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Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat? — Chapter 049

Seeing Ye Chen in such an embarrassing scene.

The four people in the director’s room were laughing like crazy.

Yang Chaoyue was lying on the table, banging his fists on the table.

While out of breath, he said: “Isn’t Ye Chen famous for his shamelessness? Why is he so shy?”

Guo Qilin: “It is true that Ye Chen is shy to death, which is really rare.”

Yaya: “It seems Ye Chen is not shameless, he is just more casual, but he is really cute when he looks like this?”

“Yaya also thinks Ye Chen is cute? ”

He Jiong seemed to have heard something terrible. He immediately stared at Yaya with his eyes.

Yaya’s cheeks turned red and she immediately looked away.

At this moment,

in the yard of Gao Qiang’s house,

Yang Mi covered her mouth. He laughed.

It has been several days since he came to the love house.

Ye Chen gave Yang Mi the feeling that he was casual, it didn’t matter, he just did whatever he had to do.

For Yang Mi, all this was just a simple thought of teaming up with Ye Chen It would be more casual.

But at this moment, seeing Ye Chen lowering his head shyly, Yang Mi suddenly felt that this big boy also had a cute side. He was so cute that she wanted

to touch Ye Chen’s head and ask him how he felt now. .

But all this was what Yang Mi was thinking, and she didn’t say it out loud.

Ye Chen did not lose himself in the shouts of big brother.

He watched Aquan, Xiaoqiang and several children sit down, a total of six children.

One by one Looking at Ye Chen and Yang Mi with sharp eyes?

“Brother, have you changed your wife? ”

Aquan suddenly asked?

“It was a different one, it was another aunt last time. ”

Xiaoqiang followed and said?

“That aunt is covered in cow dung and is no longer worthy of my elder brother. ”

Aquan said loudly.

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the live broadcast room burst into laughter again.?

“These two naughty kids, dare to say that my Fatty is not good enough for Ye Chen?”

“Little brat, come here and see if I don’t beat the shit out of you?”

“I can’t bear it, I really can’t bear it, I must teach this little brat a lesson?”

“Call me Auntie Reba, do you want to listen to what nonsense you are saying? ”

That is to say, Di Lieba is not here, otherwise she would probably be mad after hearing this.

Yang Mi on the side covered her mouth and laughed. Looking at the group of children, and then at Ye Chen, she felt more and more interesting Get up?

“Don’t talk nonsense. If you’re not married, you can’t be considered your wife. ”

Ye Chen pressed his hand.

At this moment, he had recovered.

Although he felt embarrassed to be surrounded by a group of children.

But he was already screaming, what else could Ye Chen do.

Looking at Yang Mi’s expression that was half-smiling but not smiling , Ye Chen could only force out an awkward smile.?

“Okay, it’s time to serve. ”

The banquet started, and the helpers carried trays among the crowd and started serving food.

The first dish was peppercorn chicken. Ye Chen was also very discerning and got up to help serve the food.

But when Ye Chen brought the food, he didn’t Instead of putting it down, she held it with both hands in front of Yang Mi.

Yang Mi was obviously taken aback, feeling a little shy about being taken special care of like this.?

“Just put it on the table, I can pick it up. ”

Yang Mi said?

“You can’t clip it. ”

Ye Chen shook his head and refused.

Yang Mi was full of doubts and couldn’t understand what Ye Chen was thinking.

But under Ye Chen’s insistence, she still put a piece of peppercorn chicken in the bowl.

Ye Chen then put the dish on the table Enter.

As soon as the plate was put down, several pairs of chopsticks were already grabbing the pepper chicken impatiently.

At the same time, a dirty little hand could be seen among them.?

“Xiaoqiang, don’t use your hands?”

“Just now, Xiaoqiang’s hand caught cow dung and he hasn’t washed his hands yet.?”

“Damn, Xiaoqiang, you’re a big idiot. ”

In just a moment, the plate of pepper chicken has been wiped out, leaving only some side dishes.

All the chicken has been divided up by a few children.

Especially the conversation between a few people just now, let Yang Mi understand Ye Chen Why did she say she couldn’t pick it up?


If she put the dishes directly on the table, she, Yang Mi, really couldn’t grab these children.

At this moment, Yang Mi turned her head and glanced at Ye Chen, feeling warm in her heart.

Director’s room.

Guo Qilin: “Is this the so-called reason why you can’t get enough to eat at the same table with children?

Yaya: “Actually, we are full. When the children are full, they will not grab it, but they will definitely not be able to eat the first few dishes. ”

He Jiong: “It seems that Ye Chen is a person with rich life experience. ” Yang

Chaoyue: “I feel Ye Chen is so warm. Let Sister Mi pick up the food first, otherwise I won’t have anything to eat.”?”

“Thank you Ye Chen for taking care of my Damimi?”

“Sure enough, you can’t sit at the same table with your children when eating.?”

“I’m going to die laughing. That one caught him without washing his hands is really weird.?”

“Xiaoqiang and Aquan, these two little brats, are a living pair.?”

“So funny. ”

Soon, when the second dish was served, Ye Chen brought the dish to Yang Mi again.

This time Yang Mi also learned the lesson.

Without asking any more questions, she not only picked it up for herself, but also gave it to Ye Chen in the bowl. I also picked up some vegetables.

Under Ye Chen’s special care, Yang Mi was still full.

And when they got to the back, several children had already disappeared.

Only Ye Chen and Yang Mi were left at the table. Eat.

No need to grab it now?

“Come, try this last snack, flower cake. ”

Ye Chen picked up a biscuit and handed it to Yang Mi.?

“Flower cake? ”

Yang Mi was confused.?

“Yes, this is made from roses. Try it, it’s delicious. ”

Hearing what Ye Chen said, Yang Mi picked it up and took a bite.

Her eyes suddenly lit up.?

“Well, delicious?”

“If it tastes good, eat more?”

“No, one is enough for me. ”

Yang Mi waved her hand and refused.

She has eaten enough today, and she will exceed the limit if she eats any more.?

“If you don’t want to eat, I’ll pack it up. ”

However, Ye Chen’s next move directly made Yang Mi tired on the outside and tender on the inside.

Ye Chen took out a red bag from his trouser pocket, grabbed the mouth of the bag with both hands and shook it, and then put the rest Six or seven flower cakes were put into bags?

“Damn it, Ye Chen, what the hell is that red plastic bag on your dinner table?”

“This wave of operations can make our village a god.?”

“The uncles and aunties who are eating at the banquet are not so professional. Ye Chen, you are so professional?”

“I’m numb. Ye Chen, you’re here to participate in a love show. What’s going on?”

“My instructor thinks it’s normal, and I often do this too.?”

“Ye Chen is a star, a young star, hahaha. ”

Even the four people in the director room felt numb.

He Jiong wanted to say, brother, you are here to participate in the love show.

As an artist, if you do this, do you really have no one you care about?

And Yang Mi She was already covering her mouth, laughing so hard that she was out of breath.

For this operation, she just wanted to give Ye Chen a six-six-six gesture.

PS: Happy Dragon Boat Festival everyone, we are celebrating the holiday today and visiting relatives, starting now Update, thank you for your support


Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?

Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?


Ye Chen traveled to a parallel world

Become a newcomer in the entertainment industry

Participated in the variety show “Heartbeat Feeling” under the arrangement of the company

Awakening the “Earth Qi” System Unintentionally

As long as you behave more down-to-earth,

The higher the experience value gained

So as to have system rewards


Lianzong’s style of painting has completely gone astray

Huachen Yuwa character design

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu plays guitar

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu sings

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Yang Mi: Ye Chen, what flavor of melon seeds are you eating?

Dilraba: Ye Chen, give me some melon seeds, I want more.

Liu Tianxian: Ye Chen, are there any spiced melon seeds?



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