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Entertainment: Candid photos taken on a deserted island, celebrities’ charades are ruined — Chapter 146

No one knew who this man was.

And why he is in such a place.

[What the hell is going on?Why is there a naked man lying on the air conditioner!]

[Ah, this, it can’t be a voyeur, perverted, right?]

[I always feel that things are not simple! This female anchor also has problems!]

[Hahaha! The charter woman’s eyes are straight! Why did she encounter such a strange thing again?]

This man wears only one pair of pants.

Now stand on the air conditioner hanging from the wall.

Body against the wall.

If you’re not careful, you’ll fall from the 12th floor!


Obviously, he couldn’t bear it so he called for help!


The men were crying profusely.

Compared to a small life.

What is dignity?

“You hold on a little longer!”

The inspectors were speechless.

Hurriedly asked the female anchor if there was anything like a rope at home “650”.

“Me, me!”

And the female anchor, her brain is blank at the moment.

Couldn’t help at all.

“And the camera line!”

The two inspectors immediately removed the belt and contributed the camera’s wire.

Let this naked man catch!

“Be careful!”

After wasting the strength of the nine bulls and two tigers, everyone finally rescued this man from the outside.

Back on the balcony, the man looked at the female anchor and fell silent.

“What’s the matter with you!”

The charter lady immediately asked.

“I’m here to fix the air conditioner!”

The man told a lie that no one would believe.

[I’m laughing to death!I’m here to fix the air conditioner!haha!Repair the air conditioner to only one pair of pants?]

[Oops! This is obviously the female anchor’s what, don’t pretend, quickly admit it.] 】

[I thought this female anchor was going to take off, but it turned out to be a collapsed house again, haha. 】

Fix the air conditioner under this pretext.

No one on the scene believed it.

“Fix your sister!” the charter lady pointed to the other party’s nose and scolded, “You can repair all the clothes by repairing the air conditioner?”

“Me!” the man said at once, “it’s hot, I’ll take off my clothes, okay?”

Death does not admit it!

Otherwise he would be miserable.

“Don’t pretend!” the charter woman sneered, diverting the firepower of the attack.

Pointing to the female anchor, the charter wife asked her to tell the truth.

“Say, are you cheating?”

If it’s a normal couple, it’s obviously not necessary.

Unless it’s an improper relationship.

“No!” the female anchor continued to talk to Tai Chi, “I don’t know him, he’s really here to fix the air conditioner!”


The charter wife has seen the market, and there are ways to prove the problem!

At this time, the vast number of netizens began to break the news in the live broadcast room!

Someone knows about this female anchor!

[Brothers!, I anonymously reported this female anchor for selling silver! Hehe! As for how you know, don’t ask. 】

Is it so exciting? Is the old man one of the customers? Count you ruthlessly, cross the river and tear down the bridge!]

[No wonder! This makes sense!]

Netizens used barrage to tell the truth to the inspection team at the scene.

“Selling Silver ……”

The inspectors were completely speechless.

They just wanted to interview a normal female anchor.

Learn a little bit about the live streaming industry.

Then let Lin Feng go out.

It’s just a hands-on approach to the live broadcast industry.

“Chartered wife, that’s the case. An inspector whispered the truth to the charter wife.

And the charter lady with a loud voice shouted directly.

“You! You’re in the business of selling meat!?grass!”

The charter wife can’t bear it!

Once this matter gets bigger, she is also responsible!

Isn’t there a crime called containment and selling silver?

Her charter wife collects rent happily every day, but she doesn’t want to be a guest in the detention center.

“You give me an honest account!”

The charter wife must clear her relationship!

She really didn’t know.

“What nonsense are you talking about!”

Of course, it is impossible for the female anchor to admit it.

And the charter wife chose to call the police directly!

“What you two have done, the police will know as soon as they investigate! Be lenient in confessing and strict in resisting!”

Under the coercion and temptation. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The man finally couldn’t stop it.

Just came back from the ghost gate.

He couldn’t stand any stimulus.

It doesn’t seem bad to be detained for 15 days to calm down.

“I admit it! I gave her 3,000 yuan for prostitution!”

At this moment, the charter lady took out the rental fee that the female anchor gave her just now from her pocket with a grim face.

It’s exactly 3000 yuan.

“You use this money to pay my rent?”

The charter wife shouted in her heart!

The female anchor sold meat for 3,000 yuan and paid the rent.

No wonder it’s so refreshing!

Because it’s so easy to make money.

The live broadcast room is crazy.

[3000 yuan!This price is too expensive!?]

[It’s not worth it!It’s not worth it!Brother, you’re confused!Who raised this price?][]

[Nice operation, hahaha! I just earned 3,000 yuan with my body, and I handed it over to the charter wife with my backhand!]

[Nima! In the live broadcast of the inspection team, one is more than a show!]

Now, the female anchor can’t hide it anymore 0 …….

Simply break the jar and break it.

“Now the competition in the live broadcast industry is so fierce!Me, what’s wrong with me finding a side hustle and a part-time job?”

“You call this a side hustle?” The three views of the charter wife were shattered by the female anchor!

I rent you the house.

How did you do this?

This female anchor actually did this before.

Later, the anti-pornography was swept away.

After losing my job, I found a live broadcast job again.

I found that the money in this line is quite fast!

But there was no glorious year.

Her income plummeted.

So, I had to use the guise of a female anchor.

Keep doing what you do.

Life is quite nourishing……

The number of people in her live broadcast room is maintained at several hundred all year round.

However, the big brother on the list has always been very arrogant.

The two have met in private, even to the point of falling in love.

If you fish, you will have money.

Just as the female anchor Tian was shamelessly explaining.

A man burst through the doorway.

Seeing this man, the female anchor shouted: “Big Feige!?”

This big Fei brother is the number one on the list!

At this moment, Brother Da Fei was carrying a kitchen knife in his hand.

Angrily rushed towards the female anchor.

“You slut!”

Brother Da Fei was furious, pointed at the female anchor and scolded: “Lao Tzu is shopping in the 2.5 business next door, ready to buy you some gifts!”

O iniquity!

Brother Da Fei really wants to fall in love with the female anchor.

Red envelopes and gifts alone will give out more than 100,000!

Turns out to be good, something happened!

Depend on!

Someone else can play you for a whole day for a few thousand dollars!

He spent more than 100,000 and touched it once?

Extremely unbalanced, my heart is twisted!

Brother Da Fei directly bought a kitchen knife.

Kill it.

Netizens in the live broadcast room have never seen such a wonderful show.

[Poof! Is this the bitter master’s wronged boss?

[Hahaha! What a coincidence, the big brother on the list wore a green hat and killed him with a kitchen knife!]

[Fortunately, Brother Feng is not here, otherwise he wouldn’t be able to bear this plot!]

[Laugh at me!The inspection team is really poisonous!Since Brother Feng joined, the situation has become more and more wrong!].


Entertainment: Candid photos taken on a deserted island, celebrities’ charades are ruined

Entertainment: Candid photos taken on a deserted island, celebrities’ charades are ruined


Desert Island Survival was launched, but the program team lost contact and the stars were trapped.

In order to survive, they lost their restraints and exposed their true nature and turned into beasts!

As everyone knows, the program team did not lose contact, but secretly filmed the live broadcast.

The goddess who was the nation’s first love turned out to be a bus selling meat!

The actor who focuses on being gentle and elegant turns out to be a domestic violence man who takes drugs!

The top singer who was designed as a student turned out to be a smoker in a mixed society!

The whole network exploded! Collective collapse of the house! The personalities of celebrities in the entertainment industry are faked.

Only Lin Feng, the little hottie who was most hacked, has a character reversal!

“Caught a wild boar with your bare hands, cut it into pieces and roasted it. Do you call this fresh meat?”

“Surviving on a deserted island can make Reba fat, as expected of you!”

“In this environment, can we still compose divine songs such as Qili Xiang on a Sunny Day?”

Once the live broadcast was exposed, the entire network was in an uproar! High-level officials are targeting the entertainment industry!

Big reshuffle! Kill these inferior artists! Lin Feng is truly top notch!


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