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Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat? — Chapter 044

It wasn’t long after Ye Chen got up.

Liu Yifei came down.

For the fairy sister, going to bed early and getting up early can ensure good skin.

And today Liu Yifei did not wear a white dress, but instead wore a blue casual sportswear.

Wearing white shoes, he looks full of energy。

“Good morning. ”

Ye Chen said hello.。

“Running? Liu Yifei moved her arms and asked.。

“If you don’t go, you go. “Ye Chen opened the refrigerator and took out a bottle of Fat Boy’s Happy Water.

As the lid was unscrewed, there was a “pop” sound. Liu Yifei, who originally wanted to go for a run, was stunned. She

looked back at Ye Chen, her eyes full of Unbelievable.

This person?

Drinking Coke early in the morning?

Doesn’t he really need any body management?

But seeing the action of Ye Chen raising his head to drink Coke and the surging Adam’s apple, Liu Yifei couldn’t help but swallow.。

“Do you want to drink? ”

Ye Chen took a sip, turned his head, and found that Liu Yifei was staring straight at him. He

couldn’t help but ask。

“no thank you. ”

Liu Yifei shook her head and refused.

Although she wanted to have a taste, she still worried about her manager, so as not to be in trouble if she really coughed up blood. Not long after

Liu Yifei left, Yang Mi came down.

Wearing a light blue dress The loose shirt and the ultra-short jeans were completely covered,

revealing the long fair legs.

When she saw Ye Chen, Yang Mi showed a smile and said hello。

“let’s go. ”

When Ye Chen saw Yang Mi coming down, he was ready to go out.。

“Go now? ”

Yang Mi was confused.

She originally thought that she would have to wait until noon to eat the butchered vegetables, but she didn’t expect to go out early in the morning.。

“Pork-killing vegetables are usually eaten in the morning。”

“oh. ”

The two of them went out and went straight to Gao Yong’s house.

Today is Gao Yong’s brother’s wedding, and the village is holding a wedding event, so it is naturally lively.

From far away, you can hear the sound of playing the suona and playing the erhu.

From time to time, you can hear the sound of firecrackers.。

“Are we going to go there empty-handed? ”

Yang Mi followed Ye Chen, walking on the path in the field, swaying left and right, a little unsteady. Obviously

she had never walked this kind of road before, and she was extremely unaccustomed to it.。

“Who said I went empty-handed? I prepared red envelopes. “Ye Chen said。

“ah? Have you prepared any red envelopes? I do not have it. ”

When Yang Mi heard this, she immediately became anxious.

She had forgotten about this incident. She was in a hurry to go out today and didn’t prepare any red envelopes at all.。

“We are a couple now, so one of us can just give red envelopes. “Ye Chen said casually.

It sounded different to Yang Mi.

Although it was a one-day CP, it was somewhat uncomfortable for Yang Mi.

After all, she had never been in love before, so she came to participate in this show. , she didn’t really come here for love.

If it weren’t for the coercion and inducement from her manager and her mother, she would not be willing to come on this kind of show.

But Yang Mi didn’t refute what Ye Chen said.

The two came soon Arriving at Gao Yong’s house,

Gao Yong and a man stood at the door to greet the guests.

Apparently that man was his brother Gao Qiang.

Seeing Ye Chen and Yang Mi, Gao Yong and Gao Qiang quickly greeted them with smiling faces.。

“congratulations. ”

Ye Chen took out the red envelope and offered it to。

“Thanks. ”

After Gao Qiang took it, the smile on his face never stopped.

Although the people in the village are simple, it would be a good thing if a celebrity attended a w

“Ye Chen, I’m quite busy today, you can do whatever you want, we can play football together another day. ”

Gao Yong brought Ye Chen to a table and sat down. After briefly introducing the elders in the family, he spoke.。

“Okay, go ahead and do your work. ”

Ye Chen nodded, not polite.

Yang Mi sat next to Ye Chen, looking a little reserved.

Facing the looks of a group of uncles and aunts, Yang Mi just smiled.。

“Okay, let’s kill the pig. “Suddenly an old man stood up.

The other old men drinking tea also followed him out.。

“Do you want to see a pig slaughtered? “Ye Chen asked.

Yang Mi had already wanted to move around. After hearing this, she naturally nodded happily.

When the two came out, several people had already come over carrying a cage.

There was a cage containing three to four hundred animals. A big fat pig weighing 5 pounds.

There were a large group of people watching the fun around.

The four uncles were wearing aprons and rubbing their hands to open the cage and kill the pig.

In the director room,

Yang Chaoyue asked with a surprised look on his face: “Kill directly?

Guo Qilin replied jokingly: “You can also pray before killing. ” He Jiong laughed loudly: ”

Otherwise, how do you think I should kill him?”

Yaya: “This is the first time I’ve seen a pig being killed. “。”

“This is definitely a famous scene, killing pigs and killing pigs. I have heard of it, but I have never seen it before.。”

“I feel so pitiful. Can you let this pig go?”

“Damn it, move the Leshan Giant Buddha, come and sit。”

“I’m sorry, don’t eat pork. Don’t scold me so early in the morning.。”

“Damn, where did this lunatic come from? If you let it go, it will become a wild boar. ”

Soon, as an uncle opened the cage,

the big fat pig, which weighed hundreds of pounds, slowly walked out.

It was obvious that he felt the fear of death.

The big fat pig was a little scared.

He kept turning in circles, as if he wanted to escape. this place。

“Okay, tie it up first. ”

One of the uncles stepped forward and slowly stroked the big fat pig, letting it lie down.

Several uncles around him came forward with ropes, trying to tie up the big fat pig’s limbs.

However, at this time, I know whose naughty child suddenly set off a firecracker.

The big fat pig was frightened and instantly ejected and ran away.

Seeing this, several uncles swarmed up and tried to control the big fat pig.

However, the big fat pig had the strength to break free quickly. After being restrained by several people, he rushed towards Ye Chen and Yang Mi.。

“ah. “Yang Mi screamed in fright.

When Ye Chen saw this, he pushed Yang Mi away, then ducked to the side, taking advantage of the big fat pig rushing over.

He picked up the pickaxe on the side and pointed it at the big fat pig. The fat pig’s head just hit.

The big fat pig that had been running away in panic instantly fell to the ground and started twitching.。

“Okay, boy。”

“Not bad。”

“This guy can do it. ”

When the uncles and aunties around saw this scene, they all gave Ye Chen a thumbs up.。

“I guess, Ye Chen’s actions and reactions can make him a god, right?”

“So handsome, this operation is so smooth.。”

“Ye Chen, you old man, why are you doing such a cool thing?”

“The first draft knocked out a fat pig weighing several hundred kilograms. Ye Chen, I really belong to you.。”

“Isn’t this naughty little kid? That hand just now shocked me. ”

Even the four people in the director room were confused. They

all opened their mouths slightly and clapped.

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Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?

Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?


Ye Chen traveled to a parallel world

Become a newcomer in the entertainment industry

Participated in the variety show “Heartbeat Feeling” under the arrangement of the company

Awakening the “Earth Qi” System Unintentionally

As long as you behave more down-to-earth,

The higher the experience value gained

So as to have system rewards


Lianzong’s style of painting has completely gone astray

Huachen Yuwa character design

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu plays guitar

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu sings

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Yang Mi: Ye Chen, what flavor of melon seeds are you eating?

Dilraba: Ye Chen, give me some melon seeds, I want more.

Liu Tianxian: Ye Chen, are there any spiced melon seeds?



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