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Entertainment: Candid photos taken on a deserted island, celebrities’ charades are ruined — Chapter 151

“Let’s talk about you first, little fish. “

Lin Feng glanced at the female anchor, and her cold eyes made her shudder.

Immediately fell backwards and retreated a few meters away.

Then, Lin Feng exposed the improper relationship between the female anchor of Xiaoyu and the executives of the Tiger Guild.

Your so-called innocent female anchor also ascended to the position by accompanying the executives.

These, at best, are morally questionable.

But Xiaoyu was in the process, because he excluded several female anchors.

caused a female anchor to commit suicide by taking sleeping pills.

This matter was suppressed by the Tiger Guild.

“This is your early bib speech, although it was removed, but we can’t find it?”

The inspection team picked up Xiaoyu’s statements on the Internet.

After becoming an anchor, Xiaoyu drew a line with his former self.

In the past, she was a proper green tea and hated the Kuomintang!

not only instigated the confrontation between men and women, but also published several “six, seven, seven, seven” remarks against the country!

A complete blast!

[Grass!I didn’t expect the inspection team to restore these deleted scarves?haha!]

[I can’t bear it!Garbage!Absolutely can’t turn over!]

[Since you hate our country so much, get out.] 】


The streamers of the Tiger Guild include the Tiger Guild itself.

There are tax evasion and other behaviors!

That’s enough to make you eggs.

Hear this.

The little fish collapsed to the ground.

She knew she was really done this time.

The kind that can’t turn over again.

Facing Lin Feng’s aggressiveness.

The person in charge also had weak legs.

It’s not good to explain to the prince of the Beijing circle this time……

“Okay, so far, why don’t you call out that god like a dragon?”

Lin Feng smiled: “I really want to meet this Shenhao himself, hurry up.” “

Really when we don’t know who Brother Rulong is?

The first god of the shark live broadcast platform, such as a dragon.

It’s the trust of your Tiger Guild!

The live broadcast room was full of barrages again, speculating about Brother Rulong’s true identity.

Since Brother Feng said so, the representative inspection team already knew who the other party was.

How can there be so many heroes on the Internet? 】

[It’s boring, I’m happy to watch so many routines on the live broadcast, I’m still safe for nothing. 】

[Haha! It turns out that Brother Long and Brother Feng are both fake gods, hehe. 】

But the person in charge continued to quibble.

He didn’t believe that the inspection team really mastered Brother Rulong’s identity.

One less handle is always good.

“Team Leader Lin, I don’t know what you’re talking about?” the person in charge denied Lin Feng’s words, “Brother Rulong, how can you be in our guild?”

“Not cooperative?”


Lin Feng walked directly towards a workstation in the guild!

Walk over to a nondescript desk.

Lin Feng looked at this young man and said with a smile: “Hello, like a dragon!”

If you are like a dragon, you will work in the Tiger Guild!

The whole network exploded again!

The inspection team can really make trouble.

Knowing everything.

But just play!

Hey, play you guys to death.

Now, the whole network knows what Rulong looks like.


It’s just the appearance of an ordinary worker.

After being named by Lin Feng, Brother Rulong was so frightened that he didn’t dare to move.

He’s just a small clerk who plays Shenhao.

The kind that can be fired in minutes.

“Don’t be afraid!”

Reba saw that he was very worried about his career prospects, and immediately comforted him: “We know that you are just a hard worker, as long as you cooperate well with our inspection team, it will be fine.” “

We will not embarrass a worker.

With Reba’s assurance, Brother Rulong became bolder.

Never mind!

Anyway, the inspection team can’t be offended.

“How long have you been pretending to be Shenhao?”

Lin Feng’s first question, the young man thought for a while and replied, “One year and three months.” “

The time coincides with the rise of the gods on the Internet, such as Brother Long.

“How much do you get paid?”

Lin Feng asked a heart-wrenching question again.

This young man pretended to be a god like a dragon.

Millions of minutes on the Internet!

Assets of more than 10 billion!

In contrast, the gap between reality and the Internet is a bit big.

Young people have also been obsessed with being a wealthy person online. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

I can’t extricate myself for a long time.

Every time he appeared in the live broadcast room, every female anchor treated him as an emperor.

“Thank you Brother Rulong’s big rocket!

“Brother Rulong, next time I will pamper the slave and maid!

“Brother Rulong is domineering and mighty! everyone hurry up and punch in Shenhao!”

A word of compliment fully satisfied his vanity.

Even, sometimes he really wants to use his meager salary to give gifts to female anchors!

Let’s change a word brother!

Virtual currency because it is invisible.

Therefore, people often use it without moderation.

Accidentally, hundreds of thousands are gone……

Still, he held back.0

Too painful.

Every day when he goes home late and can only eat instant noodles.

Only then did he wake up. []

Oh. I’m not a god.

It’s just a hard worker……

“The monthly income is about 3,200 yuan. “

The young man said his income, and directly put all the netizens down.

Dignified and heroic as Brother Long!

Monthly income of 3200 yuan!

That’s not your average low!

Xihang is also a developed city no matter how you say it.

Is there a problem with this salary determination?

The live broadcast room is all ridicule.

[At a young age, my income reached 3,200 yuan per month, am I proud? 】

[It’s so exciting! Brother Shenhao is like a dragon, and his monthly income is 3200 yuan! So at least half of everyone who is doing it is Shenhao!]

[Wow! The Tiger Guild is not a person! Is it so exploitative and hard to force workers?]

[Tens of billions of Shenhao monthly income of 3,200 yuan? Hahaha! This is the funniest joke I’ve ever heard. 】

The person in charge hurriedly came out to explain.

“Team Leader Lin! We have a basic salary! There is also a commission!”

So, Lin Feng asked the young man, “How much do you get?”

“Uh. “

The young man said embarrassedly: “I have never gotten it, every time I say that my conditions are not up to standard, and I will work hard next time.” But it’s a pretty easy time for me. “

It’s just pretending.

Even the members of the inspection team can’t stand it!

This Tiger Guild is too dark!

Commission, not a single cent!0.2

It’s nice to say, but it’s actually ugly.

There are always ways to deduct it.

“Okay, we got it. “

Lin Feng let go of the hard-working workers.

The inspection team dealt with the Beijing circle, the Tiger Guild.

It’s the capital of those who don’t deserve it.

Not these people.

Look at the person in charge of the live guild.

Lin Feng directly pronounced the verdict.

“Tiger Guild, closed for rectification!”

As for whether you can open it in the future, it depends on the efficiency and attitude of your transformation!

At this moment, the whole network has seen the fate of the Tiger Guild.

Especially Joseph Chen, the prince of the Beijing circle.


He smashed everything in the villa!

“Grass, grass, Lin Feng, you remember me!”

This time, Joseph Chen, the prince of the Beijing circle, was really angry!

It’s clear that you’re going to him!

“Lin Feng, believe it or not, I’m looking for someone to kill you!?”.


Entertainment: Candid photos taken on a deserted island, celebrities’ charades are ruined

Entertainment: Candid photos taken on a deserted island, celebrities’ charades are ruined


Desert Island Survival was launched, but the program team lost contact and the stars were trapped.

In order to survive, they lost their restraints and exposed their true nature and turned into beasts!

As everyone knows, the program team did not lose contact, but secretly filmed the live broadcast.

The goddess who was the nation’s first love turned out to be a bus selling meat!

The actor who focuses on being gentle and elegant turns out to be a domestic violence man who takes drugs!

The top singer who was designed as a student turned out to be a smoker in a mixed society!

The whole network exploded! Collective collapse of the house! The personalities of celebrities in the entertainment industry are faked.

Only Lin Feng, the little hottie who was most hacked, has a character reversal!

“Caught a wild boar with your bare hands, cut it into pieces and roasted it. Do you call this fresh meat?”

“Surviving on a deserted island can make Reba fat, as expected of you!”

“In this environment, can we still compose divine songs such as Qili Xiang on a Sunny Day?”

Once the live broadcast was exposed, the entire network was in an uproar! High-level officials are targeting the entertainment industry!

Big reshuffle! Kill these inferior artists! Lin Feng is truly top notch!


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