question, Boss Yang will find time to explain it to her……

After a while, many people reappeared.

The bigwigs of the Chinese medical community are here!

I saw Academician Zhong Yuanshan, wearing a white coat, with hundreds of old Chinese medicine doctors, appearing on the port!

Facing the camera lenses of the world, walk towards Lin Feng!

“Lin Feng!

Academician Zhong Yuanshan laughed!

Lin Feng’s traditional Chinese medicine techniques must be promoted immediately!

Benefit more people with disabilities!

This is the unparalleled move of the country.

At this moment, the network went down because of Lin Feng!

[Who else is there in this row of noodles?]

[Hahaha! These beasts are stunned! What are your identities? You also cooperated with my Brother Feng to return on the same aircraft carrier?]

[Nima! Welcome Brother Feng is all big guys! This aura in the Beijing circle has to tremble when you see it!]

[Hehe! Actually, by doing this, you are declaring war on the Beijing circle, right?]

[Then fight hard!Anyway, Brother Feng has returned!].


Entertainment: Candid photos taken on a deserted island, celebrities’ charades are ruined

Entertainment: Candid photos taken on a deserted island, celebrities’ charades are ruined


Desert Island Survival was launched, but the program team lost contact and the stars were trapped.

In order to survive, they lost their restraints and exposed their true nature and turned into beasts!

As everyone knows, the program team did not lose contact, but secretly filmed the live broadcast.

The goddess who was the nation’s first love turned out to be a bus selling meat!

The actor who focuses on being gentle and elegant turns out to be a domestic violence man who takes drugs!

The top singer who was designed as a student turned out to be a smoker in a mixed society!

The whole network exploded! Collective collapse of the house! The personalities of celebrities in the entertainment industry are faked.

Only Lin Feng, the little hottie who was most hacked, has a character reversal!

“Caught a wild boar with your bare hands, cut it into pieces and roasted it. Do you call this fresh meat?”

“Surviving on a deserted island can make Reba fat, as expected of you!”

“In this environment, can we still compose divine songs such as Qili Xiang on a Sunny Day?”

Once the live broadcast was exposed, the entire network was in an uproar! High-level officials are targeting the entertainment industry!

Big reshuffle! Kill these inferior artists! Lin Feng is truly top notch!


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